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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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While watching the debate, did anybody else think they were the most out of touch, old white people you have ever listened to? It was hours of bickering between the super rich. Seems silly that the so called party of diversity has three old, white, rich, people running.

Faith over fact, again. Sanders' net worth is ~$700K & O'Malley's is apparently zero-


My wife & I are worth close to $700K which probably isn't a month's overhead for the Donald.


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Sorry to piss all over the lefty love feast you guys got going on. To me this just doesn't sit well. I'm sure there is an explanation for this, although I'm also sure it won't be good enough...

With below FREEZING temps, Bernie Sanders TOSSED homeless people INTO THE COLD for his campaign rally!!

By soopermexican

This is the greatest example of the true nature of socialism and liberalism!! What happens on a freezing cold night in Birmingham when Bernie Sanders needs a campaign space and a bunch of homeless losers are in the way? Let’s just say our future socialist dictator always gets his way!!

From Alabama Media Group:

With temperatures in Birmingham expected to dropped to 20 overnight Monday — the lowest temperature thus far in 2016 — the place where the city’s homeless usually go to seek shelter from the cold was unavailable.

Boutwell Auditorium, typically used as a warming station in such situations, was not available Monday night because presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of thousands. Factoring in wind chill, it was expected to feel more like 15 degrees on the streets of Birmingham.

Last week, the auditorium housed about 300 people a night when it served as a warming station for three nights.

“We’ve never had a night like this where it will be in the teens and we weren’t able to open,” said Don Lupo, of the mayor’s office of citizen’s assistance.

Isn’t that just perfect? While this math-challenged commie holds a rally bashing “millionaires and billionaires” who are supposedly making everyone poor and homeless, there are literally 300 homeless people freezing out on the streets because of his rally!!!

In a Facebook post about the embarrassing episode, Lupo said he was not a “happy camper”:

And that’s what we can expect from socialist Bernie-in-chief: a lot of rhetoric about helping people while he makes everything worse for everyone. LOL!!


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The Alabama Media Group.....

The Alabama Media Group.....



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Well-known member
The city closes the shelter upstairs in the auditorium without notice and its Bernie's fault lmao.

Click bait politicized garbage. Keep reaching.


"There is a backup plan in place for the city's homeless when Boutwell is rented, Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Tuesday morning – to open the city's existing, permanent shelters to more people. Firehouse Shelter, First Light and the Birmingham Salvation Army were used as emergency shelters Monday night."


Active member
"There is a backup plan in place for the city's homeless when Boutwell is rented, Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Tuesday morning – to open the city's existing, permanent shelters to more people. Firehouse Shelter, First Light and the Birmingham Salvation Army were used as emergency shelters Monday night."

Same site... http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2016/01/on_coldest_night_of_2016_birmi.html

"Unfortunately, no, we do not have an alternative location and were unable to have the warming station tonight," Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Monday night.

"However, we are working with local area homeless shelters and the BPD to help anyone in need to get to a shelter."

Hey, I'm sure Sanders was not personally not aware...but then they should of cancelled.


Well-known member
Same site... http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2016/01/on_coldest_night_of_2016_birmi.html

Hey, I'm sure Sanders was not personally not aware...but then they should of cancelled.

The one I posted is a newer article that isn't just copy and pasted of other stories from other sources.

Don Lupo, the Birmingham mayor's office of citizen's assistance director who facilitates the opening of the Boutwell warming station, did not return multiple emails and phone calls Tuesday morning.

But on his Facebook page Monday night, he wrote about the situation.

"There is no one to be mad at," Lupo wrote. "SCLC had (an) event there in the late afternoon and there was a Bernie Sanders rally there tonight -- so Boutwell was not available on the coldest night we've had in a few years -- being mad with the SCLC or Senator Sanders doesn't get us anywhere."
The city closes the shelter upstairs in the auditorium without notice and its Bernie's fault lmao.

Click bait politicized garbage. Keep reaching.


"There is a backup plan in place for the city's homeless when Boutwell is rented, Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Tuesday morning – to open the city's existing, permanent shelters to more people. Firehouse Shelter, First Light and the Birmingham Salvation Army were used as emergency shelters Monday night."

In light of the city of Birmingham not opening up more homeless centers, it was still Bernie's event that sent them packing. If Bernie is so in touch with the poor, why didn't he cancel his event?



Well-known member
i see this headlining over on cnn

Sanders trouncing Clinton in NH
Sanders' support up by 10 points since December, poll finds


Active member
In light of the city of Birmingham not opening up more homeless centers, it was still Bernie's event that sent them packing. If Bernie is so in touch with the poor, why didn't he cancel his event?

Because he didn't know until afterwards. The city of Birmingham didn't tell him his rally would displace the homeless, maybe because the campaign pays better.


Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire Poll

Bernie Sanders Opens Up 60-33 Lead Against Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire Poll

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has opened up his widest lead yet over rival Hillary Clinton in the crucial state of New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Tuesday.

The new WMUR/CNN poll out this afternoon shows the Vermont lawmaker with a whopping 27-point lead over the former Secretary of State -- 60-33 percent. That’s a climb of 10 percentage points for Sanders since mid-December and a drop of 7 points for Clinton. It marks Sanders’ highest support and widest lead in any poll in any state so far. His popularity in the state is also sky-high, earning a 91 percent favorability rating among Democrats there.

The shift comes despite the Clinton campaign waging an all-out blitz on the Granite State since the New Year.

Read the Rest... http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793


Active member
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has opened up his widest lead yet over rival Hillary Clinton in the crucial state of New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Tuesday.

The new WMUR/CNN poll out this afternoon shows the Vermont lawmaker with a whopping 27-point lead over the former Secretary of State -- 60-33 percent. That’s a climb of 10 percentage points for Sanders since mid-December and a drop of 7 points for Clinton. It marks Sanders’ highest support and widest lead in any poll in any state so far. His popularity in the state is also sky-high, earning a 91 percent favorability rating among Democrats there.

The shift comes despite the Clinton campaign waging an all-out blitz on the Granite State since the New Year.

Read the Rest... http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bernie-sanders-opens-60-33-lead-hillary-clinton/story?id=36383793

Of course Bernie is whipping Hillary's ass in NH. If he wasn't, he'd be in trouble. He's the home town favorite.


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50 yard, Al Jazeera? I dont fukn watch Al jazeera lol. Didn't they close down the USA bureau anyway? Liberals aren't watching it either apparently. No offense to Al Jazeera of course, I don't even know what they're about.


Active member
50 yard, Al Jazeera? I dont fukn watch Al jazeera lol. Didn't they close down the USA bureau anyway? Liberals aren't watching it either apparently. No offense to Al Jazeera of course, I don't even know what they're about.

Meraxes, Al Jazeera is a pretty solid news organization. I tend to compare sources and find them pretty reliable. I believe Al Jazeera English will continue to publish. Check it out and compare to others.


Active member
Meraxes, Al Jazeera is a pretty solid news organization. I tend to compare sources and find them pretty reliable. I believe Al Jazeera English will continue to publish. Check it out and compare to others.

I seem to always pass by it with the old flipper, I'll give it a gander...:tiphat: Anything arab sounding I'm sure is fodder for the right tho, just like Obamas name was "foreign" sounding....
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Active member
Meraxes, Al Jazeera is a pretty solid news organization. I tend to compare sources and find them pretty reliable. I believe Al Jazeera English will continue to publish. Check it out and compare to others.

Agreed. They don't get led around by the nose by right wing media manipulators as easily as many news organizations.

None of them are 100%, of course. Some are merely mouthpieces for the right wing, Fox News in particular. If they folded up their tent America would be a better place for it.
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