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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Yea this is going to be terrible for our country. It's funny, all of us here arguing both sides and this and that.... Hillary and Trump would probably have very similar policies as president. Trump is spouting all this crazy ignorant southern rhetoric but people seem to forget he's from New York and has supported the Dems until just a couple years ago. Cruz and Rubio are both idiots, Clinton is a criminal and just as close to big business as any republican. I respect Bernie for at least trying to help the working man, just like I would also vote for Ron Paul for the same effect reason. In reality both parties are bought and paid for and don't differ very much on what they get done... abortion, gay marriage, gun control would have you think they are so different, but we've seen that no matter which side is in office government debt keeps going up and our wages stay flat, costs of living go up. I vote for complete world economic collapse, it's the only way to wake up the complacent western civilizations to act up, I thought the Occupy movement was onto something but that fizzled out. I don't think anything will be fixed until banks start getting burned down and the corrupt scum dragged through the streets on the end of a hemp rope.....


Active member
He reminds me of Ron Paul. They don't agree on much, but they stand up for their principles no matter what the rest of their party thinks. You know exactly where they stand on the issues because they've been fighting for those positions their whole lives.

Totally agree...Bernie has been totally committed to his core beliefs and that does earn some respect with me. Although I disagree with a lot of his ideas...he's not a "Con Man" like El Trumpo.

Keep in mind...the same could be said about Cruz...They both stick to their guns.


Top Democratic National Committee official resigns to endorse Bernie Sanders

Top Democratic National Committee official resigns to endorse Bernie Sanders

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic National Committee vice-chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned from her post on Sunday to endorse Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.

"I think it’s most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment," Gabbard, a U.S. representative for Hawaii, said on MSNBC show "Meet the Press".


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Bernie is toast. Done. Stick him with a fork. The DNC delegate fix is in for the evil hag Hildabeast.
Question is, will Bernie supporters tow the party line and vote for her?


I get things are looking grim- but I don't give up till my backs against wall. Yea it's more up hill than ever but I'm not giving in! I'm planning on going to a rally Wednesday for him...

I think Canada better call trump and get some ideas for a wall... They are going to need it if he goes down!


Don't give up till we are forced to! Political winds can shift at a moments notice!!!


Active member
I sent him another 10 bucks a week ago, except now it's for getting him back home safely, and possibly a Turkeybird at Denny's...


Active member
I dont know how many Bernie supporters would actually go vote for Clinton, I feel like most of them understand how much of an evil lier she is and wouldn't even go out to vote given a Trump vs Hillary ticket. I honestly think Trump would win in that case, I think the old white guys are more consistent voters than the typical democrat, so given how shitty of a candidate will be representing the left is think a lot of their base will stay home and Trump will win. If that's the case then I hope he does follow through on fixing free trade, that's about the only good idea I've ever heard come from that man's mouth. Hillary is just Trump with a bush and more eloquent speech, both are worthless human beings.


Well-known member
don't stay home
just understand that a write in for bernie is better than staying home
and you never know, a lot of fed up people out there

Bud Green

I dig dirt


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The voting machines would say they had been there even if they never were.

Choice was something a democracy has. The only choice you have under an oligarchy is to be fooled by it or not.


Well-known member
The voting machines would say they had been there even if they never were.

Choice was something a democracy has. The only choice you have under an oligarchy is to be fooled by it or not.

i think the system is 'honest' in this respect
for the most part, votes are faithfully counted and reported
you have a programmed voting population, that's the control
look to history, no system lasts forever
On election day I'm going to be looking at pics from all over the country to see for myself how it's being handled. If it's all the same machine and same company then that right there is all that needs to be said. I remember how they made the switch to electronic after the Revote fiasco with BushGore. I know at one point bush co. owned the machines...you cant make this up...I dont know if that's how they're still doing it we'll see...

Local elections, different story.


Last election cycle I was a big Ron Paul supporter, the Republicans shunned him and gave us Romney. I wrote in Ron Paul and it was essentially a non vote giving way to the Democrats victory. Lots of the same will happen to the Democrats this cycle. The Bernie supporters will be very pissed and revolt. Trump will win. If he sticks to his guns and tackles the economy, trade and the southern border it won't be as bad as some make it out to be. He's actually a big supporter of medical marijuana and may loosen things up in that department. He has also said it should be up to the States on recreational.

I know people are going all political crazy right now but at the end of the day I see Trump winning by alot and its not the end of the world.

Space Toker

Active member
I have not checked in here in a long while, for a while I lost all internet interests for the most part for a few months, but I have to say Sanders although an increasing longshot of late would be a whole lot better president than Trump and I would want to move to Mars if Trump won, and that I would but can't.... but seriously, anyone is better than Trump, the guy no matter what else is a madman the likes of WW2 dictators, he has no place as president and anyone who would vote for him has shit for brains He is a racist and would bomb innocent people to punish enemies. The guy should be commited not elected...yeah I know I should too... I would gladly be committed if it means that madman Does not get elected... GO SANDERS!


Active member
I sent another 50 bucks to Bernie. As far as I'm concerned he has already won. The Bernie people will not fade quietly into the wallpaper.

I still think Mrs. Clinton will go down in flames due to her scandals and duplicity so that leaves Trump as President. What a horrible thought. The KKK loves him. President Trump will bring on a new Civil War.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Bom. please tell us you're just pulling our collective(crypto commie) legs. How did you like the way I worked collective in with commie? Are there any 3rd or 4th party candidates to use as a none of the above vote?
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