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Bush Weed Seeds


Active member
seems quite likely mm would have at least 50% thai xet ,
it may be pure thai inbred in oz , without checking dna ,
we can only make assumptions and guesses really,

hempy didnt seem to like the idea it came from laos ,
but since it seems likely the thai came from laos originally anyhow ,
there is also a chance its in its lineage, and that they are all related at some time or another ...

thanks for the link to that lineage from green hornet,
there is now no doubt what he called his thai ,
certainly, wasn't thai 78 that he collected in 82 ,, lol ...
Good info, and I am in agreement on the "Laos Stick" since it is considered common knowledge somewhere near 85% of "Thai stick" production was in Laos (not to suggest it was all uniform and there were not stand-out fields or batches , but pollen and terroir ..)


Well-known member
Can someone fill me in on why this became popular opinion?
You selectively quoted me to eliminate the context:
Your post:
xet quote .jpg

My actual post :
my quote about hempy.jpg

It means something different than your edited quote suggests, and it explains itself completely.

You ask why people might be skeptical of Hempy?
I'd say that people probably read his posts and formed their own opinions.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Good info, and I am in agreement on the "Laos Stick" since it is considered common knowledge somewhere near 85% of "Thai stick" production was in Laos (not to suggest it was all uniform and there were not stand-out fields or batches , but pollen and terroir ..)
yea i dont think i agree with those numbers though ,
probably reverse those numbers to thailand producing 85% ,

personally i think most thai stick was done in thailand as i mentioned before ,
some folks who visited there during the hay day also confirm this ,
and that laos was not a major producer , nor was the quality of their product as good or as welll presented ,
and im not even sure it was on sticks like what came from the thai provinces in isaan ...

how does it become common knowledge if common folks like myself and others are not aware of it?? lol ...

once the eradication programs started in thailand, its known that many farmers skipped over the border to laos to continue there ,
but any of the laos ive had has not be comparable to the thai sticks of old ,
seems rushed , pulled to early , compressed and just commercial grade brick weed usually ,
with the odd kg having a hint of what the thai stuff once was ...


Well-known member
Back to plants…

Rug-roh Raggy. He-she MM78. Some branches more than others. Sexed normal as male 7.20.2022. Thoughts?

My first experience with male to female herm. Is this typically genetic or can they be stress-induced (small pot)? Have read some reports these tend not to create fem-male herm progeny.



Well-known member
Back to plants…

Rug-roh Raggy. He-she MM78. Some branches more than others. Sexed normal as male 7.20.2022. Thoughts?

My first experience with male to female herm. Is this typically genetic or can they be stress-induced (small pot)? Have read some reports these tend not to create fem-male herm progeny.

if you got others id cull it i had same thing in my my mango thai laos and opted to use the plant to make f2s thinking not unusual for thai/laos landrace genes etc ,,when i popped last two original seeds got a beautiful solid male that ive tested to the extreme so now ill be using f2 females from the intersex male bred back to true male an take it from there bit ass over tit really lol the intersex plant produced solid females and a few hermie females ,,as to reasons why it happens i have no idea but i would guess in large fields is very difficult to eliminate hermi traits and so will be lurking in the genetic


Well-known member
Thanks for quick feedback @willydread. Only male I’ve this round. :shucks: Another 5 or so beans to check out next year.

You are the first Ive read confirming - through 1st hand experience - some herm progeny from male-fem sires. For that I thank you! :tiphat:

Edit: just noticed that swollen calyx. It’s firm with seed so inter-sex trait not all that new.
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Well-known member
I can only speculate on smoke - one A-dam NH flower and one OSSxMM I grew, such limited experience not worth mentioning but, very different highs.

Others round here with way more experience w these can give ya credible intel I m sure.



Well-known member
What I'd like to know: what criteria should I select Nev.hz21 x MM towards the mullum side?
You want to select towards the mm side ?....you'll be able to spot them....depending on which mm male was used but usually they all grow tall, very fast and tend to go tri headed...most of the mm crosses out give very pine, menthol type flavours, there are some rarer ones that are more camphor haze like which are better but there abit harder to find in some mm nh crosses.
You have provided NO EVIDENCE.
You just typed a story on the internet saying that you know things.
That is simply NOT EVIDENCE.
WHAT don't you understand about that?

Donald posted above this post that he had screen shots of his conversation with REEF where he contradicts what you and Hempy claim Nevil got from Reef.
Screen shots of posts from the actual players in this drama are evidence.

Hempy posting that "Nevil told me . . . " can only be considered evidence if the people reading his statement trust or believe the person making the claim. It's not like he's making a sworn deposition here.

I don't trust Hempy to tell the truth about that because he has OBVIOUS conflicts of interest and benefits from his version of the story.
If he was saying something that was contrary to his personal interests, it would be more believable as an unsupported statement.
I know nothing at all about you TDS, but your associations also suggest you have conflicts of interest, so I also have zero confidence in your version of a story that is not supported anywhere else by actual evidence.

On top of that, it defies common sense to think that Nev would run a breeding project with hundreds of different strains, where out of the long list he decided to use the same name for 2 different lines.
The same name.

The glove does not fit . . . (probably not the best example <g>)
View attachment 18755813

Come awn man . . . put in a bit of effort to support your claim.
Find/redact some PMs from Nev where he says it (if you got em.) Find some posts from Reef if you've seen them.
You know . . . introduce some actual evidence.
THEN you can refer to it in making your argument.
Have you even gone and looked at reefermans thai78 the evidence is there...i told people where to look for it. It has nothing to do with greenhornet. Greenhornet was not the only seed company in Switzerland..the greenhornet thai is swiss thai82 wich is a different thai....infact I think the 78 reef collected from Switzerland before greenhornet were around.....an way it dont really efect me...neither does it bother me....but I can see how hempys thai shows its distinct traits in the outback haze wich is only 25% hempys thai....yet none of those traits show in even one single plant from bushys mm78 and niether in his 78 pure....im not even sure why thats not visable to people as there are enough pictures to compare.
All Donald asked reef was if reef called gypsy thai thai78 why even ask that....I told him to go back and ask reef how many thais he gave nevil...and if one was called thai78..'but for some reason nothing came of asking a simple question like that, instead of asking if he had called other lines allready named something else he called thai78...which the answer to wound obviously be no wouldn't it ?

By the way ive never told anyone not to get bushys stuff...infact I said get it to people....I even got a couple of bits myself to back up old f1s.....
Most people who question this I bet have never tried hempys thai or a verified hybrid of it eg outback haze where its easy to pick up the profile hempys thai adds to the nh...and then tried bushys 78mm and compared the two...because I have an its clear they are not the same thing....hempy thai throws out crazy stringy pearl phenos even at 25% in the outback haze which have not showed up in any of bushys 78mm wich is a 50% of supposed genetics....
I just think people should be awarec of what they are getting...wether they chose to believe it or not is up to them...I know my conscience is clear.

Ps if people want the 78 pure thats in bushys thai pure..it is available (if anyone gets it give romano weed a shout please)....so you can compare that aswell if one wishes.....im sure if bushy wants too he can put up pictures of his 78 pure (like he has before).....an im sure if asked by anyone hempy will be more than happy to put up pictures of his thai pure and as hybrid to compare...
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Donald Mallard

el duck
err , i asked if the swiss thai had ever been called thai 78 darkie ,
nothing was mentioned about gypsys thai , why would i ask that to reef ???

as i said reef said no , it was always thai 82 ....
he didnt go on to say , oh but wait up i did give nevil a thai 78 from switzerland so maybe thats what he was referring too ,
you would think he would , wouldnt you , given the question i had asked ??? but nope , he said only what i mentioned above ...

do u reckon if nevil labelled a thia 78 and a thai 78 , there might be some confusion ,
in the outback cross made using hempys , did he label it thia 78 then ,, if not , why not ??


Well-known member
I’ve no skin in the game. Just plants. If it smokes good, cool, if not keep searching.

@TheDarkStorm is difference in just flower structure or also leaf pattern, plant structure, etc?

MMxThai78 Bushweed via RGS

this one seems Thai78 leaning compared to what I’ve seen in the OSS and BLR crosses.

(Edited for clarity)

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Well-known member
I’ve no skin in the game. Just plants. If it smokes good, cool, if not keep searching.

@TheDarkStorm is difference in just flower structure or also leaf pattern, plant structure, etc?

MMxThai78 Bushweed via RGS

this one seems Thai78 leaning compared to what I’ve seen in the OSS and BLR crosses.

(Edited for clarity)

A distinct trait with hempys thai which you will see in his plant and in quite afew phenotypes of outback is the leaf shape...with the middle blade being quite a bit longer on many leaves and the leaves slim with the alligator tail type seration... the leaves tend to take on quite a dark green colour once they get going too wich is another trait it seems to pas on ..the bud structure on hempys dont produce rounded type buds either but produces little bead type bud structure....another thing mm can take quite long to flower....hempys thai takes even longer...with some plants taking 9-12 weeks to even begin to show their sex. In the outback nevil has added 50% nl5hazeA leaning nevils haze as one of the end parents wich manages to get some phenotypes to finish quite abit faster...

Thanks for the picture....let us know how they come out for you...

Just to clarify for anyone....I in no way am saying bushys 78mm is not good....an have never said that ever...like f2f says its all about finding great plants were ever you can.

Just for comparison and so you can see and compare the traits the plants are passing on.....this is the mmthia78 made using hempys thai...you can see the middle blade on quite a few leaves is quite long...and carries the alligator type shape and seration..also you can see how it contributes to the bud structure type with is originally small beads type buds

picture (15).jpeg
then this is a picture of hempy pure thai...
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Well-known member
Gracias Dark. I’ll never finish proper here but hope enough to get a look, and make some seeds for when my “40ac with a greenhouse in the middle” payday comes along. :kos:


Donald Mallard

el duck
given how many thai 78 crosses youve observed darkie ,
i reckon your just guessing to be honest mate ,
a bit of close up and personal is needed to truly become familiar with a variety ,
what it does , and how it behaves and what it brings to unions with another ,
i think this ," its not hempys thai in the mm x thai 78" was played out more than enough by the man himself ,
there is no need for you with even less information to take up the mantle ,

all the nay sayers had to do was introduce some information to show it cannot be proven ,
without bushy and or nevil here , you other guys cant say you know what happened ,
because you really have no idea ,

im growing a little tired of hearing it really , lets put it to rest now because its not getting us anywhere , nor will it ...


Well-known member
I will be honest Donald....ive only seen a couple of plants of hempys thai xmm...but ive seen about 50 outback haze....and a 3 hempys thai x nh....hempys thai is very dominant an it does repeatedly pass very distinct traits....
I think I have pictures bushy grew of the 78 he has pure..they do have distinct traits like rounder flowers and a leaf structure and shape similar to the picture f2f put up of bushys 78mm....an they look similar to the pictures of the swiss 78 with its structure and leaf shape....il have a look for the pictures bushy put up as 78 pure and put them up.....

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea ,,
hempy grows his stuff indoors ,
bushy grew his outdoor in a nice climate , big difference there mate ,
so much so you cant even begin to compare them ...

what i grow outdoors where i live , will not look like what you see either ,
side by side comparisons work , but otherwise its just a waste of time debating it ,
and its purely speculative ,
i prefer working with facts to be honest , speculation like you are doing here is often a waste of time ....