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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Well-known member
A bit of help is fine with me but the end result must be self sufficiency. There is some misconception that the working class and the wealthy should foot the bill for every kid born to an unwed mother, immigrant legal or otherwise, birth control, food, housing, transportation etc. Grip this we can't afford to put everyone on welfare! I'm pretty sure your not old enough to remember the effect Reagonomics had on the country, it really was a positive thing. Many people went back to work and things got better. The left is offering one thing presently and that is grinding poverty for all of us and add to that you will be considered property of the state (socialism). Government does not earn money it prints it on the backs of the working class and the wealthy. Socialism comes into play when the government has through incompetence or intent mishandled the economy to the point we are in soup lines waiting for a bowl of thin soup and a piece of bread. Presently the leftist scum in the WH have with the intent of creating a socialist state ruined the economy, made business almost impossible to legally run with regulation and high taxes, educated the young in a fashion causing them to be incapable of thinking for themselves or be able to recognize the importance of our constitution.

there are some true things here, and others not so much
the reality is that as technologies have continued to advance, there is less need for workers
at least for the fundamentals of life
many people will never have the skill set needed to work in the world we have created
it's not new, it's been going on for 100's of years, and it's relentless
the welfare state emerges into societies as they become more 'advanced'
it crosses cultures, races and religions
so what is the solution? that seems elusive


Active member
What do they say?... "If you don't like yer jerb, get on out der n' find nudder one." Where are these jobs you speak of? All being busted down to part time by the corporations, thats where. I know a single mom who juggles 3 part time jobs, barely sleeps, online schooling when she has the time, and it wasn't for food stamps, they wouldn't even eat. There's no upward mobility, they want to take more from people with nothing, and give the REAL welfare to the oil companies/corporations. They then take our tax money and stash it in the Cayman Islands, after they've bought their 4th yacht. The cycle continues, with the poor misguided country people parroting their propaganda for them, when even they don't see a dime.

Too bad Obamacare just about put an end to being able to run a profitable business in this country. To bad taxes are so high you just can't afford to start a real business and hire employee's. Many of you obviously don't know this but the wages you make are often less than what it costs your employer to keep you in a job. After Workmans comp, health insurance, legal fees, business expenses and the taxes on whatever money you might make his business many business owners wish they actually worked for someone else! Real welfare to oil companies/corporations is a myth. Well maybe if your running a solar energy scam financed with our money by the crook in the WH! Solyndra comes to mind. Paying around 50% of your profit in taxes is not welfare. Presently the oil companies are shrinking fast. High taxes have pushed many corporations out of the country. But most of you have never run a business of any kind.


Well-known member
Too bad Obamacare just about put an end to being able to run a profitable business in this country.
obamacare is a mandate to buy private insurance (good for private health insurance co's). private sector jobs in general grew exponentially under his administration.. how can 12m private sector jobs be grown if obama/obamacare is killing business?

To bad taxes are so high you just can't afford to start a real business and hire employee's.
corporate taxes in this country are at near historic low levels

Many of you obviously don't know this but the wages you make are often less than what it costs your employer to keep you in a job. After Workmans comp, health insurance, legal fees, business expenses and the taxes on whatever money you might make his business many business owners wish they actually worked for someone else!
small businesses overwhelmingly support a wage increase. odd they would if they are hurting so bad..

Real welfare to oil companies/corporations is a myth.
corporate welfare is definitely not a myth

Paying around 50% of your profit in taxes is not welfare. Presently the oil companies are shrinking fast. High taxes have pushed many corporations out of the country. But most of you have never run a business of any kind.

again corporate taxes are at historically low numbers. there's more than just taxes at work that makes companies leave the country. (free trade)


Active member
there are some true things here, and others not so much
the reality is that as technologies have continued to advance, there is less need for workers
at least for the fundamentals of life
many people will never have the skill set needed to work in the world we have created
it's not new, it's been going on for 100's of years, and it's relentless
the welfare state emerges into societies as they become more 'advanced'
it crosses cultures, races and religions
so what is the solution? that seems elusive

Not completely true either. Yes technology has advanced greatly. However you must have people with jobs to make money and buy the new toys. The solution offered by the left is civil chaos then starvation and grinding poverty. Look how the biggest communist/socialist nations have come to be. The solution is exactly what made America great in the first place, low taxes, our constitution and a free market. Presently we have high taxes, a government attacking the constitution and anything but a free market. However now we have millions of freeloaders to support and a debt we will never recover from. Parasites and weight on our backs. I see civil war before we can overcome these issues.


Active member
Not completely true either. Yes technology has advanced greatly. However you must have people with jobs to make money and buy the new toys. The solution offered by the left is civil chaos then starvation and grinding poverty. Look how the biggest communist/socialist nations have come to be. The solution is exactly what made America great in the first place, low taxes, our constitution and a free market. Presently we have high taxes, a government attacking the constitution and anything but a free market. However now we have millions of freeloaders to support and a debt we will never recover from. Parasites and weight on our backs. I see civil war before we can overcome these issues.

This thread is glowing now, because of his carpetbombing...:biggrin:


Well-known member
... The solution is exactly what made America great in the first place, low taxes, our constitution and a free market. ...

this is religion, in your mind it can not be questioned
free market is a slippery term, free markets often aren't free
the system is gamed constantly, the freeness is undercut, eroded
and you're looking back in time when the country was being settled, expanded, and so forth
America misses her frontier, but part of growing up


Well-known member
Not completely true either. Yes technology has advanced greatly. However you must have people with jobs to make money and buy the new toys.
robotics and automation has increased worker productivity drastically yet their wages remain stagnant or their factories get shipped overseas.

The solution offered by the left is civil chaos then starvation and grinding poverty. Look how the biggest communist/socialist nations have come to be.
you're still confusing authoritarian communist and socialist dictatorships with social democracy or new deal style legislation (which is what the Sanders style "socialism" is.... think FDR and Eisenhower... not venezuela)

The solution is exactly what made America great in the first place, low taxes, our constitution and a free market.
our constitution hasn't gone anywhere

low taxes were largely a Reagan era thing... top marginal rates by prez - FDR 94%, Eisenhower 91%, JFK 91%, LBJ 91%, Nixon 70%, Ford 70%, Carter 70%, Reagan 50% in 1981 to 28% in 1986.

at the time reagan was in office was when we began to see the trend of income inequality increasing. he also signed the first free trade agreement with israel.


Presently we have high taxes, a government attacking the constitution and anything but a free market.

taxes are low

govt isnt attacking the constitution

you're right about the free market thing though. business owns the government, they use govt to get what they want, and that is corporate welfare. or in other words they want socialism for themselves and "free market" capitalism for every one else.

However now we have millions of freeloaders to support and a debt we will never recover from. Parasites and weight on our backs. I see civil war before we can overcome these issues.
corporate welfare is the burden. social welfare programs are not the problem lol. most people on welfare are employed (or partner is employed).

raise the minimum wage maybe we wouldn't have so many "parasites" on our backs


Well-known member
this is religion, in your mind it can not be questioned
free market is a slippery term, free markets often aren't free
the system is gamed constantly, the freeness is undercut, eroded
and you're looking back in time when the country was being settled, expanded, and so forth
America misses her frontier, but part of growing up


the free market isn't what made the US great. the american middle class and work force did. otherwise you'd still be working weekends next to your 4yr old kid in a mine shaft for 70hrs a week. we had to fight tooth and nail for what we now have. free market did nothing but make a handful of people rich.


This why I support Bernie- he's my most progressive option... That's my main concern w a candidate... Regardless of personality or level of perfection or lack there of... I when faced with anything less Thant the perfect candidate will simply look for the most progressive and they will have my support.

Yes I wish the Democratic Party was more left, more radical and passionate... Oh yea that describes Bernie!!!

Go Bernie go

Couldn't agree more jhhnn btw


Active member
This why I support Bernie- he's my most progressive option... That's my main concern w a candidate... Regardless of personality or level of perfection or lack there of... I when faced with anything less Thant the perfect candidate will simply look for the most progressive and they will have my support.

Yes I wish the Democratic Party was more left, more radical and passionate... Oh yea that describes Bernie!!!

Go Bernie go

Couldn't agree more jhhnn btw

So you support a guy who never held a job until he was in his forties and then worked for the government? A guy who's only hope is to turn us into a poverty stricken socialist country? A 74 year OLD guy who is completely full of BS? What exactly do you expect him to accomplish anyway, not a good track record so far.


Active member
obamacare is a mandate to buy private insurance (good for private health insurance co's). private sector jobs in general grew exponentially under his administration.. how can 12m private sector jobs be grown if obama/obamacare is killing business?

A mandate to buy private insurance regulated by the govt and it is expensive crappy insurance at that. In fact it is caving in on itself presently and the major insurance companies are getting out from under Obamacare while demanding a bailout! That private sector jobs have grown exponentially under this administration is a lie! the private sector has suffered greatly under the present administration, unless they were subsidized with tax money and were part of their grand scheme like wind and solar. We want non subsidized private sector growth, freestanding from govt.

corporate taxes in this country are at near historic low levels

They are at their highest level in many years.

small businesses overwhelmingly support a wage increase. odd they would if they are hurting so bad..

Another lie!

corporate welfare is definitely not a myth

Corporate welfare does happen when a party or candidate sells his soul for money to get elected with. Directly the wind and solar energy companies truly got plenty of free money.

again corporate taxes are at historically low numbers. there's more than just taxes at work that makes companies leave the country. (free trade)

Who told you this? And you believed them?

Too bad you are the most completely duped person in history, you even believe your own lies! Worse you believe the lies put out by the administration itself!


Well-known member
So you support a guy who never held a job until he was in his forties and then worked for the government? A guy who's only hope is to turn us into a poverty stricken socialist country? A 74 year OLD guy who is completely full of BS?

i'm the dupe yet you're the one using alex jones talking points. go figure


Active member
Who told you this? And you believed them?

Too bad you are the most completely duped person in history, you even believe your own lies! Worse you believe the lies put out by the administration itself!

How about you stop insulting people...


Active member
The irony of the classic argument from conservatives about their fiscal responsibility as opposed to liberals is when the facts speak. The national debt vs gdp lowered aND then stabilized from the end of world War 2 until 1981, when Raegan tax policy came to be. Did you know that in the the last 70 years the top 4 were Ronald Raegan, George Bush 1, George Bush 2, and Obama for adding to the national debt? That's right, Raegan racked up as much debt as Obama! So granted the economy was revitalized, but basically what happened was the government stopped paying it's bills. That'd be the same as if you put all your bills on a credit card and then celebrated because your checking account kept getting bigger.



Active member
Next, you speak of healthcare being a drag on the economy. You are absolutely correct on this, Obamacare is a big tax, but even before Obamacare existed our business were being pummeled by the rising cost of paying their employee healthcare, if costs continued to rise as they have been there would be no growth or people simply wouldn't have insurance provided as a benefit. That was a problem before Obamacare, and obamacare is a small and inadequate step to fixing the problem. The single payer system is actually the most cost effective way to manage healthcare costs. Please look at the charts below, you will see that the much maligned social health from European countries actually ends up costing them 6% less, in terms of gdp that's hundreds of billions of dollars that would be freed up for business to spend on investment instead of health insurance.

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Active member
Then, the real problem is that we all need to make a good living and the country should run so that people's children are better off than their parents. That is not the case, there is no imperial evidence that shows common people being better off under trickle down economics.



Active member
Our modern economy requires advanced education to stay competitive in the world. Along with healthcare, the costs of education are soaring, leading to a higher burden on working families trying to put their kids through school.

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