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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Well-known member
Anybody but hilary anybody she has been manipulating and grasping for the job since bill and monica and before. She doesn't care about anyone but herself . She will say anything and lie about anything . We can't trust her period


Active member
It will be nothing short of a miracle if we make it to the next election without a complete financial meltdown. Bernie is right about the banks and the insider cronyism but he could not be more wrong about the solution. For his socialist utopia to prosper he needs government to be larger, stronger, have more authority, make more decisions, consume more resources, intrude more in daily life, and inject itself into every aspect of our economy with an ever more robust security and enforcement apparatus. This will leave little or nothing for the real economy and it will cease to function. It is already happening now as main street dies and the worlds economies are collapsing into deflationary hell due to debt that cannot be repayed acting as collateral on more debt.

Bernie is the left's Ron Paul, minus the fact that Ron Paul was right about the solution. But he exists to throw the left a bone and give you brief, if not heartfelt, hope before you face the inevitable and vote for the Democrats version of Mitt Romney.

Bernie doesn't have all the answers, I agree. But consider, all the money spinning around at the top. The economy is not really in bad shape, gas is cheap, labor is cheap, imports are cheap, profits are fat. Of course, things are not so good for the 99%, falling a little more behind every year. The Fed feeds the banks, the banks feed the corporations, the corporations feed the banks. The money doesn't trickle down, it just pools at the top. Have you ever taken a look at what rich people spend their money on? Fancy watches, jewels, ugly monster houses, 100 foot yachts, overpriced art. Doesn't amount to much, in my opinion, balanced against everybody's else's need for food, shelter, health care.

So Bernie says, put a little tax on stock transactions and fund college education for everybody; Close down subsidies on fossil fuels and fix some roads and bridges; eliminate the cap on social security contributions and bump the standard of living for old folks; Kill off the private insurance company rip off for health care and insure everybody for less cost. It's a start but it ain't the end.

The problem with Ron Paul is that he dreams money is something real when it is really only an idea.


Well-known member
I think Bernie is grimacing in pain. The one cop has his right arm almost straight up behind his back with a two handed twist on it. Bernie isn't laughing.

I think in fairness they need to have Hillary before the cameras and under bright lights with absolutely no make-up on so the people can see she isn't really any younger looking than Bernie.
If Hillary wins she would be one of the most unfit physically out of shape presidents ever and most certainly of modern times.

Bernie can probably do some jogging or play a picnic game of tennis or basketball. Hillary is like Tweety Bird's grandma owner. In the early debates they kept showing them from behind and her ass was wider than Sanders' and O'Malley's combined.

I would be making an issue of her grandmother appearance. Bill's indiscretions and terrorists won't respect a woman president, every lie her and Bill have told, the stuff they tried to take from the White House, her life long politician career, the fact she had to go run for Senate where she didn't even live just because the incumbent left office so a easy victory on her name alone and make her defend it all. I wouldn't let up. Bill keeps ignoring the indiscretions questions. But they will soon grow louder.

If Sanders and Trump would both lose the primaries but then run as independents I really think one of them would be the next president. Especially if Sanders only loses because of the superdelegates and not the actual won delegates.

Take Nothing At Face Value


Sanders leads Clinton by 6 percent in National Poll

Sanders leads Clinton by 6 percent in National Poll

The latest Reuters poll is defying the pundits’ predictions that Bernie lost ground after the five-point defeat in Nevada and shows Bernie Sanders taking the lead over Hillary Clinton by six percent nationally.

@BernieSanders passes @HillaryClinton in our national poll for the first time. #Democrats https://t.co/xdD8tAGOi1 pic.twitter.com/e0NMXzQbUX

— Chris Kahn (@Cmkahn) February 23, 2016

According to the data, this is not the first time that Bernie Sanders has passed Hillary Clinton this month, but it also signals a downward trend for the once heiress apparent. The Clinton camp would be hoping for a bounce after the Nevada caucus went their way, but this was not forthcoming.

BOOM! @BernieSanders Ahead in New @Reuters Poll. We'll discuss on #RNRLIVE tomorrow. https://t.co/gIanqnjggG pic.twitter.com/jILFUjpcSz

— Bernie2016 TV (@Bernie2016tv) February 24, 2016



Active member
Yea if you notice all the left wing media outlets are lapping on Hillarys snatch every chance they get. It's an endless loop of how dominating she is and how Bernie is unelectable , they figure if they say it enough times people will start to believe it. I can't stand her. At least the Republicans come out and say they are supporting big business, Hillary tries to wear the populist camouflage so she can stab us in the back.


Well-known member
good luck being on the wrong side of a landslide...:biggrin:

Said Hillary supporters to Sanders supporters. There is some irony in your statement.

I would vote Bernie if he got there. But he isn't going to be able to overcome the Superdelegates. He just isn't.

In the final battle Trump could take most all the Republican votes and enough of Sanders votes to win it all.

Meraxes are you saying that all Sanders supporters will vote Hillary if she wins the primary over Sanders? Sanders people are seeking change. The only change left will be Trump. It seems just the opposite should happen.


Sometimes I feel like I end up voting for the lessor of evils. In reality, both candidates and both parties are the same evil. With a Clinton-Trump choice, I don't think I would vote. I couldn't choose. In the end, maybe Bernie would be little different. Still, with Bernie, I'd have some small Hope.


Hilary vs Trump - looking over from the UK, hahahahahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Honestly, massive respect to the US citizens, but your country is messed up beyond repair, having all that money in circulation has fucked you.

Trump is actually going to win, him and Putin are not people who should be leading countries, worrying times ahead


Active member
Said Hillary supporters to Sanders supporters. There is some irony in your statement.

I would vote Bernie if he got there. But he isn't going to be able to overcome the Superdelegates. He just isn't.

In the final battle Trump could take most all the Republican votes and enough of Sanders votes to win it all.

Meraxes are you saying that all Sanders supporters will vote Hillary if she wins the primary over Sanders? Sanders people are seeking change. The only change left will be Trump. It seems just the opposite should happen.

The whole spiel about the superdelegates is bullshit. The system has been in place for over 30 years. Never have the superdelegates voted to give the nom to the candidate having fewer pledged delegates. Not once, not even in 2008 when the difference was small. There's no reason other than paranoia & assumed victimhood to think this time will be any different.

It's true enough that Party apparatchiks favor Clinton. That doesn't mean they're stupid enough to alienate the base by going against the express wishes of primary voters & caucus goers.

The candidate arriving at the convention with the most pledged delegates will be the nominee. That might be different in a tight 3 way race where one candidate throws their support to another but we don't have that.


Well-known member
Said Hillary supporters to Sanders supporters. There is some irony in your statement.

I would vote Bernie if he got there. But he isn't going to be able to overcome the Superdelegates. He just isn't.

In the final battle Trump could take most all the Republican votes and enough of Sanders votes to win it all.

Meraxes are you saying that all Sanders supporters will vote Hillary if she wins the primary over Sanders? Sanders people are seeking change. The only change left will be Trump. It seems just the opposite should happen.

in my opinion, NO ONE that supports Bernie would be fool enough to vote for Trump. Bernies fans are idealists, Trump is an ignorant horses ass. NO ONE is desperate enough for "change" to go backwards...


Active member
in my opinion, NO ONE that supports Bernie would be fool enough to vote for Trump. Bernies fans are idealists, Trump is an ignorant horses ass. NO ONE is desperate enough for "change" to go backwards...

8 years ago, the majority voted for Change...today the same peeps are voting for Change again.

I am no fan of Trump. He is NOT my ideal candidate. That being said...Between Trump and Sanders...Trump all the way ! We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and the destruction of free markets will not cure that...only sink us further.

How many jobs has Sanders created? Anyone? Bueller? The guy has been sucking off the Government tit his whole life. Never had a real job until he was elected Mayor. Sanders doesn't know how to create wealth...only take it.

American Exceptionalism {liberty, individualism, democracy} is what has made this country the greatest one ever known. The world would not be as advanced as it is today without the good ol USA and it's free market system.

Socialism destroys the desire to succeed. We lose the incentive to bring ourselves up when everyone is kept at the same level...a level designated by a overruling, oppressive government.

I started my adult life homeless. Hard work and the desire to be wealthy has taking me to heights I once thought unreachable. I work for myself...not the lazy. Do I mind some taxes? No because I do feel that, as a country, we should take care of the poor, elderly and those mentally unable to care for themselves. Some social programs are needed if humanity is going to exist. But free college, free cell phones and all the other free bullshit is just that...Bullshit.



Active member
in my opinion, NO ONE that supports Bernie would be fool enough to vote for Trump. Bernies fans are idealists, Trump is an ignorant horses ass. NO ONE is desperate enough for "change" to go backwards...

Dont worry Doob, AOH is right here because A)Trump cant win with only half of white people, the demographics make his chances a joke. B) When the general election is in full swing, blue comes home to blue everytime...as I will. I want Bernie, but I'm not going to get him, so I'll vote Hillary. If you're blue and staying home, you just gave 1 vote to this fascist animal.


Active member
8 years ago, the majority voted for Change...today the same peeps are voting for Change again.

I am no fan of Trump. He is NOT my ideal candidate. That being said...Between Trump and Sanders...Trump all the way ! We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and the destruction of free markets will not cure that...only sink us further.

How many jobs has Sanders created? Anyone? Bueller? The guy has been sucking off the Government tit his whole life. Never had a real job until he was elected Mayor. Sanders doesn't know how to create wealth...only take it.

American Exceptionalism {liberty, individualism, democracy} is what has made this country the greatest one ever known. The world would not be as advanced as it is today without the good ol USA and it's free market system.

Socialism destroys the desire to succeed. We lose the incentive to bring ourselves up when everyone is kept at the same level...a level designated by a overruling, oppressive government.

I started my adult life homeless. Hard work and the desire to be wealthy has taking me to heights I once thought unreachable. I work for myself...not the lazy. Do I mind some taxes? No because I do feel that, as a country, we should take care of the poor, elderly and those mentally unable to care for themselves. Some social programs are needed if humanity is going to exist. But free college, free cell phones and all the other free bullshit is just that...Bullshit.

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Lmfao....Anyone?...Bueller? That was funny, I'm sorry...:biggrin:


Active member
How he spoke about Latinos doesnt rub you the wrong way maybe even a smidge? Anchorbabies? C'mon man, c'mon..(tickles).:biggrin:


Well-known member
8 years ago, the majority voted for Change...today the same peeps are voting for Change again.
that "change" was co-opted by wall street and his two administrations were business as usual. what blows my mind is obama did a lot of what republicans wanted or said they wanted to do and they still give him shit. one can only assume the right's hatred for him is based in ignorance, or has to do with something else... :thinking: obama was a good corporatist/moderate republican president.

I am no fan of Trump. He is NOT my ideal candidate. That being said...Between Trump and Sanders...Trump all the way ! We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and the destruction of free markets will not cure that...only sink us further.
trump is basically schizophrenic on his views. he says conflicting things just about every other time i listen to him. kind of like hillary when she says shes more progressive on bernie and at other times playing the moderate card, they are just fishing for votes casting a wide net. with trump for example, he's said both he is in favor and against a single payer/universal health care type system.

we also don't have a free market any more. we have socialism for the elite and a crony capitalist/corporatist economy.

also it's hysterical how so many conservatives think bernie is going to replace the "free markets" and "capitalism". you lack a basic understanding of things, but that doesn't surprise me when the sources of information you likely use are a joke. i read comment sections for sites like brietbart and infowars when i'm bored for laughs. you sound like every other gop doupe.

How many jobs has Sanders created? Anyone? Bueller? The guy has been sucking off the Government tit his whole life. Never had a real job until he was elected Mayor. Sanders doesn't know how to create wealth...only take it.
trickle down is a failure.
how did bush jr's tax cuts for the rich go after losing 3.5m jobs in the last 6 months of his presidency? the whole "wealthy are job creators" nonsense is largely a myth.

American Exceptionalism {liberty, individualism, democracy} is what has made this country the greatest one ever known. The world would not be as advanced as it is today without the good ol USA and it's free market system.

Socialism destroys the desire to succeed. We lose the incentive to bring ourselves up when everyone is kept at the same level...a level designated by a overruling, oppressive government.
this country has almost always been quasi-socialist/democratic socialist. but that also doesn't mean anti-democratic, anti-individualism, or anti-libertarian.

wanna know what the pure "free market" times were like go read about the robber baron days of the 19th century.

I started my adult life homeless. Hard work and the desire to be wealthy has taking me to heights I once thought unreachable. I work for myself...not the lazy. Do I mind some taxes? No because I do feel that, as a country, we should take care of the poor, elderly and those mentally unable to care for themselves. Some social programs are needed if humanity is going to exist. But free college, free cell phones and all the other free bullshit is just that...Bullshit.
bernie's promising free cell phones now? i mustve missed that one :moon:

nothing is free. appropriating taxes for things like health care and tuition free public university (which is a wall street tax) for better outcomes than what we have now is just logical and not to mention cheaper in the long run.

since you like posting pictures and memes, here's one for you
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