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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Well-known member
imo trump has the gop nomination on lock. only a miracle could de-rail him now. he won the latino vote in nevada if i'm not mistaken by a large margin.

he's dominating something like 8 or 9 of the 11 super tuesday states.

i fear trump will win in a clinton v trump matchup. polls show clinton would lose to all three cruz/trump/rubio in hypothetical matchups whereas bernie sanders destroys cruz and trump and beats rubio comfortably. bernie sanders is also the only candidate in the race with a positive favorability rating. in all polls i've seen no one trusts hillary, or trump or the rest of the clown car gop candidates.


Active member
that "change" was co-opted by wall street and his two administrations were business as usual. what blows my mind is obama did a lot of what republicans wanted or said they wanted to do and they still give him shit. one can only assume the right's hatred for him is based in ignorance, or has to do with something else... :thinking: obama was a good corporatist/moderate republican president.

trump is basically schizophrenic on his views. he says conflicting things just about every other time i listen to him. kind of like hillary when she says shes more progressive on bernie and at other times playing the moderate card, they are just fishing for votes casting a wide net. with trump for example, he's said both he is in favor and against a single payer/universal health care type system.

we also don't have a free market any more. we have socialism for the elite and a crony capitalist/corporatist economy.

also it's hysterical how so many conservatives think bernie is going to replace the "free markets" and "capitalism". you lack a basic understanding of things, but that doesn't surprise me when the sources of information you likely use are a joke. i read comment sections for sites like brietbart and infowars when i'm bored for laughs. you sound like every other gop doupe.

trickle down is a failure.
how did bush jr's tax cuts for the rich go after losing 3.5m jobs in the last 6 months of his presidency? the whole "wealthy are job creators" nonsense is largely a myth.

this country has almost always been quasi-socialist/democratic socialist. but that also doesn't mean anti-democratic, anti-individualism, or anti-libertarian.

wanna know what the pure "free market" times were like go read about the robber baron days of the 19th century.

bernie's promising free cell phones now? i mustve missed that one :moon:

nothing is free. appropriating taxes for things like health care and tuition free public university (which is a wall street tax) for better outcomes than what we have now is just logical and not to mention cheaper in the long run.

since you like posting pictures and memes, here's one for you
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I saw that twitter battle, he was dead nuts accurate.

You do know they've taken down most coin op pay phones right? If poor folks have an emergency, are they supposed to contact 911 through telepathy? call back from job interview? .....edit...question for vta
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Active member
imo trump has the gop nomination on lock. only a miracle could de-rail him now. he won the latino vote in nevada if i'm not mistaken by a large margin.

he's dominating something like 8 or 9 of the 11 super tuesday states.

i fear trump will win in a clinton v trump matchup. polls show clinton would lose to all three cruz/trump/rubio in hypothetical matchups whereas bernie sanders destroys cruz and trump and beats rubio comfortably. bernie sanders is also the only candidate in the race with a positive favorability rating. in all polls i've seen no one trusts hillary, or trump or the rest of the clown car gop candidates.

That bit about the latino vote isn't true. It's bullshit

For one, Damore points out that the majority of Nevada Latinos are Democrats. According to polling provided by Latino Decisions, only 16 percent of Latino voters in Nevada are Republicans. So even assuming the entrance poll is correct, the number of Latinos who actually voted for Trump last night is under 10 percent of those who can be expected to cast ballots in November.


If the Donald is depending on Latino votes he's in for a big surprise. As Meraxes says, blue comes home to blue every time & the Donald is almost as widely despised among independents as Dems.

Trump for President? Please Br'er Wolf, please, please, please! Do what you want but don't throw me into that briar patch! No! No! Aiiieee! Anything but that!


Active member
8 years ago, the majority voted for Change...today the same peeps are voting for Change again.

I am no fan of Trump. He is NOT my ideal candidate. That being said...Between Trump and Sanders...Trump all the way ! We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and the destruction of free markets will not cure that...only sink us further.

How many jobs has Sanders created? Anyone? Bueller? The guy has been sucking off the Government tit his whole life. Never had a real job until he was elected Mayor. Sanders doesn't know how to create wealth...only take it.

American Exceptionalism {liberty, individualism, democracy} is what has made this country the greatest one ever known. The world would not be as advanced as it is today without the good ol USA and it's free market system.

Socialism destroys the desire to succeed. We lose the incentive to bring ourselves up when everyone is kept at the same level...a level designated by a overruling, oppressive government.

I started my adult life homeless. Hard work and the desire to be wealthy has taking me to heights I once thought unreachable. I work for myself...not the lazy. Do I mind some taxes? No because I do feel that, as a country, we should take care of the poor, elderly and those mentally unable to care for themselves. Some social programs are needed if humanity is going to exist. But free college, free cell phones and all the other free bullshit .

Dude, we are 20 trillion dollars in debt and 13 of that is republicans. Please post some stats that show the working man is better off since Raegan? You keep spouting off the Rush Limbaugh and Howie Carr lines, and the economics 100 theory, but I beg of you to please post actual data. A couple pages back I posted historical information of the most relevant economic indicators, which fly in the face of trickle down. And the thing you said about change and Obama is off base, he has followed a largely republican economic plan and has in no way stood up for the working people, just like Bill Clinton. In fact, the same general practice of free trade and deregulation has continued for 35 years across both parties. The working man has been sold to the lowest bidder . Drive through Ohio or Michigan or Maine, or any place with a proud blue collar history, it's called the Rust Belt for a reason, free trade got those jobs shipped oversees. If you think we're better off today just consider this.... just one generation ago a man could earn enough from a factory job to provide for a family, they had healthcare and ate well. Now it takes 2 parents working to provide the same or lower quality of life, the only affordable food is processed, and healthcare is 4x more expensive. Sure we can grit and bear it, both parents can work 50 hours a week and scrape by, apparently that's what the new American dream is and your happy with it? With so much prosperity why can't we hope for something more? Aren't we a country built on family and neighbors, what will the up and coming generations be like when they spent their childhoods alone because both parents lived on the job, is that how you want to live? The media makes it seem like the progressives want a free ride and conservatives are the ones going to work and grinding everyday. Truth alert, everyone on both sides is grinding everyday and it never gets any better, why can't people look through the smoke screen and start to demand better treatment for all. That's not a left or right issue that's an issue of humanity


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Hey VTA these are a bunch of leftist ideas, terrible for business no doubt.... when Trump gets elected should we do away with weekends or child labor first ?


Well-known member
Dont worry Doob, AOH is right here because A)Trump cant win with only half of white people, the demographics make his chances a joke. B) When the general election is in full swing, blue comes home to blue everytime...as I will. I want Bernie, but I'm not going to get him, so I'll vote Hillary. If you're blue and staying home, you just gave 1 vote to this fascist animal.

If you vote Hilary you don't care about truth honesty or anything really. She's lied and lied refuses to take accountability for the Libya debacle and has taken millions of dollars personally from big pharma/big business. She only stayed with bill so she could run eventually. What a bitch! Again anyone else but that bitch. Either Bernie or Trump will shake things up and tax big business. The others, like Hilary would be same old same old b.s. Do us all a favor and vote for change


Well-known member
That bit about the latino vote isn't true. It's bullshit


If the Donald is depending on Latino votes he's in for a big surprise. As Meraxes says, blue comes home to blue every time & the Donald is almost as widely despised among independents as Dems.

Trump for President? Please Br'er Wolf, please, please, please! Do what you want but don't throw me into that briar patch! No! No! Aiiieee! Anything but that!

It wasn't BS. He won the registered republican latino vote by a big margin. There were only 1800 of them but he still won them.

You should have phrased it "Winning the registered republican hispanic voters isn't that many votes". Not it was BS. That makes it sound like somebody is lying.

Nobody was lying. It is true.

You are missing the point about that stat. Trump won the latino/hispanic vote against two guys with the last name of Rubio and Cruz. LOL! That is the point. Not that he will gain the majority of hispanic votes in the general election. He will get a good amount of their votes though. Maybe 20% or more.
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Well-known member
To just be a unwavering republican or democrat one's whole voting life and not judge each candidate on each side each year makes a person a very poor voting citizen in my opinion.

And I like the UK too. The UK always has our back and we always have yours. But you are even more messed up then us and have been for a very long time. You still have a freaking Queen. There is no royalty. There just isn't.

The world is messed up right now. Don't make the US the biggest mess. We are the biggest mess cleaner uppers though.


Well-known member
Coldcanna the reason the working class is taking it up the ass right now is because of Reagan (republican) lowered the rate for business and Clinton (democrat) letting the jobs go overseas and signing NAFTA. It made the diverence between the haves and have nots greater. Reagan increased what the haves have and Clinton took more away from the have nots by giving away jobs and the farm.

Both the Dems and the Repubs put us here. The same ones that have been around for decades. We need new people. We need new people that can fix us economically. We need to save the USA right now. We need to protect the USA right now. We can't worry about and help other people until we fix us the USA.

The more I think about it Trump is the only one that even has a chance to fix things economically and make us safer.

Mexico will pay for the wall too. I don't know how people don't understand that. They will pay or their produce will rot on their farms. They will pay by the USA not getting ripped off buying their stuff at high prices and them not buying very much at all from us. Trump isn't going to just send them a bill and expect them to pay for it.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I was with you until you said, "The more I think about it Trump is the only one that even has a chance to fix things economically and make us safer." Now I have lost all respect for you. Don't ask me why, you wouldn't understand.


Active member
@Jhhnn, I agree with you in general about the super delegate thing but I have to admit I'm discouraged. The primary is a steep uphill battle for Bernie due mainly to the Democratic party leadership, several thousands of them. I'll be voting in the Vermont primary this weekend and, of course, Bernie will win but if he doesn't win by more that 70% they will call it a defeat. Our senior Senator, Patrick Leahy, notorious liberal, has declared his super delegate vote pledged to Mrs. Clinton two years ago. I wrote him a letter objecting. Will he care? Not very likely.

I think Mrs. Clinton could very well bludgeon her way to victory in the primary. I think then Trump will become President. The Clinton scandal and perfidy poison will continue to drip, drip like an arsenic IV right up to the election. We are doomed. Severe depression but I will continue to send Bernie money anyway.


Well-known member
Coldcanna the reason the working class is taking it up the ass right now is because of Reagan (republican) lowered the rate for business and Clinton (democrat) letting the jobs go overseas and signing NAFTA. It made the diverence between the haves and haves not greater. Reagan increased what the haves have and Clinton took more away from the have nots by giving away jobs and the farm.

Both the Dems and the Repubs put us here. The same ones that have been around for decades. We need new people. We need new people that can fix us economically. We need to save the USA right now. We need to protect the USA right now. We can't worry about and help other people until we fix us the USA.

The more I think about it Trump is the only one that even has a chance to fix things economically and make us safer.

Mexico will pay for the wall too. I don't know how people don't understand that. They will pay or their produce will rot on their farms. They will pay by the USA getting ripped off buying their stuff at high prices and them not buying very much at all from us. Trump isn't going to just send them a bill and expect them to pay for it.

there is a net loss on mexican immigration in the us and there has been for awhile. they are leaving the us faster than they are arriving/staying. immigration is not even a top 5 issue.

trump is dog shit on foreign policy and immigration policy. he wants lower taxes across the board, he's for getting rid of entirely things like the estate tax, he's against min wage increase, ect.
only issues he has any worth on is outsourcing and free trade, and possibly being for universal health care.


Well-known member
I was with you until you said, "The more I think about it Trump is the only one that even has a chance to fix things economically and make us safer." Now I have lost all respect for you. Don't ask me why, you wouldn't understand.

I understand why you lost respect without you having to explain it to me. That reason requires me to have no respect for you either.

There was actually another post you made in a non sport thread (just to be clear sports are totally unimportant) that I commented back to you about. I lost a little respect for you then. I never saw that side of you before. It surprised me then.

This not so much.


Active member
I understand why you lost respect without you having to explain it to me. That reason requires me to have no respect for you either.

There was actually another post you made in a non sport thread (just to be clear sports are totally unimportant) that I commented back to you about. I lost a little respect for you then. I never saw that side of you before. It surprised me then.

This not so much.

We should all in the very least have respect for eachother, no matter our beliefs. For example I respect you, but I believe we should be building bridges, and not walls...:tiphat:


Well-known member
Controlling the border better by whatever means would be a symbolic wall. Wall can be subjective. Like a wall of blockers in football. Canna I am just being honest and not trying to dismiss what you are saying but I don't care about foreign policy. My foreign policy would be like what Carson said about dealing with North Korea. He would try to work with them through China. But if they fired a missile at the USA they would never fire a missile at anyone ever again. Teams can be assembled to help with foreign policy.

I want them all out. I want a political revolution. I want every career politician gone. I want term limits on everything. I want forced time away from politics. Make these people get real jobs so they can experience what the average person does. Only one person in a family can be in politics at a time. If you become president nobody in your immediate family can ever be president again.

For the record I consider Bernie a career activist and not a career politician.


Well-known member
I wish Trump would be pushing for that more but that can be handled by each state like in Maryland. Every candidate isn't the perfect package. It would be nice to be able to blend a perfect one.

I always stand behind whoever we elect. I would actually throw myself in front of a bullet to protect the POTUSA if it came up somehow. Every single one we ever had or have in the future. Nobody is doing anything to our president if I could stop it. I Might bitch about them when they are running but once they become POTUSA I am behind them 100%.

Either we are a country or we aren't. Countries stick together. Whoever wins means the people have spoken and I am loyal to that president while he is in office.

Anyways I feel like I am taking this thread off track. It is after all a Sanders thread. I will keep reading along though. I like reading what people think. It makes me a better thinker.


And I like the UK too. The UK always has our back and we always have yours. But you are even more messed up then us and have been for a very long time. You still have a freaking Queen. There is no royalty. There just isn't.

The world is messed up right now. Don't make the US the biggest mess. We are the biggest mess cleaner uppers though.

National health and dental care, free. Enough said. Sounds like you don't understand our history and setup as well if you think having a bunch of royalty is bad. We don't need guns for protection, we live in a much safer looked after society, 25% of our tax is welfare looking after people in need, you only need to have a kid and you get given a house if you hard up. Our justice system is better and fairer.

Dropping bombs on oil rich areas is not sorting any mess out if that is wat you are implying by cleaning up? I love the US, but you way behind in some areas for such a rich country


Active member
National health and dental care, free. Enough said. Sounds like you don't understand our history and setup as well if you think having a bunch of royalty is bad. We don't need guns for protection, we live in a much safer looked after society, 25% of our tax is welfare looking after people in need, you only need to have a kid and you get given a house if you hard up. Our justice system is better and fairer.

Dropping bombs on oil rich areas is not sorting any mess out if that is wat you are implying by cleaning up? I love the US, but you way behind in some areas for such a rich country

Whewwie!....There's a nice big socialist crumpet served up warm and toasty for you fellas...god save the Queen!..:biggrin:
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