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Carolina Blue x Digital Berry Bx1


ICMag Donor
Carolina has some of the best quality glands I've ever seen on a plant when grown properly. Touching any part of it sounds like your walking in snow - crush, crush, crush - glands every where.

The original Bluebubble male ie and the Digi mom - both were consistently superior resin producers as well. The digi bx1 sawtooth male I selected was very consistent for traits known to the digi mom and I've been told it is very much like the first Bluebubble male was...

All this together means the potential for just superior resin production of the highest quality.

After seeing yours I'm a bit jealous - hahaha - I gotta get more in the dirt. I ALREADY PROMISED - no one would find a better pheno in these seeds than me - hehehe!!! Looks like I've got a challenge on my hands!

*in Mr. Burns fashion* - exxxcceelllent!



Rock candy buds..crunch,crunch indeed.
I just wanna smoke her.I'm surprised I haven't sampled yet..I'll wait.

Here's the mom I've found...good luck in finding yours.


Started 10..this is the best of them..

Cut down my Space Krush in rememberance of my uncle who passed away 2 days ago.Cancer.


He was a good man..he feels no pain and I'm sure he's in a better place.
Visited with him a couple weeks ago.he was 66,but looked 96..cancers a motherfucker.

Anyways,the space Krush is a space queen grape Krush that I x'd when I did the bs2.2 x gk.so same dad as the CB
I had to cut her since all the branches,flopping around.
The show must go on....


ICMag Donor
Never enjoyed a GK female much - can't say I've met a male outcross though that I haven't liked...



ICMag Donor
she should put up some really nice numbers it looks - colas all tipping over hehehe!




ICMag Donor
I'd take her. I still think those patches of weird white hair are some sort of stress sign due to something.

I know I see that when I have late pollen in the room or I push too much nitrogen late into flower...only times I've seen it. Usually, I try and pluck things that look "odd" hahaha!



Its been really hot,hot,hot in these parts as of lately.
97 today,with no relief in site.and I have no AC.
Had to shut off the 600 today.feels better,and I think the plants appreciate it.


Looking nice indeed, I'm about 2 weeks out from popping mine.My shops a cluster%$#@ of stuff right now.Organized chaos.I'm lucky though my a/c works better when its hot.Today is the first day over 62 in weeks and the 1st day to hit 70 since about March.When its 85 outside, about the limit max high temp here, my a/c cranks...but when its 60 out it works "alright"...Those pics^^ above are moving me closer to the day, I just have one tree in the way...Nice work Frank, people seem to be having some damn fine results here.:tiphat:Hats off to ya'!


ICMag Donor
Hey Chaco....man...be glad to have you get a case of the "blues" - hehehe

But really - this project is the result of a site wide effort, INDIRECTLY, of course. But each of these lines has been worked and/or found and breed by members of this site. I love these plants simply for the community history that is behind it all - and as they grow - it just simply baffles me that all of it was ever even a possibility in a world that is soooooo hush hush. I think back to why I joined ICmag - why I grow this plant - what it is all about - and how much of it is all facilitated as a direct result of the information shared on these forums. What Gypsy has done - peace be with him where ever he be - is truly remarkable and deserves accolade. I for one would never feel right taking "credit" for these seeds - I simply feel they evolved into being as an inevitable natural cataclysmic extension of the passion each person has put into their gardens...I was merely the hands that acted this fold of the event.

But I am super excited to know that people will benefit from them - I know there is GREAT medicine to be had.

It certainly IS NOT -again- a line that is really for any purpose other than pursuit of a given cannabinoid profile. Anything that carries these glands is worth the effort for me - and that includes sorting through some really odd ones some times. So don't be alarmed by the freaks too much - because they are certainly there - but you should easily find a manageable plant as well - that has EXCELLENT attributes, both in growth and consumption.



Hey thanks guys..
Yeah Chili,she's had a sweet berry smell to her throughout veg and into mid flowering.
But now she has a rotting fruit smell to her,at the same time sweet undertones..smells like uh very dank.
Picked up an AC unit..big difference..no shit,eh?
Also looked back at my notes,and I'm 3 days behind.so tomorrow is day 73..garden comes down tomorrow..they're ready:woohoo:


ICMag Donor
I'm thinking back on things too...and I bet heat was the issue. I also had pretty high temps due to lights being close...not exactly high room temps - and in places closer to the heat zone - I saw some of those hairs. (mind you ENTIRELY different genetics I'm referring too - so I'm looking at it as a general thing; certainly NOT a genetic thing)

I think my assumption was late pollen from some odd source because I had a fan there specifically on that area and they were the tallest / most exposed buds ...figured wayward pollen made sense.

But I really really in thinking about it bet it was from excessive heat - thanks, man!

Yeah - I got the A/C going for them too - they say thank you in big ways when you keep them happy. Needless to say - I DON'T get A/C now - only so much room in the budget - but that's life - keeping ladies pleased.. ;)



ICMag Donor
MeltingPot's run of Phillthy's Carolina Blue clone -


Wanted to make note of the few white hairs poking out in his photo as well. I never saw this on my runs or on Phillthy's runs. I am still guessing a slight heat issue....even in THAT beautiful of a pic...lol. She is a fussy gal... In part why I'm so excited to see the results of this hybrid. If it tames her - doesn't alter cannabinoid profile - enriches her flavor - then we certainly have the makings of a line that could potentially bring Carolina Blue to a consistent seed line. It would of course, take finding the right combo of true breeding males and several generations of backing to the mom - who knows...

It'll give me something to do.... ;)



Hi there..
Decent harvest..flowers are hanging on strings.I like how it looks.
Eyeballing the cbdb,couple o's.nice solid tops,lots of popcorn.
Also,upon inspection,no nanners..not 1.I did notice a couple seeds,must of been them freaks.
Also no mold.I thought that maybe it would be an issue due to the humidity these past weeks.and me with no AC.nah..not a spore...I have AC now.so a nice cool enviroment they will have.
Anyway I'll post a report soon..
In the mean time..round 2 begins..