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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
So you can say that the young generation is a bunch of socialists who want stuff for free and don't want to work, that's hardly the truth. The economy is terrible because most middle class jobs are getting shipped oversees via free trade, that's just truth it's not even political. Democrats and Republicans have helped along free trade at the expense of us all. Most of the growth in our economy these days is in the banking industry and that's relatively few people, in a few people in cities taking the Lions share of profits that make it appear our country is ok. Get away from the cities and there's nothing going on, no opportunity for young people. Combine that with the rising costs I showed above... Being middle class back then is like hitting from the womens tee at the golf course compared to what it takes now.



Active member
Gotta love Judge Judy...


Where was the Bernie reference here? or was this a little tongue in cheek on your part...I agree... she clearly can get child care, and go get a jobbie, alright vta? :biggrin:


Active member
Where was the Bernie reference here? or was this a little tongue in cheek on your part...I agree... she clearly can get child care, and go get a jobbie, alright vta? :biggrin:

lol yeah, whoever posted the vid was definitely inserting their partisan vibe. While I don't agree with them putting The Bern in the title...I do agree with Judy on this one.



Active member
For what it's worth, I think even bernie supporters would be all in favor of clamping down on the welfare queen types. Healthcare and education and big companies paying their fair share is different than cash handouts to dead beats, it's not all or nothing... the law could be written to reward people making good choices. The common narrative is the black or mexican single mom sapping off the system, and while this is true in some cases, the majority is poor people living out in the country where mills are getting shut down, no jobs for hundred miles. I see this up in northern new england, logging industry used to support whole towns of "hard working white men" , since NAFTA the Canadians import their subsidized lumber tax free and our American mills are falling like dominoes. There are whole towns built around these saw and paper mills, it shuts down towns collapse. Now you have 5,000 people getting SS and the only business in town is walmart and mcdonalds, so even the ones who can get work are making $8 an hour. So while I don't support the whole unwed mom cranking out babies, they are only about 35% of people on welfare, the rest are people who are victim to our government selling us out to foreign companies


Active member
I'll say it again, any who saw The Wolf of Wall st and loved it(hilarious), should see The Big Short. Amazing these guys that knew the crash was coming.


Well-known member
Why isn't Bernie just running old ads Hillary used when she ran against Obama? That way he could stop all her BS about how she has only good things to say about him and minority voters can have their memories refreshed.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Going up against the Chicago cops takes a certain amount of guts, I would say. They do not fuck around as a rule.

the gnome

Active member
Going up against the Chicago cops takes a certain amount of guts, I would say. They do not fuck around as a rule.

I agree it takes guts to go against chi-pd, suicidal actually if the circumstances were different.
I doubt it's guts,
more like he knows how to game the situation.
that idiot shit eating grin is because he knows the cameras are 20ft away along with plenty of reporters for the photo shoot.
bernie knew he ass was safe on easy street


It will be nothing short of a miracle if we make it to the next election without a complete financial meltdown. Bernie is right about the banks and the insider cronyism but he could not be more wrong about the solution. For his socialist utopia to prosper he needs government to be larger, stronger, have more authority, make more decisions, consume more resources, intrude more in daily life, and inject itself into every aspect of our economy with an ever more robust security and enforcement apparatus. This will leave little or nothing for the real economy and it will cease to function. It is already happening now as main street dies and the worlds economies are collapsing into deflationary hell due to debt that cannot be repayed acting as collateral on more debt.

Bernie is the left's Ron Paul, minus the fact that Ron Paul was right about the solution. But he exists to throw the left a bone and give you brief, if not heartfelt, hope before you face the inevitable and vote for the Democrats version of Mitt Romney.


Active member
Even if Bernie did get elected it would be impossible to pass his tax plans threw congress, that's the bitch. If they would just close the loop holes for these huge companies and Uber rich people, so that at the very least they payed the same as us blue collar folk that'd be a step in the right direction. Hillary is a piece of shit just like the other candidates who won't do anything to fight banks corruption, I mean hell shes been part of both big free trade agreements whIch were basically nails in the coffin for middle class america, to think that anyone would vote for her based on the idea she will help working people is ludacris


Invertebrata Inebriata
I agree it takes guts to go against chi-pd, suicidal actually if the circumstances were different.
I doubt it's guts,
more like he knows how to game the situation.
that idiot shit eating grin is because he knows the cameras are 20ft away along with plenty of reporters for the photo shoot.
bernie knew he ass was safe on easy street

I see him smiling because, yeah, he wanted to get arrested in front of the cameras. But look, those cops have billy clubs, and they don't mind using them in the van later, after the camera are gone.

I still say it took guts, and that picture doesn't look like easy street to me.
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