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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
@Raho thats cool, so i found it quiet nice to lay out the hints and bits we have. Thas cool

So youre saying there was a guy who probably provided the Reeferman gear later on, and alltho the grower from oldschoolba was a amateur, that there is a possibility that what oldschoolba sels these days is partly, possibly, eventually, reevermans seed. And thats what i mean.

Really, Hoabac looked 100 percent like on a pic from the Charls Scotts Facebook. I would rarely call something 100 percent the same looking by the way, so.. For me you just made me even more shure these are real Hoabac. The cambodian Haze i cant really say if its real, since cambodian haze is a pretty hazed up thing (1/4 of positronics Afghani HAze? or atleast a very fattened up Nevils Haze) . But overall i found special feelings in it i think. Hard to judge this one.

So, thank you.

Im also agreeing that f1 f2 or whatever we get is probably not same good as Reefs Seeds. But its not fake like people ment it on all the forums. Now i also have an explonation why so many people thought its plain and simple fake, cause when the shop opened they sold something else, that would make sense.. I also noticed the first Seebankreviews were downright negative , and later on they became suddenly more normal (positive) .

So, yeah, what your researched matches overall with what i have found. that the genetics are reeferman genetics now, F1, F2, .
(actually its called Parental 1 Parental 2, or for understandability: reproduction of the original stock.):)

And if that was not clear to you , i have not said that i beleive the vendors word. I specifically did mention it different. However, i listed it as a simple "information" that oldschoolba mentioned thai78 is from Switzerland. Again, that doesent mean that i beleive him, but it was a funny correlation, since this was years ago, when nobody discussed about Bushweeds thai78 , or something. So it was very unrelated, and may point thowards that oldschoolba has some real genetics, i mean its pretty seldon someone talks about the swiss Thai anywhere.. Again its no proove, and its not that i magically beleive it, but special that he mentioned it.
In general oldschoolba mentiones quiet a few details, that he obviously dint copy 1to1 from the Reeeferman descriptions. I found that also interesting, oldschoolba often describes how the Plant grew (stocky / thin, / yeald in gramm / how the plants appear to the eye) .
If it was plain fake, then i would rather not understand why he does this.
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Active member


  • IMG_20220910_170455.jpg
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  • originalhaze2.jpg
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Well-known member
I think what i said once was that i can distinguish every Indian from an SE Asian (only with old Genetics from the 70s). I havent ment i can distinguish Thai from the whole worlds Sativas..

Because a college was saying Thais are totally intermixed with Indians.. Then i said meh, not shure, and i can distinguish the two from an unlabelled Picture.
Im actually not shure what i said,.. Test it show me a uncirculated SE Asian Pic agains uncirculated Mexican, African, Columbian.. I think i can find the SE Asian .. Try it,
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Well-known member
Hoabac oldschoolba:



Sorry that all pics are from below like the little Branch, but those grew into the hugest Cannabis i ever seen. The biggest male was WITHOUT exaggeration , almost double my size. 3Meters 20 or so..

And that was a slighly shady Growspot, Forrest Soil mostly. So, without aiming for height at all i got pretty nice Trees.

They have learned me that Vietnamese were some of THE hugest ever Trees in Cannabis.. Yes oldschoolba learned me that.

The smell also matches, its not anything very sweet candy in it. Its gassy, Vanille Chocolat, a bit like hempy byting in the nose (dont jump on any conclusion, i said hempY) .

Also the Males are exeptionally resinous, the hempy nosebite is so strong in the Males!!

So, many features are speaking for that its just Hoabac. Especially that it doesent have any Candy sweet Smells. It doesent at all really.


Well-known member
@Raho thats cool, so i found it quiet nice to lay out the hints and bits we have. Thas cool

So youre saying there was a guy who probably provided the Reeferman gear later on, and alltho the grower from oldschoolba was a amateur, that there is a possibility that what oldschoolba sels these days is partly, possibly, eventually, reevermans seed. And thats what i mean.

Really, Hoabac looked 100 percent like on a pic from the Charls Scotts Facebook. I would rarely call something 100 percent the same looking by the way, so.. For me you just made me even more shure these are real Hoabac. The cambodian Haze i cant really say if its real, since cambodian haze is a pretty hazed up thing (1/4 of positronics Afghani HAze? or atleast a very fattened up Nevils Haze) . But overall i found special feelings in it i think. Hard to judge this one.

So, thank you.

Im also agreeing that f1 f2 or whatever we get is probably not same good as Reefs Seeds. But its not fake like people ment it on all the forums. Now i also have an explonation why so many people thought its plain and simple fake, cause when the shop opened they sold something else, that would make sense.. I also noticed the first Seebankreviews were downright negative , and later on they became suddenly more normal (positive) .

So, yeah, what your researched matches overall with what i have found. that the genetics are reeferman genetics now, F1, F2, .
(actually its called Parental 1 Parental 2, or for understandability: reproduction of the original stock.):)

And if that was not clear to you , i have not said that i beleive the vendors word. I specifically did mention it different. However, i listed it as a simple "information" that oldschoolba mentioned thai78 is from Switzerland. Again, that doesent mean that i beleive him, but it was a funny correlation, since this was years ago, when nobody discussed about Bushweeds thai78 , or something. So it was very unrelated, and may point thowards that oldschoolba has some real genetics, i mean its pretty seldon someone talks about the swiss Thai anywhere.. Again its no proove, and its not that i magically beleive it, but special that he mentioned it.
In general oldschoolba mentiones quiet a few details, that he obviously dint copy 1to1 from the Reeeferman descriptions. I found that also interesting, oldschoolba often describes how the Plant grew (stocky / thin, / yeald in gramm / how the plants appear to the eye) .
If it was plain fake, then i would rather not understand why he does this.
YES ;-)
I believe Nev and Reef sent their seeds to the oldschoolba web developer in preparation to launch the business.
The oldschoolba then ripped them off and went out on his own.
The thing to remember is that what oldschoolb a started with and what they adevertise now are 2 different things.
Nobody had swiss thai for sale in 2015. Kanga and bushy hadn't even mentioned it in their threads here on IC.

Remember, to stay on topic, this thread is about Nev/Kanga gear, not reeferman gear from oldschoolba. This is not the place for all that old reef stuff.

For Nev/Kanga gear, Oldschoolba started with Nevils/mullum crosses. That is the only mullum they had from Nev. NO pure Mullum. No Thai hybrids. No swiss thai anything.
Use the waybackmachine to look at the history of the site and see the old menus:

After that initial batch of legit seeds they had to work with, anything else he is selling could be literally anything, sourced from anywhere, reproduced by anyone.
He could literally be buying bulk seeds from Spain that are completely different from the pedigree he describes. MANY seed vendors do exactly that.
With the track record of that guy, that would perfectly fit his pattern. It's about the money.

The world has not stood still, and the seed market constantly changes to drive sales.
That is why he will keep getting more seeds from others to sell, or keep advertising that he has the cool stuff everybody wants TODAY.
Whether he has it or not.

We have to critically evaluate the value of any current claims by a vendor whose business is build on the foundation he chose.
Lies, fraud, theft, deceit.


Well-known member
I agree we can critically question anyones Seeds. But for me that means ..
Well, here is what i did. I bought the Seeds. I described you smells, loaded Pics, am a diehard Landrace lover..

So, i said what i experienced on Hoabac.. You can call this point subjective.. So going back to smells and look.
100 percent garantied did i find a special Pheno that looked like the one on Charles scotts Facebook.. SO.: i provided imho the most perfect Validation there can be wether or not its FAKE. Who else should be better suited to judge effects than a diehard Landrace lover who grew, smelled consumed it?

I said i dont care whatever research you obvoisly did and how you have some Puzzles that build for you a possible Scenaio.

Because i grew it. i smelled it. I consumed it.
I said Hobac oldschoolba has zero sweet candy smells. The super special Pheno i mentioned stood side by side to Vietblack... SO MANY similarities in the super Pheno, namely the white sorbet gloss that i can associate with Hempy Genetics (not the person, i mean Hemp)..
And since its a 13 weeker Vietnamese, this sounds like shall i say a Chinese anchestry.. It matches 100, 000 percent with what it should match.
Chinese have these white gluey also Foggy looking Resin. Unrelated from your Questioning the oldschoolba i long long decided that this type of very white Gloss is something i see in Hempy genetics..
To explain this cause most anyway just laugh reding that, i can specualte that the Indian Part in White Widow, its a bit hempy, wich is pretty realistic considering that mid and slightly southern India has wild weed.. Thats why White widow was one of the whitest. Thats ust a hypothesis. im talking just of the Resin on Hoabac, how it shines.. Its one of these slightly hempy resins in my Hypothesis..

I mean smells: do my smelldescriptions of +"not beeing candy , not beeing sweetish" not make your Brain process a bit further? It is not sweet smelling, not , not not.. Its a bit faint smell.. Any hybrid, i can tell smells just further than a good landrace.
what you say doesent reflect that it just looks 100 percent like mamaia hoabc wich ive seen grown by reeferman, and Sam Skunkman sells it probably too.. In this company, there they call it Hoabac Cambodian.. dont know why.. But also that line looks 100 percent same. ots so same with its red wine buds, its slight Hempy look in the Stems (this ruff raw look)...
I am not often trowing assimtions around, but yeah, i assume skunkman just got the Hoabac from reef, thats it..

Go have a look at AG Seed Comany the Cambodian there.. Such great similarities . Really i have not found a single trait, hint or whatever that implies oldschoolbas hoabc is fake. As much as i try to. You also emphasized enough imho that i just believe, and i dont. and i also researched.. and i also have a caertian insight that i dont play out as a poker, in respect of reeferman.

you can then continue laying out notions by some who whenever (at the start / later on) found the stock is fake..
When i bought it, then i have the listed Observservations.

And again if you really need to trow a couple sativa pics unlabelled and i find the SE Asian in them . i will however only do a small meditation session and only give more unsecure Verdict wich is Thai and wich not. but ill do it.

And your Thai Hypothesis that oldschoolba cant have Thai, just because what? because ahm, because youre a Hacker and observe them? or because someone said he knws em well and you know that it musta be 100 percent fact? probably , or probably a bit acegurrated? i dunno, cause i neither am a Hacker who knows everything about you.. All i say, why not just .. it has no candy sweet smell. the smells are unique.. its not normal geneticss.. biggest giveaway if you ask me. like when you compare a Wahing Mashine smell against a very oldschool smelling Incense.. it stands out like that.. Its a different World. Its not sweet-skunky.. mamamia
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Well-known member
So, i say it again: i agree that we can/have to critically question every Vendors Seeds.
But i am one step higher probably, i am able to also not dismiss someone as "Liar" just beacuse this, just beacuse that.. neither do i approve someone as legit just because this , just because that..
I rather search for like Patterns, means multiple things point to one conclusion. One persons verdict is worth less than twos..
A bit contrary there is the Value of a verdict.. Per example if i grew something then my conclusion is worth more then someone telling me this, or telling that who doesent even mention he has grown it.. (just an fictife example , try to understand what i mean) So, i basically make a felt importance Rating for each claim so , to give it more weight to the ones than the others..

I rather go on such a high level, that i buy the seeds, observe them, and still i dont really Claim or scream out lout, its like this its like that.

I instead observe, smoke it, and the very softspoken just tell people what i thought i might have felt.. always stated as oppinion.. Thats what i doo.

Some other way of validation might be like yours of just researching researching researching.. without actually smoking it.. Wich will probably lead to the next conversation of this person tellin me that he is too advanced to actually buy em,, but fact stays the same that its validation TROUGH reserching reserching reserching.. That might lead to truth, it might also not ,,, who knows..

What i however feel is that the hands on approach i took is , well.. Its detached from Computer, its breathing the supposed Hoabac.. lol
So, is this research better than some others? i dont know..
Is it good research i guess so.
especially because i usually speak softpoken, dont scream, i just tell,
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Well-known member
Nobody had swiss thai for sale in 2015. Kanga and bushy hadn't even mentioned it in their threads here on IC.
If I have understood correctly the "Swiss Thai" is "Thai 82" from Green Hornet.

No idea how long it has been available but found some posts from 2010 mentioning it online, so at least since then.

Might be a little bit besides the general point of your post but just to set the record straight...


Well-known member
If I have understood correctly the "Swiss Thai" is "Thai 82" from Green Hornet.

No idea how long it has been available but found some posts from 2010 mentioning it online, so at least since then.

Might be a little bit besides the general point of your post but just to set the record straight...
I'm not positive but believe that Green Hornet was already out of business by the time Nev was working with their Thai line "Thai '82"


Well-known member
I'm not positive but believe that Green Hornet was already out of business by the time Nev was working with their Thai line "Thai '82"
I think you're right. Some sites do claim to still have stock but could well be scams (something of a recurring theme).

Here on IC someone said he quit in 1998 and another said was still supplying Austrian shops in 2013.


Well-known member
Please try and keep this thread on topic to bushweed seeds and not turn it into the reeferman/oldschoolba thread.
You can certainly start a thread on that of you want and I'm sure many would be interested.
I probably wouldn't have a thing to say about OSBA if you didn't keep conflating it with this topic.

I read posts from people happy with seeds they got from known frauds all the time, and I have no interest in popping the bubble of their happiness.
Like I said above, all this info is out there. FEW make the effort needed to find it or verify what they find.

As far as you being "one step higher" than other people who try to figure out what seeds to grow, I don't think you mean that the way it sounds.
Seeds are expensive.
If someone can help you avoid places with a track record of lying and stealing, before you send in your money for disappointing results (like the guy with the $2000 order from OSBA) then that is a good thing for most people, right?

Anyway, please lets move this off topic conversation elsewhere, even if you have to make your own thread to talk about it.
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Well-known member
so, yeah then i reveal it : Charles Scott Reeferman has after repeated questioning said: Oldschoolba`s genetics are real

do i need to also tell you the guy who asked reeferman repetadly so reef finally admitted they are real? i hope not, i hate revealing stolen goods authenticity..

Ill erase this message after a while.. or wont i?
(and i dont know how many of the Strains he ment are real, but yeah he just said theyre real)
(and again wether or not i value this claim high or low, phh..)
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Donald Mallard

el duck
I'm not positive but believe that Green Hornet was already out of business by the time Nev was working with their Thai line "Thai '82"
so how does thai 82 become thai 78 ??
i heard someone say reef says so,
but im pretty sure i asked him that question and he said it was never called thai 78 ,
where i said its probably on this thread , but u cant seem to limit to just my posts on this thread ,
or just one specific person like we used to be able or am i missing a button somewhere ??

i sadly deleted the facebook messanger conversation where i asked him because there was too much revealing stuff on that conversation to be left,
just in case ...


Well-known member
so how does thai 82 become thai 78 ??
i heard someone say reef says so,
but im pretty sure i asked him that question and he said it was never called thai 78 ,
where i said its probably on this thread , but u cant seem to limit to just my posts on this thread ,
or just one specific person like we used to be able or am i missing a button somewhere ??

i sadly deleted the facebook messanger conversation where i asked him because there was too much revealing stuff on that conversation to be left,
just in case ...

Works for me from the top right corner but I can't find a post like that with it..


82 became 78 when people confused Hempy's and Green Hornet's Thais I guess. Seems unlikely that Green Hornet would have had a "secret" Thai 78 in the vault when so many other lines were commercially available from him, including the Thai 82. Didn't seem to be hoarding lines. Just a guess though.


Well-known member
I dont know, osba has had booths at events around here since the 2010s and every sample I have ever tried from them was complete garbage. I have had a couple sessions with them personally. And charles told me he has nothing to do with them.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Works for me from the top right corner but I can't find a post like that with it..

View attachment 18755350

82 became 78 when people confused Hempy's and Green Hornet's Thais I guess. Seems unlikely that Green Hornet would have had a "secret" Thai 78 in the vault when so many other lines were commercially available from him, including the Thai 82. Didn't seem to be hoarding lines. Just a guess though.
ahh thanks for pointing out that , i knew it would be there somewhere ,
and yes i think your right on the confusion,
someone else suggested nevil had named two thais ,
one thia 78 (after hempys thai and misspelling) and one thai 78 ,
which id say is very unlikely given the confusion it could/would create ,
nevil was not silly and would have made sure different lines clearly had different titles ..

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