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Thanks for the post on terpenes Sam!
sam, sounds like you particularly don't like how CBD mellows out your flying sativa (NLD) highs.... i can see that
ever consider how CBD might influence the bud of a nice indica (WLD) buzz?
Not to me.
lets talk solutions to the "problem" you have presented.... or rather prevention to the possible scenario you have laid out. What CAN & SHOULD be done by growers, breeders, pollen chuckers and the like all do in order to "protect" the cannabis gene pool.
I guess the easiest is to not take CBD varieties to areas of traditional high THC only areas, but for the rest it is really the folks with little access to analysis that can't do much to avoid problems.
The less they are spread around without clear notice they are CBD the better.
also, i knew you created finola, but was unaware that it was CBD rich.... around what percentages of CBD does it generally produce?
Thanks for the post on terpenes Sam!
Yeah, '96. The years blur together. Seems like yesterday.
As I said, Sam, the Cannabis gene pool is vast enough to accommodate. Look at the complexity of OLDpro's experiments. He is just one guy (or girl). My own experiments are nearly as complex and there are right now thousands and thousands of people of all skill levels throwing pollen around making an infinity of new combinations. The best will emerge. What the best genetics are depends on your point of view, your goals and objectives. Should a hemp farmer be concerned about what a doper wants?
It would seem to me that you, Sam Skunkman, who has grown weed by the hectare and spread millions of seeds around, ought to be the most qualified to do the kind of old school preservation you talk about. What us little people out in the hinterlands of semi legality shouldn't make much difference. The plant will prevail.
This is exactly what I am doing trying to do, warn folks of dangers before they happen. Do you think it good when unthinking folks took WLD hybrid seeds to Mexico, Jamaica and Morocco? The same will be true when CBD seeds are taken to traditional NLD THC drug areas. People can have CBD without adding it to many or all Cannabis producing areas, is a good way to start.
@Avinash, Finola, I think, has a low CBD content, under 5% at best. But it makes a better concentrate than those CBD elixirs made from hemp stalks that sell for stupid high prices. I've made a couple hybrids that probably come out a bit higher with some THC mixed in. For seizures anyway, I don't think it takes a very big CBD dose to be effective.
I had seen an article from 2013 about the werc shop in Pasadena California was supposed to be coming out with a big terpene study.
I recently looked more into but no study, they did recently start a terpene "enhanced" cannabis brand so maybe that's where the research study ended up?? I'm guessing that's where most terpene research will end up over the next couple years...
They've done a bunch of testing but their is literally zero true NLD varieties available for them to test from Cali dispensaries so can't imagine too much enlightening info. I will be growing out all the "available" True NLD strains I can acquire in seed form and will begin testing them this winter. Will only have 15 or so females but next year I will test at least 99 with a late flowering bumper crop I will do. I will start posting smoke reports alongside cannabinoid/terpinoid profiles
Also the medical book "cannabis pharmacy" by Michael backes he claims the original haze had up to 2% CBD and that beta-caryophyllene is responsible for the up sativa high. Not sure where he got this information no citation.
As I have posted many times I like Limonene