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story 1. my friend had a rott that he thought was pretty bad, my chessie was in the truck and they were growling at each other, he made a smart comment about my dog, i opened the tailgate and within 10 seconds my dog had him by the hip hug, he said my dog was gay, i told him its better to give than recieve
story 2. my other friend had an akita with an attitude, she told me her dog would killlllllll my dog, i let him off the leash and he had that dog pinned by the neck instantly, i pulled him off, she said it was a fluke so i did it again
chesapeake bay retrievers are super loyal, protective, and they can be hornery SOBs, the only fight my dog ever lost was to his brother one time, im not condoning dog fighting but sometimes you need to let 2 dogs settle there differences the alpha way

I've always felt chessie's ain't right in the head, but being born and raised close to the Chesapeake I think all of us are a little off. :)
People just don't understand the heart that the sporting/hound breeds possess.


American Pit Bull Terriers (American Staffordshire Terriers are the show cousin to the American Pit Bull Terrier and have all Dog Gameness bred out of them) are the worst guard dogs. But best people dogs. Excellent lap dogs and pets.

American Pit Bull Terriers are bred to not be human aggressive in any manner. They were used later in life as Pit Fighting Dogs and thus random Referee's had to be able to handle them for scratches and check them for wounds, so they were purposely bred to not have human aggression. Any human aggressive American Pit Bull Terriers were worthless in the Pit and thus culled so they didn't pass on that unwanted trait.

Now on to the American Staffordshire Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier was bred from the oldest U.S. known American Pit Bull line which is the COLBY dog. The problem with American Staffordshire Terriers being bred for conformation and the show ring is that the years and years of breeding the American Pit Bull Terriers to not bite humans was lost in the American Staffordshire Terrier. They are Loyal, they are strong, they are athletic but they will in fact bite a human and since they look exactly like the American Pit Bull Terrier it is the American Pit Bull Terrier that gets the blame as the vicious dog.

If you own a dog that you think is a American Pit Bull Terrier and has Registration Papers, look at the Registration Papers. If the papers are A.K.C then the dog is not an American Pit Bull Terrier and you will see it is in fact a American Staffordshire Terrier or if not then the U.K.'s Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Yes American Staffordshire Terriers make good guard dogs.

I hope this information is helpful to all.

The American Pit Bull was recognized by the AKC first. When the UKC came along the requirement was that the dogs had to have x-amount of wins in the pit to be registered. AKC said back off,they condoned dog/pit fighting. UKC said no. So the AKC changed the name from American PitBull Terrier to American Staffordshire Terrier. Same dog different name.
If you want to know how I know I'm a former evaluator for the AKC, hold 2 certifications for dog training and have been working with dogs/animals professionally since '98.


deleted for security reasons. In order to prove my point I would have to expose myself so.......:dance:


Grower for Life
Caucasian mountain dog. It's like being hit by a freakin 45 at point blank range and honestly will make a pit, etc. look like shit.
One problem.....getting one outta Russia

WTF. that would scare the shit out of anyone.

true grit

Well-known member
Have known pits, rotts, dobies, whatever.... for guard dog purposes I would probably go Dobie.

For intimidation, hardcoreness, etc- Great Pyranese. They get fired up, are huge, just camp out guarding, and sound like bears growling when they get cranking.


May your race always be in your favor
I have two dogs a Standard poodle, He's extremely smart, and doesn't take any crap from any one or dog. He weighed 79.6 lbs. the other day at the vet. The other dog is a Great Dane, she 10 months and stands about 33 in. weighs 120 and is still growing. Danes are very gentle but fearless. They aren't aggressive by nature. Hell who'd want a dog thats 3 ft tall and weighs 200lbs. But her size stops anyone with bad thoughts and that what the dog are for they are the home ADT system that answers to me.


Caucasian mountain dog. It's like being hit by a freakin 45 at point blank range and honestly will make a pit, etc. look like shit.
One problem.....getting one outta Russia

My vote for psycho "Guard Dog Of The Month", he's almost as scary as the dyke bitch holding him :yoinks::bigeye:
Hope that's not his wife:jump:

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
Caucasian mountain dog. It's like being hit by a freakin 45 at point blank range and honestly will make a pit, etc. look like shit.
One problem.....getting one outta Russia

Not sure which would worry me the most. The dog or the woman who owns him? Dog probably sleeps on her bed. That dog eats other dogs for food.


Caucasian mountain dog. It's like being hit by a freakin 45 at point blank range and honestly will make a pit, etc. look like shit.
One problem.....getting one outta Russia

*edit* Russia is the where this breed is originally from so if you ever want one bred for their 'original' purposes I would go there. To many 'backyard' breeders in the states for this and any other breed for that matter.


But on a serious note, working in animal shelters all these years the breed that has always given me a hard time....miniature pinscher's. small, fast little SOB's. They act like meth heads completely wired.
Worst bite case we've ever responded to....a golden retriever. Damn thing grabbed a kid, drug her under a picnic table and started to maul her before anyone could intervene.
But the most dangerous/best guard dog?..........A dog that is well trained and does what it needs to do when signaled regardless of breed. I've seen 'big scary looking monsters' that are super submissive and 'cute little' toy breeds that will rip your face off.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'm going to be quite blunt here, and I'm responding to the Original Post first and foremost. This may have been said already, but I feel I have to state it despite what may be a repetition.

That being said:

You shouldn't get a dog.

If all you are looking for is a guard dog, then you should not be in control of any powerful dog.

Any dog, no matter the breed, will be a good "guard" dog, assuming his pack is worth protecting.

The key there is if you are worth protecting.

A dog is a pack animal, and that's something you should be keenly aware of. A small dog defending its pack will be more ferocious and tenacious than a T-Rex descendant who hates everyone.

The first thing you must realize is that dogs are not idiots. When a well-trained police dog hurls himself at a suspect, armed or not, it is not because he is a "good dog". It is because he sees his pack in jeopardy, and his leader needs his help. A dog of any breed will die for his pack leader, and ignore a whimpering pup.

What makes a good guard dog has little to do with his breed, and more due to his instinct. If you love and treat him with respect, he will be the most loyal companion you will ever have. If you isolate him and teach him to hate, then you must live with the danger of your creation.

Simply, the best guard dog is one that has been trained with both love and respect. If you give any dog that, Chihuahua or Mastiff, he will be your loyal defender to the end of his days.

You ask "What dog is best for the job" when you should be asking "what dog is right for my family".

Rest assured, if you are taking in a dog, you have a family.

To paraphrase a president: "Ask not what your dog can do for you, ask what you can do for your dog"

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I mix and match....

I mix and match....

The best solution I have found is to have 6 Dogs....

1. Boxer
2. Rotts...
1. Dobie....
2. Dobie x Rotts....

....my caretakers....



pure rednose american pitbull and an american pitbull X bullmastiff
these are the best mates, bodygaurds and companions iv ever had... they also make my sides split from laughing at the shit they do daily!


Guard Geese sounds funny, but I had the misfortune of pissing one those off myself, wasn't funny at all at the time.:D