^^^Take heed to the above post. Some people don't realize the consequences to ownership of some of these "bad ass dogs", this is why I stated when I started this thread that I wanted a dog to guard my property but not one that would bite my buddies or invited guests, uninvited another story. Also I don't want the shit sued out of me over an overly aggressive dog like the German Shepard I mentioned earlier that I had to get rid of for this reason, she was just to protective and it would have taken a lot of time/training to overcome. Also my homeowners insurance won't cover me or write my policy if I have certain breeds for this very reason. To be exact the Staffordshire Terrier(mentioned a lot here), Chow, Pit bull(mentioned a lot also), and an Airedale of all things. Rotties and German Shepard's aren't on the list, and I know first hand Shepard's will bite the shit out of you if you do anything funny or to fast around there masters. When I was a teenager a buddies female Shepard leaped across a large room and bit the crap out me just because I stood up to fast. I have nothing against any breed, but I don't want a junk yard dog. I need a dog which I am reasonably confident won't get me sued, but will still keep the bad guys away.