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bobblehead's organic bedroom of high brix gardening


Active member

So if the DS is getting tossed, is that a statement that the BB is that much more impressive (at least as far as grow/production is concerned)?

What are your impressions of each of the new-to-you varieties on the 7 week batch so far? Everyone looks nice and spear-y. I was going to pat the Nightmare on the back for the usual monster donksicle sparks, but then I kept scrolling and saw the BB was the same. :)

What's in the new bed?

Looking quite greatly good - and those seven weekers needa hurrytfup


Edit: And on the real, these latest batches have, IMO, been your best that I've laid tissue on. Really seems to be low-headache for you also, which is funny, since that's all you were ever seeking in the first place (even if it was at a place hours away) :laughing:

Seriously though :respect: and it's definitely working. :)

BB is better than DS in every way. It grows faster, stronger, roots faster bigger buds, more dense, frosty, sticky, stronger smell, faster finishing, etc... I'm just waiting to see how to smokes and tests. DS is the weakest plant in my bed right now.

ND just takes too long to finish, and the buds aren't very dense. Unless I have a good reason I'm not going to hold on to it, and I don't think a good reason is going to pop up anytime soon.

GG#4 lives up to the hype. It's not the very best smoke I've ever had, but overall its a great plant. I'll probably end up growing more GG#4 than anything else. Currently I plan on holding GG#4, triangle kush, and Sour Dub. I can't keep a gajillion plants laying around, i'm trying to be legal here...

The new bed has BSC, Sour Dub, OGKB, and TK.

Thanks for the compliments. Not to toot my own horn but it is the best bud I've ever grown, and it is probably the least effort I've put forth. That's part of why I don't post as much as I used to, I'm not in the garden! I'm busy doing other things with my life. Funny how things work out, right? Now if I just buckle down and save up some money I can rebuild the lake house, flip it, and pay off my student loans. Maybe even finish fixing up this house, rent it out and get a bigger house. Putting my money to work!


Active member
ICMag Donor
dam dude those nugs are on POINT!

It all looks white, its so frosty, and those spears man, insane stacking - nice!!!

ICMag is trolling us all on the picture upload, I don't bother anymore, not worth the effort with the amount of time it takes.

wutcha make into shatter? looks like trim run, is it a mix of stuff?

I mix all my nugs/trim into 1 shatter and call it the suicide mix lol


Active member
dam dude those nugs are on POINT!

It all looks white, its so frosty, and those spears man, insane stacking - nice!!!

ICMag is trolling us all on the picture upload, I don't bother anymore, not worth the effort with the amount of time it takes.

wutcha make into shatter? looks like trim run, is it a mix of stuff?

I mix all my nugs/trim into 1 shatter and call it the suicide mix lol

Thanks! Not really doing anything special... The shatter is all the trim from the last grow. It's ok. The next batch will be better. It was a nice big slab but I set a small bag on top of it in the freezing cold and it shattered. I still prefer bud to shatter, but after smoking shatter exclusively for 3 months before my last harvest I've kinda taken a liking to it.


lookin good there bobble! i bet they will turn out real nice.

shatter is easier on my lungs than smoking weed all day. probably because there's no tar or whaveter that black shit is that you cough up after a few days of smoking hella weed


Senior Member
Nicely, nicely. Curious how sour dub and ogkb do for you...enough yield to make them worthwhile?

How close are you to albrecht? I bought a sap Ca meter...when that thing hits 2500 life gets stupid easy. But it takes some work to get it there.
Hey, bobble, slightly off subject but I've been hearing complete horror stories coming from out that way about raids and shaddy cops. Is it really that bad? Do you just gotta try to fly under the radar as best as possible? I'm really nervous because I'm in the process of heading over there.


Active member
lookin good there bobble! i bet they will turn out real nice.

shatter is easier on my lungs than smoking weed all day. probably because there's no tar or whaveter that black shit is that you cough up after a few days of smoking hella weed

I feel the same about shatter being easier on my lungs. Less residue builds up in the bong, so I know there's less residue in my lungs. It's kind of a plain, boring high though. If I want to get high quick, I just do a few dabs... but if I want to relax and get the full effect I need to smoke a J. Today's extracts are so much better than just a few years ago.

Nicely, nicely. Curious how sour dub and ogkb do for you...enough yield to make them worthwhile?

How close are you to albrecht? I bought a sap Ca meter...when that thing hits 2500 life gets stupid easy. But it takes some work to get it there.

No way are Sour Sub and OGKB going to yield well, they're just what I had available. I am transitioning to monocrops from now on, I just had to run through a bunch of different plants to see what I want to grow. I have blueberry vegging up to fill the bed that's getting cut in a few weeks, and I'll have GG#4 getting ready for the other bed.

Honestly I'm not sure how close I am to albrecht ratios right now. I wasn't too far off when I did my initial test, but my organic matter was 30%, so I've just been giving it time to break down before I retest. I'm for sure going to retest after I cut this time. Given the results I would say I'm pretty close!

A sap Ca meter would be cool! I'm too broke to afford those kind of toys right now. I'll get there, I'm just starting to get back on my feet. I haven't even checked BRIX at all this grow. Everything looks and smells better than ever and that's good enough for me!

Hey, bobble, slightly off subject but I've been hearing complete horror stories coming from out that way about raids and shaddy cops. Is it really that bad? Do you just gotta try to fly under the radar as best as possible? I'm really nervous because I'm in the process of heading over there.

Nobody is raiding me... And after my house caught fire there was enough people who saw a GG#4 up to the ceiling in my 9kw flower room... lol My house always smells like weed. I just bought a scrubber to filter the whole house so that you can't smell me from the street anymore. If you open up an unlicensed dispensary then you are a sitting duck just waiting to get raided, as there is no legislation protecting dispensaries. If you frequent an unlicensed dispensary, you might get caught up in the raid, but they'll let you go when they find out you're not helping operate the dispensary. 4kw is my idea of taking it easy... Lots of people are running 20-30+ lights. Hope you have a plan when you get out here, the market is already flooded.


Nice work!

Re: beds, troughs, custom specifications
fwiw, we are still around to help with custom designs and applications for the experimental gardener.

Nobody is raiding me... And after my house caught fire there was enough people who saw a GG#4 up to the ceiling in my 9kw flower room... lol My house always smells like weed. I just bought a scrubber to filter the whole house so that you can't smell me from the street anymore. If you open up an unlicensed dispensary then you are a sitting duck just waiting to get raided, as there is no legislation protecting dispensaries. If you frequent an unlicensed dispensary, you might get caught up in the raid, but they'll let you go when they find out you're not helping operate the dispensary. 4kw is my idea of taking it easy... Lots of people are running 20-30+ lights. Hope you have a plan when you get out here, the market is already flooded.

Wow, all the way to the street? haha

Now I feel tons better. If you're still safe after all that I shouldn't worry. I don't have much of a plan, other than grow good dope. I've gotten offers from some clubs at $150/oz, isn't great, but I'm still dialling in. I'm jumping on board with the W. Albrecht train though, got the book and everything. I wasn't too impressed with any of the clubs I visited. Been awhile since I've had some chronic that makes me drool.

Thanks for the 411 out there. Stay safe!



Good to see you rocking shit proper.

Looks like you've made great advancements since the vert days. I've gone to horizontal too, getting fantastic results, basically as good or a touch better than vert and less work.

I'm running peat or coco still, but plan to move to beds soon.

Thanks for the props in my gallery, always nice to get positive feedback.

Take care brother, and keep putting out the fire in the mitten ;)


Active member
Nice work!

Re: beds, troughs, custom specifications
fwiw, we are still around to help with custom designs and applications for the experimental gardener.



Good to see you rocking shit proper.

Looks like you've made great advancements since the vert days. I've gone to horizontal too, getting fantastic results, basically as good or a touch better than vert and less work.

I'm running peat or coco still, but plan to move to beds soon.

Thanks for the props in my gallery, always nice to get positive feedback.

Take care brother, and keep putting out the fire in the mitten ;)

Thanks guys!


Active member
Glue before the chop @ 9 weeks



Active member
I had a nightmare last night that my stove caught fire.... but then i remembered i have a big ass fire extinguisher and i put it out. :biglaugh: nightmare over.


Active member
looks like bobble is bobbling right along, glad you think the DS isent worth it, I never could see what people saw in it, everything looks good. keep it rocking..

also I would be careful associating with icky. the guy is shady :biggrin:

silver hawaiian

Active member
I had a nightmare last night that my stove caught fire.... but then i remembered i have a big ass fire extinguisher and i put it out. :biglaugh: nightmare over.

I too had a stove last night that my Nightmare caught fiii...ohhhhhhhhh

Glue is lookin' marvtastic! This is karma's repayment for the 6' glue that went up in flames a few months back :)

Did the BB come down also? How's the nose on that BB?