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Carolina Blue x Digital Berry Bx1


ICMag Donor
Can't wait to hear how she smokes man - congrats on a successful run - and I know round 2 will be even better with that A/C running...

Cheers man! Thanks for sharing!



Yup..heat and soil ph was my problem.ya think I'd know by now.I guess I was too comfy in my so called zone...live and learn.
Yeah..well I'm very pleased..I smell these flowers and I want to eat them..


Buteo Jamaicensis
damn frank, I just wanted to say real quick thanks for posting all this. I havent made it through page one already and its been incredibly informative. I never knew what the lineage of bluebubble was until now, as I have it in seed form of f2s and various crosses. Im gonna finish reading the whole thread now but I just wanted to get that thanks out there.:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Hey abird - really good to see ya posting again - been a while, yeah? Thanks for the kind words!

Bluebubble = stud of studs. LOL. I have since learned a bit more about his lineage in fact...wish I had more specifics on him. Although my Digi Bx1-stb was chosen to HOPEFULLY give another filial generation of his quality - ie that of the digi as well. NO easy task mind you.

What do you have from the x Bluebubble menu!?! You sir, sit at the end of a rainbow!

The Sour Bubble Bx2 male was named "Arnold" - I even saw a few pics of him the other day. I speak at times of a latent Sour Bubble expression that came through like clockwork via the Bluebubble male and thank the stars - also my Digi "SawTooth-Boy" - and after seeing the pics of "Arnold" - man oh man - it is even 10x more clear to me how to find that powerhouse male hidden within literally every line my sawtooth-boy fathers. Craziest thing also - that "Arnold" expression is ALWAYS a male. I've yet to find a female yielding such an expression - the females are tried and true blueberry funk. THAT is also there very very heavy in all the offspring. NOT just the females mind you. Heavy serrations and thick dark blueberry smells are the dominant expression in about 5-6 out of 20 - both within the male and females. The Hybrid 50/50 - blended type F1 expressions are slightly more common 10-12 our of 20. The plants not really expressing much / any significant influence from the father are less likely - showing about 2-4 out of 20. The extreme "Arnold" expression male - is found consistently in about 1 out of 20-25 seeds or so. (to be clear - the ratios represent offspring from 4 outcrosses from 4 poly-hybrid F1 crosses, fathered by my selected Digital Berry Bx1 male - ie digi sawtooth-boy ie digi-stb - he's a stud - he earned himself a name that fancy 'lil fellar!)

Now - if I could just find a male that breeds true at some interval for the pure THAI expression held within the digital berry line. I still have about 15 or so Digital Berry Bx1 seeds to sort at some point. I'm still looking for "that one" keeper female in the line...



Buteo Jamaicensis
well put frank. your male selection has really made me kick myself in the ass, as when I ran a few of the beans I have to test em out I didnt keep any of the males. luckily, I still have quite a few of casey jones x bluebubble and blueberry x bluebubble, along with some bluebubble f2s and salmon creek big bud x bb. I do remember the female I got from the f2 test tended to lean more towards the sb side. a thai expressive male sounds awesome, I hope you find it man.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Wow...A Bird! Great to see you old friend. For the rest of you CBxDB lovers I have uploaded just a handful of pixels in my grow, many thanks Df..DD



Active member
ICMag Donor
just update myself. i was a few pages down. really enjoiable reading. beatiful development dank.frank & every1 involved -- :respect: --
Saludos and best wishes


ICMag Donor
More Carolina Blue x Digital Berry Bx1 heading to the bay this week - I'll be in touch with Clarence and let folks know the time frame for when they get listed...

These will all be for the Server Fund of course - probably some @ B.I.N. for those on a tighter budget and some @ auction so the site gets some funds to help it stay running smoothly.

PLEASE - be respectful of what you or others have in their pockets - and select your purchase according to your personally financial abilities. I know that is kinda of a lot to ask - ie spend a bit more than you otherwise would have to - but remember - these are DONATED for a good cause - and we all have surely gotten our value out of this site...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Awesome thread. I am midway through my first full grow, and I am thinking I want to try to get my hands on some of these seeds for my next run.

It is amazing to see the lineage and work all you guys put into this. Heres to hoping I can snag some when the next batch comes out! Looks like a ICMAG champion!


Took some pics this weekend. Here's my favorite CB x DB BX1 gal. She is 37 days into flower.






I've had my eye on her since she was a tiny seedling. I noticed a real nice funk very early on that set her apart from the others.

When I think of how she smells one word comes to mind. Heavenly.

She's the most blueberry smelling plant I've ever run, and I've run quite a few in the blue line. When I squeeze a bud the aroma is thick and rich, predominantly berry and a little creamy. It's not a syrupy smell, or a candy type smell. Not really blueberry muffin smell either. She's more like a high end gourmet dessert. The crystal coverage speaks for itself. She's my favorite plant in the garden.

I have 3 other females coming up behind her. One looks very similar with less scent. 2 others just went in, one is much larger structured, and 1 is a mutant.

I'm so happy with her. Big thanks to Dank Frank and everyone else who contributed to this project!


ICMag Donor
Well...I had a post and then just hit the back button to hunt down a post to make reference too...with out thinking - and just lost it all ... errrrrr.... lol.

I'll come back and edit this again so it stays below yours for proper read and immediate reference to those pics.

Which by they way - :respect: Should have saved the +rep for a few feeding pointers rather than the info. So, not as a tell you how to do - but I'm seeing a few things. Not sure how she's being fed / grown, but I do see the tip burn. So I know your pushing a little bit - be careful with that. That thai influence can really come back and bite you (ie throw a few nanners) So that tip burn and bit of tip curl downward (the tip kinda flowing to the right - is from my male - he does that...lol) - show the push - even if it be every so slight. But I'd give it a touch more calcium as well. Those yellow dots - I bet get a bit more rusty in the centers as that yellow outer edge of the circle expands - is a lack of calcium.

Think it was maybe ClackmasCoot or Gascanastan - that were sharing with me their thoughts on the overlooked importance of calcium in particular to yields and flower density...I'll be sure to find out...so I don't slander their names or the info...

Was told The White x Digi Bx1 -stb (sawtooth boy male) threw some full on balls - so....

I don't like to mislead - and sometimes, if you breed a given trait out of a line - you lose other qualities as well. I'll deal with a couple finicky quirks to get that TRUE 3rd expansion. (research Thai's and how sensitive they can be) Don't want to do what happened to tomatoes - make them evenly round and red via genetic alteration - but in doing so, lose all the flavor and texture of the fruit...gotta make it a heirloom tomato - sure may not be a bit lumpy and visually less appealing / uniform - but you'll never beat the flavor the heirloom fruit...

Some things just simply have to be accepted for what they are. Even if that leaves it less commercial/consumer friendly...

And I said I had more to say - hahaha - Got me all excited. I'll detail that pheno in the edit. ;)



Great thanks for the info I look forward to learning whatever I can about her.

She's being grown in coco, hand watered. I actually recently changed my nutrient lineup. She was being fed house and garden coco nutes during veg, and in flower it was a mix of silica, botanicare PBP, and a little cal mag.

However this feeding program was not working out very well. It was something put together without much thought to the plants needs, and it was showing up with some of my girls not as happy as they should be. They finished ok without any serious issues, but a change was needed. So I read up here on good ol IC Mag and ended up making a switch.

I decided to go with Heads coco recipe. They've been receiving this new mix for about 2 weeks. One thing I noticed is how much lighter it is than what I was giving them before. The bloom mix is about half the ppm's of what I was using before. So you're right I was pushing it. Also I was completely oblivious to what ratios I was giving them. I always thought more was better, but I'm beginning to understand the importance of having the nutrients available in the proper amounts.

So now they have a more balanced diet. Well see where it goes. They seem to like it so far.


Active member
Wow scrappy your pics got me all excited! Can't wait for these to be available. Might just have to grab a couple packs instead of my usual 1 pack. Any word on when these will be showing up?


ICMag Donor
Yes....I didn't get them sent in as hoped...things have been really strained budget wise. BUT - they are packaged up and sitting - waiting for that spare $20 to get them across the pond for you folks. It'll be soon - and It'll be at least 30 packs.


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