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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
yea ,,
hempy grows his stuff indoors ,
bushy grew his outdoor in a nice climate , big difference there mate ,
so much so you cant even begin to compare them ...

what i grow outdoors where i live , will not look like what you see either ,
side by side comparisons work , but otherwise its just a waste of time debating it ,
and its purely speculative ,
i prefer working with facts to be honest , speculation like you are doing here is often a waste of time ....
Iv grown plants myself outdoors Donald that contain hempys thai an the traits on hempys remain true....the leaf shape on the other remains too

Your right though I myself have a hard time comparing indoor plants to outdoors....but you can tell different plants apart if they have distinctly different traits to one another....
You yourself could also ask Charles if he had a seedline called 78thai years ago....but he already confirmed he had it on the forums years back...it was a private line he held.....
You have to also remember I also have private pictures of from someone completely unconnected of the swiss 78 that came from Charles...which conveniently are outdoor plants.....just like bushys...I will see if I can get permission off the guy to put them up...an I will put them up side by side with bushys.

Donald Mallard

el duck
its apples and oranges mate ,
show me a plant grown in the same climate and area , using the same methods ,
otherwise there is no comparison ,
you do know that cannabis is different depending on where it grows right?
soil type , location etc etc ,, affects everything even down to smell , even in cuttings ..

and if you grow something from a tropical climate outside of that , you will get something totally different ,
the comparisons you are making , are just a waste of time u doing them because they mean nothing ...

also , i asked reef , as i said a few times already mate ,
you go read what he said by reading my posts above ,
this is starting to get annoying darkie ,, give it up please , ive had enough and we have gotten no where at all ...
so lets stop shall we ??


Well-known member
Have you even gone and looked at reefermans thai78 the evidence is there...i told people where to look for it. It has nothing to do with greenhornet. Greenhornet was not the only seed company in Switzerland..the greenhornet thai is swiss thai82 wich is a different thai....infact I think the 78 reef collected from Switzerland before greenhornet were around.....
Reef himself said it's from Green Hornet right here on ICMag...

Charles-scott said:
I supplied the Thai to Nevil for this hybrid it originally came from Green hornet , I did selection on it in Mexico.

Of course there's still the vintage discrepancy, and Reef supplying something to Nev not being 100% proof that it was actually used in this particular cross, if you want to play around with alternative theories.


Well-known member
Personally, I’m more interested in going after the MM side of things. I’m feeling this is where the magic originates from.

Maybe my experiences are too limited in number or diversity, but none of the Oax hybrids or NL hybrids I’ve sampled had a similarity to the effect of this OSSxMM hybrid.



Well-known member
i got all hermies in the mullum x thai 78 i grew ,
varying degrees of them , but of all 6 , none remained stable in sex ...
@Donald Mallard - given all the south Asian genetics you’ve grown successfully in your environment (sub-tropical I think?), the conclusion here would be a bit different than some of us others who are under lights or at temperate latitudes.


Donald Mallard

el duck
yea sometimes they may not play up compared to the stresses way out of climate places which can make them show those traits ,
but not in the case of the mullum x thai , all those girls had issues for me and most were pulled early as a result ,
the one that held on and only showed a few issues at the end was a great toke though ,
very memorable of the old golden thai i recall toking in the early 80s ...

my climate is tropical f2f,
17 degrees south of the equator , the same as some of the places like udonthani in thailand that were known for the original thai stick growing,
hence some of those types feeling a bit more at home i guess ...
the only difference is i live on a mountain at around 1000 metres altitude and im closer to the coast ..


Well-known member
wonder if the swiss thai aka thai 82 is noted for any hermies ,
i got all hermies in the mullum x thai 78 i grew ,
varying degrees of them , but of all 6 , none remained stable in sex ...
Hi Donald.
We both know the guy that got the Green Hornet seed collection from him when he went out of business.
He's currently running the Thai '82's and I haven't heard any mention of herms.
My experiencve with Kanga's big Mullum was also no herms.

Don't I remember Hempy posting somewhere that he had some herms with his Thia during one specific run? Can't remember if it was a selection run or what.
It stands out in my mind because I remember he posted about the herm incident, and then like the next day made another post insisting that he never had ANY herms with the Thia.:unsure:
Classic :laughing:
Thanks in advance for the "memory assist" :tiphat:

Edit: found it:
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Donald Mallard

el duck
wow that was a terrible trip down memory lane reading that ,, hahahaha
then darkie came along with his version of misinformation after hemp "cleared" things up ,
buddha thai being highland thai , while hemps stuff was lowland ,
doesnt have a clue what he is talking about , just stabbing in the dark ,
thats a pun btw ,, lol ...


Well-known member
wow that was a terrible trip down memory lane reading that ,, hahahaha
It WAS painful wasn't it. Sorry to trigger the flashback
Even worse, you can scroll back a few screens in this thread here and read the same stuff from the same people.

then darkie came along with his version of misinformation after hemp "cleared" things up ,

buddha thai being highland thai , while hemps stuff was lowland ,
doesnt have a clue what he is talking about , just stabbing in the dark ,
thats a pun btw ,, lol ...
That's one of my favorite "jokes" . . . when people start inventing details of the provenance of imported black market weed that they could never have any way of knowing.
Specifically "highland" vs. "lowland".
Just ridiculous.

The only thing better? When the person (not talking about hemp or darkie on this) wasn't even old enough to smoke or grow during the narrow window in time that such strains were actually available in the form that the reputation is based on.
Them getting on the soapbox and going on and on about what "it" is like they know.
Terps and effects, growth traits/phylotaxy not lost forever, but so rare that the chance of someone who never smoked it before actually recognizing it in a sea of diluted modern hybrids is practically zero.
Love it :bigeye:


Well-known member

lm f2 5

lm f2 4


Well-known member
@Raho how do you wanna be so shure what others can, or cant do.

I told you: upload a couple unlabelled euatorial Plants Pictures (one beeing SE Asian, Meican, Columbian,African, whatever)
But need to be Lines collected in the 70s (grown today no problemo)

And i will tell you wich is the SE Asain. (alltho my initial Claim was that i can tell apart Indin from SE Asian i recall)-

(To proove you that i feel i can see similar Things in toldshoolba Thai78 and Thai78MM, How should i proove this, cause what i feel i see is Similarity and when ou show me unlabelled Pictures from bouth those, all i would possibly tell you is thst i see similarities. so in the Best Scenario that i can spot every unlabelled Thai78 VS Thai78MM would be that i errorfree recognize bouth as the same.. Wich would then be no proove for you, you would say toyourselve: they are different because i know, and thats why romano is wrong. Means for me ther is no test possible to proove you i feel i can see strong similarities. So, do the International Test instead so i can proove you i can see things in Cannabis..)
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Well-known member
Yummy! Very healthy and looking staged for some good buddage @harvestreaper Have u considered trimming out the lowers?
Show and tell.
Yours further behind than these. Are yours longer flowering? Difference in age? Latitude? These were root bound on purpose, maybe the reason.


very nice f2f ..thanks these are tended by a friend of mine she has very green fingers,,good call on the lowers i would prob do same but my friend likes to leave them be ,,,these have been light dept earlier in year but are still real slow at 52 n very much an experiment / gamble to see what they do same with some hazes there


Well-known member
@Raho how do you wanna be so shure what others can, or cant do.

I told you: upload a couple unlabelled euatorial Plants Pictures (one beeing SE Asian, Meican, Columbian,African, whatever)
But need to be Lines collected in the 70s (grown today no problemo)

And i will tell you wich is the SE Asain. (alltho my initial Claim was that i can tell apart Indin from SE Asian i recall)-

That's not the point I was making mate. You've misunderstood.

Narrow leaf lines collected in the 70s being worked in western markets today are (in general) lines that have been worked commercially for almost 50 years away from their country of origin.
Unhybridized examples are almost non-existent.
My point is that they are largely different from what they were in the '70's, and most people trying to make selections of phenos like what they were back in the 70s are not equipped to differentiate between them and make those selections.

Sure, original thai stick, original SMCG, original Acapulco Gold, etc. Those seeds exist somewhere today, but they are almost never what is sold by those names in a seedbank.
Red Rider has been in Colombia working in the cannabis industry with the single purpose of trying to find the gold he used to smoke in the 70s. Been down there for what . . . 10 years?
He has found 2, maybe 4 examples that come close.
Descriptions of the best samples coming out of Thailand these days sound more like Haze phenos than Thai. Matter of fact, I have never read a propper description of Thai Stick terps or effects on this forum in the last 13 years I've been reading here.
There are seeds of Acapulco Gold (and other legendary Mexicans) around today, but the herb in Mexico has been hybridized and commercialized for so long that very few people still posting about this stuff could even tell you if today's best examples come close. I'm not an expert in Mex, at all. Wouldn't even attempt it.

It's not that there isn't good weed in all these places.
Weed grown in Thailand today is "Thai", and it can be great. But it's (overwhelmingly) not "1978 Thai Stick," and that is what the legend of that country's weed is built on.
Do you understand what I'm saying?

Telling the difference between modern Indian, asian, african, mexican and colombian lines is not the point.
It is also MUCH easier than telling the difference between a top shelf '78 pheno and a 2000's pheno from the same country. Especially when the person selecting has never smoked a true '78 pheno of anything.
Finding examples of those old lines still existing today is the point.

(To proove you that i feel i can see similar Things in toldshoolba Thai78 and Thai78MM, How should i proove this, cause what i feel i see is Similarity and when ou show me unlabelled Pictures from bouth those, all i would possibly tell you is thst i see similarities. so in the Best Scenario that i can spot every unlabelled Thai78 VS Thai78MM would be that i errorfree recognize bouth as the same.. Wich would then be no proove for you, you would say toyourselve: they are different because i know, and thats why romano is wrong. Means for me ther is no test possible to proove you i feel i can see strong similarities. So, do the International Test instead so i can proove you i can see things in Cannabis..)

I am not questioning you ability to perceive patterns (visual traits) in images and recognize them again when those same patterns show up elsewhere.
I have no interest in testing your ability to detect these patterns.

It is far less useful to be able to detect the difference between all the strains that are commonly on the market today than it would be to be able to tell which one in a population was EXACTLY like the samples from a country 45 years ago that now are so rare as to be almost nothing but a dying memory.

I hope you understand my point because I can't explain it any better than that (and won't try.)

I've been scolded by (presumably) younger people here before for talking about "old man stories."
Stupid for people to discount the few old voices still around up here that remember this stuff and don't have some kind of giant ego trip or secret commercial ambitions.
But, I guess that's what happens when people realize there are experiences they can't buy or fake. They see it as a threat.
I know this isn't you Romano. Just commenting on my experience on this topic in general.


Well-known member
It is also MUCH easier than telling the difference between a top shelf '78 pheno and a 2000's pheno from the same country. Especially when the person selecting has never smoked a true '78 pheno of anything.
Ah, ok , then i cant proove. Because like said, wat i see is Similarity, and similarity i cant proove in a blind test, in a blind test i can only test wetehr or not i can tell things APPART. so yeah..
really you can very well tell unlabelled Pics appart? are you shure? i tested myselve once..


Well-known member
Oh now you adress an interesting topic, just dont understand why you seemles go over to this topic: Authentic Thai, Authentic Mexican.

Well, i atleast know how the smoke feels. my Unknown Bud i smoked longer ago was unlabelled, but it belonged DEFINITLY to the 20 Weeker Sativa. DEFINITLY: Never seen anything like it EVER. Besides.. well, i told people uiet a few times about that one and only remain, that probly lives on in a 20 Seed Baggie of Seeds.:
Vietnam Tourist - Green Hornet

This was Generation 1 Seeds (the seeds were touching a vietnamese Cannabis Plant in 1970s..

It is the most powerful Strain in the world.(i mean probably other equally powerful ones from Congo and such)

Havent you seen my countless atempts to find it. so why do you explain me all that.. i dunno.

70s Thai,if that unknown bud Nr,2 was Thai, is hallucinogenic, very very electric, fast, ultraafast onset mounting i a Hallucination after 20 minutes at most.. very hard to stand on the feet. then the rest is slightly chilled seditative, some few imaginations are continuing: Gassy smell, a bit of Spice (fresh grown Indoors) . (i however wanna distance myselve of claiming that ev ery this is like this, or caliming anything at all)
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Well-known member
70s Vietnamese, and thats my nr 1: Unknown bud:
Smells like, puh was slightly unripe bud, but clearly: Woody, and incense.. (the rather sweet incense, like yeah, nagchampa, a bit more spice however. Like these Noodlesoups packs with indian type spices slightly...) i guesshard to describe smell, but nicely fainth smell, no stinkbomb at all.

Effect is too good to intimate even tell you. the best. For me. Unforgotten lifechanging. Smokereport sats private.

(so yeah, the Unknown Bud 1 im pretty firm it was vietnamese, the Unknown Bud 2 thai im bit unshure..)
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Well-known member
So, back to topic, so you think thai78 x MM is hempys old line thats why you guys are so eager to know and talk so long wether reefer had it..

So, all i can say, oldschoolbas is not looking like Hempys thinleafed version, i actually soley wanted to say that Thi78 oldschoolba is good looking. i never ment to say its Hempys thinleaved line.. however, i still rate it just about "good".

Stuff that i rate exeptional is Worlds appart.. For comparison most modern Thais you get all over the net i rate, well.. too bad to even rate,, but ok. haha
So yeah, oldschoolbas thai is only "recommended".. And few enter this category.. But yeah, most 80s Thai (strong cahnge happening roundabout at 1980, 78, 79 80, 81 82) were more fatleaved, thats how it looks i guess, its just a guess, no claim, that thai78 oldschoolba is , well, recommended. thats it.

and at the end it sounds like you dont feel i can tell something beeing real. or how real. well, i know how real smokes, atleast my experience later in 2000s with a persumably old vietnamese WAS LIFECHANGING, and i have atleast problems imagining there is more than ive experienced.., but again, details remain private. So, later i started meditating about all those remains i found on my hunt, and well, i believe i would spot something real vietnamese SE Asian when i see it. NO CLAIM, i only believe.. thats the easyest challenge of all. for me. if i take me an hour time,
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Well-known member
My MM78 keeper. Flower tent first day of 12/12. I’m noticing prevalence of tri-leaf with very long middle blade.



Rooted clone:


Finished 15 week flower from round 1. Curing in jars.


Zero nanners. Smells and tastes in development. Will be able to report back in a few months.

Agseedco original haze x MM78 (this plant) just for fun:


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