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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
nice they go 15 weeks in phenos. not just 13.... you can select for it 2, 3 Generations, like the guy with the circulating Vietblack, (wich was Viet x Chinese Type). he just selected for longflowering, to recover a bit the realdeal vietnamese


Chasing the Present
They all herm them SE Asians, how early, how often, how bad, type of herm… it all matters, trying to squeeze some seed out this Laotian Cambodian BF she melts in the dew & snow…. It’s worth it though; the occasional dill




Well-known member
yes @spitz thats somewhat Hempy`s Thai look. However, i dont think its really seldon for old Thais to have a doublesized Middleblade. The alligatorish Bladeshowever, yeah yeah , could really be Hempys thai , but its not pronounced enough for me to say: its Hemys Thai. But plausible looking, yes


Well-known member
well, i never claimed, i said very clear earlyer in the Thread that its a guess that oldschoolba t78 is in 78 mm.

(The bright green Leave-basis fading to dark green match aswell with hempys 78).
But that was not ment as Claim. i just wanted it emphasize openmindedness by saying that, EG: that i am open to reconsider its Hemps Thai.

i dunno, but its like im speaking to my father, telling me that i might be wrong, i shall consider this, and telling me wisdom of the elders .
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Chasing the Present
Thank you; hope the jungle hasn’t been bitting back too bad my brother ;)

Next up people claiming mosaic like virus leaf abnormalities are the “tell” for specific plant lineages…. Oh wait it happens already all the time - lol

I can take a cut of the same plant, at the same time , inside and grow it in identical everything aside from light intensity and not a person would think the same cultivar unless I told them…

Lots of species like this but cannabis ime/o is an especially malleable one…

Nobody really knows; grow what you enjoy, and like, stay away from all da hype
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Well-known member
i repeat:
its like im speaking to a father, telling me that i might be wrong, i shall consider this, and telling me wisdom of the elders . in here it feels bit like that. lol while i act the most undetermined i can ever be to say what i , well just have on mind-

Cause IF we have a Culture of uncertinitys, its something i sometimes like to talk about, about what we feel. Cause who knows others so well that he can 100.00 percent say, this happent, that happend. (i speak to the reader.. who to trust.. a logtime icmag user called XY .. ? why?
feelings are a good thing, I GUESS:
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Well-known member
so yeah. i dont know why you @led05 use the word "claiming" .. i never claimed a lineage Ever.. i always in the rare cases when i speculate about a Lineage state it as a guess. That means, its very different to claiming,


Sidenote: this only time i think i said: the middle leave longer is relatively normal in Thais, then i said, the alligator leaves are not perfectly as pronounced as Hempys Thai78, but then i went on, yeah yeah, sounds plausible the idea of it having Hemoys Thai78 in it.. So, yeah, there is it, one time i forgot to clearly state its a guess, i was aware it might be mistaken as something more like a Claim.. Thats the boring thing i just dont know how to solve.. that sometimes i get so tired of talking that i forget a very clear: its a guess notion.

anyway. lol


Well-known member
Or did you mean that i calimed: i can see the diffeence between a Thai and an Indian ? that was 1.5 Years ago, someone brought it up here..
and i said it for a reason, cause this guy repeadatly claimed all sorts of Outcrossed. he said Thai is compleetly intermixed with Indian.. But this guy also claimed 100 inclusions, durban beeing indian cross, oanama beeing nepalese, Thai having portogeese genetics, and on and on,..

So, yeah. BECAUSE that i made this very bold statement, wich i believe i can, that i can distinguish indian and thai, in ordr to stop him a bit from claiming the whole Cannbishistory.. lol. But i only incirectly claimed that Thai is distinct from Indian, right, i just claimed i can distinguish em.

its atleast a bit softer. So, gain, trow me some 70s collected Indian and Thai pics unlabelled. Oh you havent any? well.. then i cant help you POSSIBLY understand that meditation is interesting to learn more about weed. i have prooven in a blindtest that im pretty ok at it.

You can also use Seedpictures, probably you have some of those.

Donald Mallard

el duck
dont sweat it roman ,
we just digging at you man ,
as ledo says , no one knows these things , its ok to speculate a little of course ,
as long as you dont speak as though you are an authority like some folks do at times ,
evn though they are not ,
after all we are just here for fun man , and a little learning too if theres something new , or different to take in ...


Chasing the Present
so yeah. i dont know why you @led05 use the word "claiming" .. i never claimed a lineage Ever.. i always in the rare cases when i speculate about a Lineage state it as a guess. That means, its very different to claiming,


Sidenote: this only time i think i said: the middle leave longer is relatively normal in Thais, then i said, the alligator leaves are not perfectly as pronounced as Hempys Thai78, but then i went on, yeah yeah, sounds plausible the idea of it having Hemoys Thai78 in it.. So, yeah, there is it, one time i forgot to clearly state its a guess, i was aware it might be mistaken as something more like a Claim.. Thats the boring thing i just dont know how to solve.. that sometimes i get so tired of talking that i forget a very clear: its a guess notion.

anyway. lol
Buddy I’m NOT even talking to you, about you, nor towards you, relax mmmm Kay….. it’s not all about you…

But now I’ll address you directly and all them posts up there ^^ - tbh that felt a bit like the out loud inner musings of a narcissistic wild man, reign your shit in - lol… Yes now I’m playing with ya Romano

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The Haze Whisperer
Wally why do you and a few other continue to claim to know more about my genetics than i do ?

You never grew my Thai even in hybrid form go ask Kanga when Nevil got given the seed it was well after you got the MM x Thia and what you grew was MM x Gypsy Thai going by the time you your self claimed to grow them.

Didn't you get yours like Bob and others did from the Lab forum ?

Bushweed never got my Thai x to MM he smoked a joint of my Thai that is it end of story.

Nevil made Thai crosses using the Gypsy Thai that he and Kanga selected Nevil also grew Thai sent to him from prof77 that was a mix of Thai genetics he had collected over x amount of years that some call Homong now and he also grew the Thai from Reeferman and the last Thai he grew and tested was my Thia as he called it.

My Thai was used in the OutBack Haze go ask people like OJD and others that grew that and still do and see if that hermed.

Its bad form to to continue to rubbish people wally.

Donald Mallard

el duck
mate we are just discussing stuff ,
trying to get to the bottom of things ,
and making sense of stuff folks say ,
like darkie with his misinformed posts ,
somethings need to be cleared up is all ,

i dont know why you single me out , i never said i knew anything about your thai did i?
you can point out where i have said i knew it if you like ??

and no i did not get any seeds from any lab forum,
mine are direct from bushy via bucket ,

have i rubbished you mate , if so show me where please in the last few pages where that has occurred,
or are u just playing victim again mate , playing that old card again hey??
maybe just go back to sleep buddy ...

if you look in the last few pages , you will see someone did post a quote from you about hermies in your line originally ,
so its in there , all it needs is something else to ignite it , you know how recessive traits work right??
do u reckon intersexed traits are recessive hempy?
if so , thats how they can come out in your line , since it is in there , you have said it yourself ....


The Haze Whisperer
I dont sell seed or care to all i did was share genetics with Nevil and it happened to be the best of a set group of Thai lines and ended up being used in the Outback Haze what a crime.

I have done a complete grow thread here at Icmag years ago and at Mr Nice on my Thai all females and males were herm free.

Raho quoted me saying what exactly Wally ?

That the guy found 3 seed in 1978 in an imported Thai Stick germinated them found a hermaphrodite a male and a female that the part ?

Who then culled the hermaphrodite used the male and fem to make seed and then from 1978 until 2000 ish inbreed it 7 generations. The guy was a horticulturist by the way.


Chasing the Present
well if kanga or bushy said so it must be set in stone, lmao..... sorry, but man FFS get people off pedestals already, the insecurity and egoes that run rampant in cannabis forums always fascinates me....

Couple thoughts on all this from folk much smarter than I willing to put in the work............... An article that links to many studies @ this matter, and on the Asian plateau IIRC it's focused...

"Most flowering plants are hermaphroditic, and unisexual individuals (dioecious) have evolved from hermaphroditic ancestors many times (Renner, 2014). Trioecy is an uncommon sexual system in which hermaphrodites, females, and males coexist in some species. Trioecy occurs during the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1978, Ross, 1982, Spigler and Ashman, 2012). Trioecy is a stable evolutionary stage under pollen limitation of female seed production because pollen limitation reduces the fitness of females but not self-fertile hermaphrodites, counteracting the seed fertility advantage of females (Maurice and Fleming, 1995). " ....... CONTD


Also Interesting to note:

I'm still not sure why SOO many people seem to take it so personally and often when plants just gonna do what plants wanna do........ After all - It's a "dioecious" plant bred underground for centuries in some cases, to be expected, not sure it's anyone's fault in particular nor specific to any set of reason(s).....
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Active member
I'm still not sure why SOO many people seem to take it so personally
From my perspective it's Hempy minding his own and others sniping at him with connotations of being a worthless piece of trash simply because they claim his hermie plants yadda yadda because Hempy, unlike his accusers, have a history in breeding projects which significantly influenced the betterment of Cannabis culture.

And the anti-hempyites also equate anyone who likes Nevil or associate(d) with Nevil or Nevil's genetics/projects as "narcissist just like Trump" which adds to their ridiculous speculations, and they further that by thinking it's okay to surreptitiously insult and attack out of no where and everywhere etc etc etc etc a true bully culture.

These sativas are so special this crowd I speak of would ultimately encourage the erasure of these pure Sativas off the face of this earth.

It is a case of the highest form of ankle-biting. They do it to Arjan of Greenhouse Seeds and call him a criminal and on and on.

These ankle-biting accusers are essentially the thugs and violent criminals of the Cannabis world who can't be straight-edge with anything ever so their motive is to strike down truly good things and then build a sub-culture around chuckle-f***ing at things they cannot understand.

in other words if one is to create great genetics then these ankle-biters show up and must be fended off from time to time with truth and reason.


Well-known member
i dont know what current science says but i had true females in my mango thai laos and i bred f2s from slight herm males thinking it the norm in such varieties and or stress related as it was mild in both ,,after chatting to hempy he informed me that thais have solid males females and herms in my last two mt seeds i found a true male that ive tested to extremes as to herm an im confidant he a true male only problem is i never kept any of the mango thai females only there seeds from the slight herm males lol ,,none less i bred him to a bunch of other females and am testing offspring now ,,,dont claim to have any knowledge of thais other than what i just post but in my small experience hempy showed correct as tothe 3 sexes etc

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