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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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haha. We ain't perfect, far from it, we need reform in our national health care as things like agency staff are sucking billions, and then the state staff are on low pay getting raw deal. We have huge debt, and pay 7% of our total tax income just on the national debt interest, because the welfare is way too high and we reward lazy people.


This is where our tax goes, health should be top, education and then welfare in my mind. Which is what our current political party are trying to change, by raising minimum wages and dropping welfare payments, encouraging people to work.

Bit off topic, but ignorant stereotyping winds me up. I follow the circus you call election over there, and have an open minded interest outside of my own country lol


Invertebrata Inebriata
We should all in the very least have respect for eachother, no matter our beliefs. For example I respect you, but I believe we should be building bridges, and not walls...:tiphat:

Q: How can I respect somebody that publicly declares their support for Fred Flintstone for president?

A: I can't.


Active member
It wasn't BS. He won the registered republican latino vote by a big margin. There were only 1800 of them but he still won them.

You should have phrased it "Winning the registered republican hispanic voters isn't that many votes". Not it was BS. That makes it sound like somebody is lying.

Nobody was lying. It is true.

You are missing the point about that stat. Trump won the latino/hispanic vote against two guys with the last name of Rubio and Cruz. LOL! That is the point. Not that he will gain the majority of hispanic votes in the general election. He will get a good amount of their votes though. Maybe 20% or more.

It's pure fluffery. Winning a majority of 15% of latino voters isn't "winning latino voters" except in Glenbeckistan.

Bullshit takes many forms.


Active member
Q: How can I respect somebody that publicly declares their support for Fred Flintstone for president?

A: I can't.

Because they're our countrymen too...I miss hanna barbara cartoons, especially the Jetsons. You and itarzan have a little love/hate thing going on, should go bowling like Fred and the Barn..:biggrin:.


Active member
He shot way to the middle last night...this guy thinks he already won. Defending Palestine, and healthcare, Naftas fukn stupid....I'm spinning in my sandles. When he clinches, is he going to say "o yeah, lets forget that whole wall thing too"...gee wizzdom...uncharted


Active member
He shot way to the middle last night...this guy thinks he already won. Defending Palestine, and healthcare, Naftas fukn stupid....I'm spinning in my sandles. When he clinches, is he going to say "o yeah, lets forget that whole wall thing too"...gee wizzdom...uncharted

He's just winging it- saying anything that'll keep the media publicizing his campaign. He'll try to talk his way around any seeming contradictions when he needs to. A Closer's strongest asset is his line of bullshit.

the gnome

Active member
He's just winging it- saying anything that'll keep the media publicizing his campaign. He'll try to talk his way around any seeming contradictions when he needs to. A Closer's strongest asset is his line of bullshit.

we rarely agree on politics and politicians but that is truly...
wisdom uncharted :smoke:


Active member
He's just winging it- saying anything that'll keep the media publicizing his campaign. He'll try to talk his way around any seeming contradictions when he needs to. A Closer's strongest asset is his line of bullshit.

Yup, You can't have the whole world Agamemnon...I won't forget how just a couple years ago he spoke about the first African-American president as if he's something alien and foreign. We need to get James Franco to go back in time and stop that shit too...:biggrin:


Active member
Wait isn't this the guy that turned a DeLorean into a time machine in Back to the Future?

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Its the new Stephen King series...11.22.63. James Franco(probably after a bowl), jumps through a rabbit hole in the closet of a diner(which is cool in itself because the cook gets his hamburger from the 60's)..and tries to stop the JFK assasination, so vietnam would never have escalated...


Come on guys and gals if you haven't chipped in at least your $27 do it now!!! Post ur support of fb or order a yard sign.... Hillary is inevitable if we just let the tide begin to roll her way.... I'm convinced it's only apathy that we can't get this man elected we'd like to have that is holding Bernie back from landslide!!!!!! BELEIVE, MORE IMPORTANTLY DO SOMETHING... Talk a friend, talk your mom into voting for him!!! We can do this...

It hit me tonight- you notice the GOP isn't wailing on her like normal? It's because they don't want to take her down right now!!! Because they feel they got a better shot vs Hillary than sanders....

Rally the troops! Sing the battle cry for this political revolution!!! If your silent about it stop- Start talking about him, be prementive... Too much on the line! A goddamn Shame if we sit around and let the man who would win the general loose the primary and by doing so help elect trump! Face reality despite his craziness he would appeal more to average swing voter w his BS than she does. She wins I'll support her, I always vote the most progressive option regulars less of flaws... But let's face it: trump vs Clinton is a contest of personality ( don't think we are winning side on this). Trump vs sanders - an ez to follow policy vs personality... Sanders won't let trump just spew random bad English and let the crowd cheer- he will make him look like a fool! That man is "old man tough" trumps domineering demeanor will shake him none!!!


Active member
Post ur support of fb or order a yard sign....


Sanders won't let trump just spew random bad English and let the crowd cheer- he will make him look like a fool! That man is "old man tough" trumps domineering demeanor will shake him none!!!

Yeah....I highly doubt it. Trump is on fire. A fire lit by the hard working folks of this country tired of getting fucked by the powers that be...tired of being taxed on everything...or by losing their jobs because it moved oversees. Look, he took a beating by Rubio at the last debate...got called out for what he is really all about...and yet he still gains in polls. People are pissed. I'm talking about people that gained skills and work hard, make a good living. We are getting fucked and have been for a long time...under Dem and GOP.

Of course the Moonbats that depend on Big Brother...to give them a hand...love the Socialist. These snowflakes...the ones seeking comfort in their safe places...they will stick with comrade Sanders to the very end.

No. Trump would destroy Sanders in the debates....just like he WILL Shillery.

I DO NOT want El Trumpo as my pres. My vote will be wasted on Gary Johnson.



Active member
VTA you continue to regurgitate what Howie Carr says on his radio program every afternoon and I haven't seen you post one set of data yet! The Rush Limbaugh idea that all liberals are mooching off the government and all conservatives are the blue collar backbone of America.

If you would take a look at the FACTS here... most of the largest receivers of federal aid "welfare" are very consistent Red states, the same people that will attempt to rally around Trump or Cruz to cut the same aid? That logic makes about as much sense as well.... a Trump speech?


Active member
I'll be shipping another $27 to Bernie after he loses the S. Carolina primary. If, or rather when, Trump is elected President it will be because the African American community decided in favor of Clinton. She will never be President and I doubt Trump will do much for black people. What will the Bernie people do if Clinton is the nominee?


cold canna- don't you find it funny to how average joes working and making enough to not need assistance are infuriated by the image of Reagans welfare queen image type person but don't give two shits of the corporate welfare conservatives doll out like theirs no bottom to the pot? No outrage at the congress and party who allow loopholes in tax code to stay open allowing HUGE corporations to pay little to nothing in tax?

Now I'm not advocating the welfare system gladly support the lazy, I love working and take pride in my work ethic, and quite frankly I don't like either system abused! However the undeserving welfare recipient hurts us less than the welfare and loopholes to the top.... Tho it may be undeserved (by the stereotype not all recipients) every dime of it gets spent in our economy and trickles right back to top!!!!

Vta: Trump tear sanders to shreds on issues? LMFAO!!! Yea Rubio lit him up and
After accused him of pissing his pants! But it was all on surface shot and zingers.... Because these guys have no policy besides "no" to anything but billionaires and military spending!!! Trump spews some poorly assembled English based on tom foolery logic and the crazies go nuts... I don't see sanders taking the bait to make debates about digs and personal attacks... Talk issues and details and trump has no clue. "How are you going to make Mexico pay for the wall?" His paraphrased reply " I'll call them up and they'll be happy to pay for it". That's not how the world works!!!! Bernie would chew him apart without screaming and accusing him of peeing his pants he in his passionate but low key way would be able to demonstrate how foolish these ideas are... Bernie has a knack not seen in many progressives to be able to simplify policy and beliefs so those that aren't politically savvy can grasp but not be lost in boredom from technical details they don't get nor aren't interested in....Sanders could with little effort be able to expose him as the bag of hot wind he is....no the GOP competition can't because their ideas are just as well grounded and logical as his! So there's no real substance to compare his hot wind to...

How anyone can support any of those guys idk... The post debate interviews were more hilarious than the debate! Bickering about who's sweating and doing make up and who needs a full length mirror! Are you kidding me???

SNL better be worried there is no way they can do parodies that top this reality!!!!
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So, Bernie lost by 30 to the evil succubus in SC. It will be over on Tuesday night. Bernie never fought. He thought he could go all high brow, although I think he was told from the start to never mention the criminality of the Clinton's, or the path of horror through the world that she has left as Secretary of State. Bernie did call her out as being a tool of the corporations and especially the banks though, and that did take some courage. It's funny how the Dem candidate will be the one who voted for the wars and to bail out the banks and big business. It will be over for the reps on Tuesday night also. Then we have eight months of all out war to see who will get to steer the ship through the fog, while the financial markets teeter every second, waiting for even a faint breeze to rustle a twig and send the whole mess right back to September 2008


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ICMag Donor
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Yeah....I highly doubt it. Trump is on fire. A fire lit by the hard working folks of this country tired of getting fucked by the powers that be...tired of being taxed on everything...or by losing their jobs because it moved oversees. Look, he took a beating by Rubio at the last debate...got called out for what he is really all about...and yet he still gains in polls. People are pissed. I'm talking about people that gained skills and work hard, make a good living. We are getting fucked and have been for a long time...under Dem and GOP.

Of course the Moonbats that depend on Big Brother...to give them a hand...love the Socialist. These snowflakes...the ones seeking comfort in their safe places...they will stick with comrade Sanders to the very end.

No. Trump would destroy Sanders in the debates....just like he WILL Shillery.

I DO NOT want El Trumpo as my pres. My vote will be wasted on Gary Johnson.


I will be happy to vote for Gary Johnson a second time. I will be unhappy watching the election results that night. I don't want to see Trump or Clinton as our next president.

I disagree with Bernie on most issues, but I respect him. He reminds me of Ron Paul. They don't agree on much, but they stand up for their principles no matter what the rest of their party thinks. You know exactly where they stand on the issues because they've been fighting for those positions their whole lives. It's sad to see a principled guy like Bernie lose to Hillary.

Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump. The election no one wants to see but is happening anyway. It's a choice between the greater evil and the other greater evil. Or a third party candidate that has no chance of winning.
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