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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
Right, for all those who doubted hempy an him saying that what bushweed sells as mm x thai78 is not his thai.....to those who doubted wally nolands whose information came directly from nevil..with wally also saying bushys mmthai78 dont have hempys thai but infact has a thai in that at the time charles reeferman had that was know as swiss thai (not thai82)....an the information that nevil himself gave was he had 2 different 78thais...one hempys thia78....an the other from reef a swiss thai thai78.....those who want the proof an the story of the thai used in the mmthai78 that bushy sell an has in pure form himself too(wich looks nothing like hempys an is a faster flowering than hempys too)....well go insta...look up reefermangenetics (the guys who took over all of reefs stock he held at that time he was their an left)..look for the picture of a small thai seedling with a few true leaves...post labbled by them as pre 78 thai....wich was actually a thai collected by a fella in 1978 from Thailand..was taken to Germany for a few years an then made its way to Switzerland....an then finally to Charles...who sent the 78thai, thai82 an one other I think was 68/69 thai to nevil..so there is the evidence for everyone who doubted hempy an wally nolands an nevil on there being two 78thais an both in the possession of nevil when making these strains. Hempys thai was used privately by nevil once all the testing an selecting was done which was the part mostly what was seen publicly an being the part the seeds that are mostly out there are from. The actually core of the project nevil was doing once he had found, selected, built, an fine tuned the specific parents plants he wanted to really work with is mostly unreleased....anyway thought it would be nice for people to know a bit about the thai in bushys mmthai78
You have provided NO EVIDENCE.
You just typed a story on the internet saying that you know things.
That is simply NOT EVIDENCE.
WHAT don't you understand about that?

Donald posted above this post that he had screen shots of his conversation with REEF where he contradicts what you and Hempy claim Nevil got from Reef.
Screen shots of posts from the actual players in this drama are evidence.

Hempy posting that "Nevil told me . . . " can only be considered evidence if the people reading his statement trust or believe the person making the claim. It's not like he's making a sworn deposition here.

I don't trust Hempy to tell the truth about that because he has OBVIOUS conflicts of interest and benefits from his version of the story.
If he was saying something that was contrary to his personal interests, it would be more believable as an unsupported statement.
I know nothing at all about you TDS, but your associations also suggest you have conflicts of interest, so I also have zero confidence in your version of a story that is not supported anywhere else by actual evidence.

On top of that, it defies common sense to think that Nev would run a breeding project with hundreds of different strains, where out of the long list he decided to use the same name for 2 different lines.
The same name.

The glove does not fit . . . (probably not the best example <g>)

Come awn man . . . put in a bit of effort to support your claim.
Find/redact some PMs from Nev where he says it (if you got em.) Find some posts from Reef if you've seen them.
You know . . . introduce some actual evidence.
THEN you can refer to it in making your argument.

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea i think old tds has gotten confused ,
swiss thai is thai 82 ,
nev never said he had 2 x thai 78 ,
it was someone else said that ,, as i mentioned in my last post ,
so sadly there is no evidence for those who doubted hempy , the doubt still exists,
and it seems tds is clutching at straws to trying to come up with some evidence , which in fact doesnt exist,
its just hearsay and stoner talk ...


Well-known member
so how does thai 82 become thai 78 ??
i heard someone say reef says so,
but im pretty sure i asked him that question and he said it was never called thai 78 ,
where i said its probably on this thread , but u cant seem to limit to just my posts on this thread ,
or just one specific person like we used to be able or am i missing a button somewhere ??

i sadly deleted the facebook messanger conversation where i asked him because there was too much revealing stuff on that conversation to be left,
just in case ...

Sorry it took me so long to reply , you had asked about testers I shared my FB page with you so you know how to keep a eye on my work and reach out when things are being harvested , I just don't have time to watch all the forums anymore someone sent me a link regarding the Thai question I actually gave Nevil lots of gear and until I read swiss I was not 100% she he used the Thai I had given him it was called Thai 78 when it was given to me by green hornet .
I am sure its not a hybrid but rather a very inbred old school Line selected for early flowering 13-14 weeks anyways had not thought about that in a while FB is really where I post updates . I will possibly have some testers for sure

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea he must be confused ,
it was called swiss thai , aka thai 82 ,
and as i said i asked him personally on messanger ,
if you look at page 43 we were discussing it back then ,

reef personally told me he had never referred to the swiss thai as thai 78 over a year ago ,
i clearly recall the conversation and i posted on here after having it ....

unless there was 2 thai 78 plus thai 82 ,
and one was called thia 78,
and the other was called thai 78,
which wouldnt be very confusing really , and no one would get mixed up would they ??
haha ...


Well-known member
didnt you guys for a split secound talk with reeferman and thought he is confusing?

The way he appears on the Forums for a day, speaks with you like a Friend, the next day he is gone.
The way he relases stuff, dissaears for years, later comes up with Scottyfamily Farms, are they still opperating? haha
Is there a thing about reef that isnt a bit confusing?

But one thing i trust him more than others (no, dont go down the "you good faith thinker" route), that he would not sell you Sativas with hidden Indica.
And i personally preffere confusing guys, theyre funny.

Said that, it would almost make sense that he suddenly renames a Line into Thai78 that was thai82 before. haha.
It would also make sense someone spells a Thai suddenly Thia. haha.

- I mean when i asked him about Cambodian Haze, first he compleetly couldnt rmember that he ever had Cambodianhaze, i needed to show him a Straindescription, haha. Then i also remember there were two other Lines very similar to Cambodian haze, cambodian x C99 , and phnom pengh.. they are very similar Lineage. I bet its the same Cambodain in all them.

- Further, there is Orange Peako Cambodain, Cambodian x Nepalese.. When i researched it over ages, at one moment he tells it has silver haze in it, cause he lost it and that was the only survivor.. and officially he tells its Camb x Nep.

- Further, there is Hoabac, but there is also his "Vietnamese Mindfuck". I found out those are the eact same thing: Theyre Hoabac . (i guess i found out)
Further continuing the Hoabac myth, there is Mel Frank who has a Hoabac Cambodian. Flowertime matches exact, look matches exact, Names is so unique, it cant be double.. Now isnt that just yet again the same Strain? but now its called Cambodian instead Vietnamese

- I once chatted with him, he showed me a Pic, said its the pure cambodian, later he said its Cambodian x Whitewidow on the pic..

Those are just 2 Lines Cambodian and Hoabac , with like 10 slight different Combinations, one time x Haze, x C99, x Nepalese x Backcross... and sometimes different names given for an identical appearing Strain.. sometimes a hidden silverhaze (ok, one time a hiddn indica in a later version cause he lost it pure)
Oh and same thing with "willie Nelson " VS Black willie. To this day i dont understand if black willie is a close related, different selected, of a far related Strain.

But again, i trust this guy more than others when it comes to beeing honest about how much Indica is in a Sativa. He is a good guy imho. but a bit confusing
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Donald Mallard

el duck
didnt you guys for a split secound talk with reeferman and thought he is confusing?

The way he appears on the Forums for a day, speaks with you like a Friend, the next day he is gone.
The way he relases stuff, dissaears for years, later comes up with Scottyfamily Farms, are they still opperating? haha
Is there a thing about reef that isnt a bit confusing?

But one thing i trust him more than others (no, dont go down the "you good faith thinker" route), that he would not sell you Sativas with hidden Indica.
And i personally preffere confusing guys, theyre funny.

Said that, it would almost make sense that he suddenly renames a Line into Thai78 that was thai82 before. haha.
It would also make sense someone spells a Thai suddenly Thia. haha.

- I mean when i asked him about Cambodian Haze, first he compleetly couldnt rmember that he ever had Cambodianhaze, i needed to show him a Straindescription, haha. Then i also remember there were two other Lines very similar to Cambodian haze, cambodian x C99 , and phnom pengh.. they are very similar Lineage. I bet its the same Cambodain in all them.

- Further, there is Orange Peako Cambodain, Cambodian x Nepalese.. When i researched it over ages, at one moment he tells it has silver haze in it, cause he lost it and that was the only survivor.. and officially he tells its Camb x Nep.

- Further, there is Hoabac, but there is also his "Vietnamese Mindfuck". I found out those are the eact same thing: Theyre Hoabac . (i guess i found out)
Further continuing the Hoabac myth, there is Mel Frank who has a Hoabac Cambodian. Flowertime matches exact, look matches exact, Names is so unique, it cant be double.. Now isnt that just yet again the same Strain? but now its called Cambodian instead Vietnamese

- I once chatted with him, he showed me a Pic, said its the pure cambodian, later he said its Cambodian x Whitewidow on the pic..

Those are just 2 Lines Cambodian and Hoabac , with like 10 slight different Combinations, one time x Haze, x C99, x Nepalese... and sometimes different names given for an identical appearing Strain.. sometimes a hidden silverhaze (ok, one time a hiddn indica in a later version cause he lost it pure)

But again, i trust this guy more than others when it comes to beeing honest about how much Indica is in a Sativa. He is a good guy imho. but a bit confusing
yea i like the guy ,
he seems stand up and fairly honest in a market of swindlers,
but having said that ,
he also forgot i sent him hundreds of seeds and he was supposed to send me some in return ,
even conversed a few times over which ones ,
but now he is in jamaica so all is irie i guess ,, lol ...

i think he has a lot on his plate and just cant keep up with it all ,
things get lost , and forgotten ,

in the conversation i had with him ,
he was adamant the swiss thai had never been called thai 78 ,
makes one wonder how it ever became thai 82 if it had been called something else,
maybe it was that conversation that led him to later on thinking it was thai 78 ,
who knows how the stoner mind works sometimes ....


Well-known member
yes and he was adamant that there was never a Cambodian HAze. I had to repeat multiple times, "yeah you had a CambodianHaze" .It went on till i said, "now you confuse me totally. i dont even know what to say anymore.. ill show you a screenshot of the Description".

Showed him a Description and he said: "OH, yeah, i must have forgotten because i had so many things going , yeah i had Cambodianhaze" .


Well-known member
I'm not positive but believe that Green Hornet was already out of business by the time Nev was working with their Thai line "Thai '82"
I think you're right. Some sites do claim to still have stock but could well be scams (something of a recurring theme).

Here on IC someone said he quit in 1998 and another said was still supplying Austrian shops in 2013.
Joined IC in 2019, started reading up, almost immediately started trying to hunt down the best Thai lines one could read about online - no luck.

Funny, knew even less back then, somehow realized the Green Hornet accession was something to get hold of. Searched high and low. long gone by then. ;-) daggum it, wish I’d have found this passion sooner! :biglaugh:



Well-known member
Joined IC in 2019, started reading up, almost immediately started trying to hunt down the best Thai lines one could read about online - no luck.

Funny, knew even less back then, somehow realized the Green Hornet accession was something to get hold of. Searched high and low. long gone by then. ;-) daggum it, wish I’d have found this passion sooner! :biglaugh:

Good people are working with the line now.
I am confident it will be available again someday.
Eyes open, fingers crossed.


Active member
Is the possibility Mullumbimby Madness originates from this Thai78/Thai82 a strong likelihood, totally unlikely, or somewhere in the middle of very possibly?

I see the Aussie [former breeder?] Southern Star Seeds' strain "Escobar" is "Thai82 x Colombian Gold"
Southern Star Seeds:

“Using the very well known Thai ’82 strain, Escobar has a very unique smell, and from using a Colombian Gold father, also benefits from an increase in color and overall crystal coverage. The smell is akin to a sour sweet odor. Very nice.”

My question is exploratory as it self-contradicts a bit given Southern Star says MM comes from Thailand so if Switzerland and Aus were both getting Thai from thailand than Escobar is essential an IBL Thai from Switzerland crossed with the Colo Gold.

PSA - Not interested in flame wars or ownership of ideas, only exploration.


Well-known member
Is the possibility Mullumbimby Madness originates from this Thai78/Thai82 a strong likelihood, totally unlikely, or somewhere in the middle of very possibly?

I see the Aussie [former breeder?] Southern Star Seeds' strain "Escobar" is "Thai82 x Colombian Gold"

My question is exploratory as it self-contradicts a bit given Southern Star says MM comes from Thailand so if Switzerland and Aus were both getting Thai from thailand than Escobar is essential an IBL Thai from Switzerland crossed with the Colo Gold.

PSA - Not interested in flame wars or ownership of ideas, only exploration.
Is the possibility Mullumbimby Madness originates from this Thai78/Thai82 a strong likelihood, totally unlikely, or somewhere in the middle of very possibly?

I see the Aussie [former breeder?] Southern Star Seeds' strain "Escobar" is "Thai82 x Colombian Gold"

My question is exploratory as it self-contradicts a bit given Southern Star says MM comes from Thailand so if Switzerland and Aus were both getting Thai from thailand than Escobar is essential an IBL Thai from Switzerland crossed with the Colo Gold.

PSA - Not interested in flame wars or ownership of ideas, only exploration.
Green Hornet's catalogue description sounds like the weed was bought in Thailand and not commercially exported to Switzerland (or America, I think he was an expat?). That's my interpretation at least. Hard to say for sure.

These were made with seeds from Thai Sticks that were brought here, at great risk, back in `82. If you want to experience an old school, hazy Thai plant this is it ! The name comes from the label on the sack the oringinal seeds were in.

MM ancestry is not known. Shantibaba thinks it's a Thai/Colombian hybrid, interestingly similar to the Escobar, but not an F1 cross.

Donald Mallard

el duck
seems quite likely mm would have at least 50% thai xet ,
it may be pure thai inbred in oz , without checking dna ,
we can only make assumptions and guesses really,

hempy didnt seem to like the idea it came from laos ,
but since it seems likely the thai came from laos originally anyhow ,
there is also a chance its in its lineage, and that they are all related at some time or another ...

thanks for the link to that lineage from green hornet,
there is now no doubt what he called his thai ,
certainly, wasn't thai 78 that he collected in 82 ,, lol ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Is the possibility Mullumbimby Madness originates from this Thai78/Thai82 a strong likelihood, totally unlikely, or somewhere in the middle of very possibly?

I see the Aussie [former breeder?] Southern Star Seeds' strain "Escobar" is "Thai82 x Colombian Gold"

My question is exploratory as it self-contradicts a bit given Southern Star says MM comes from Thailand so if Switzerland and Aus were both getting Thai from thailand than Escobar is essential an IBL Thai from Switzerland crossed with the Colo Gold.

PSA - Not interested in flame wars or ownership of ideas, only exploration.
MM predates 1978. I first heard of it in '77 when I first started smoking, but I think it was around a few years before that.

The Escobar was one of Southern Star's last varieties released. I was going to get it just before the seedbank disappeared, but hesitated and missed out. I assume Southern did not have the Thai82 before that as it didn't appear in any of his other varieties that I recall. Hope I'm making sense.


Active member
MM predates 1978. I first heard of it in '77 when I first started smoking, but I think it was around a few years before that.

The Escobar was one of Southern Star's last varieties released. I was going to get it just before the seedbank disappeared, but hesitated and missed out. I assume Southern did not have the Thai82 before that as it didn't appear in any of his other varieties that I recall. Hope I'm making sense.
I am marveling a bit on how interconnected it all was in the 70s, damn near as fast as the Internet allows us today.

I agree with your assessment because even Southern Star says he got his MM from his uncle who had the MM since the 50s or 60s which he also says was a pure Thai straight from Thailand. There is also the concurrency happening where MM was popular and overused for a time but I do not think that applied to Kanga or Southern Star's cultigens and that sort of misconstruing of names by unnamed people only adds to today's confusions.

On the topic of Escobar.

Escobar is Thai 82 x Colombian.

While MM x Oaxacan is perhaps an older thai x with an older colombian (any of the Mex guys can confirm there is no Oaxacan necessarily - everything in Oaxaca (or acapulco for that matter) is coming from the fields of Guerrero highlands and/or Colombia. Also it is common knowledge any weed in Mexico is very likely a collective of sorts because of the nature of the cartels and their supply chains and bricking et al so it appears MM X Oaxacan is an older "Escobar" or Escobar is Southern Star's take on Nev's MM x Oaxac, or vice versa