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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Don't think so, 50yard. The pundits are already moving the goal posts. If he gets New Hampshire it is just because they are next door neighbors. He needs both NH and Iowa and then they will say he can't win South Carolina, the south, the blacks, the Hispanics, etc. It is a very long uphill road.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Bernie can win if young people get their asses up and vote again like they did for president Obama
Agreed. They don't get led around by the nose by right wing media manipulators as easily as many news organizations.

None of them are 100%, of course. Some are merely mouthpieces for the right wing, Fox News in particular. If they folded up their tent America would be a better place for it.

Now I understand where you guys are coming from........

You guys do realize they harbored Bin Laden right? You guys realize they publish how to make bombs and instruct people to infiltrate the United States. Al Jazzera is pure extremist scum.

Not to mention they are going out of business in April......All 10,000 viewers must be devastated.


Well-known member
Now I understand where you guys are coming from........

You guys do realize they harbored Bin Laden right? You guys realize they publish how to make bombs and instruct people to infiltrate the United States. Al Jazzera is pure extremist scum.

Not to mention they are going out of business in April......All 10,000 viewers must be devastated.

pretty sure that it was PAKISTAN that harbored Bin Laden, not the Al Jazeera news agency. and look how well that worked out for him...:biggrin:


Well-known member

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
i for one beleive the 1% havent paid fair taxes since the carter administration
Under Eisenhower, the Top Tax Rate Was 91 Percent. Was He a Socialist?
a 15$ minimum wage ? yeah im for that - walmart/mickey d's and their ilk
have been given a free ride long enough
i dont think bernie and the youth vote will be a problem this year
I mean, when's the last time a 73 year old candidate had this much support from the under 30 set?
over a ten year period first off, and how much will we be saving by having single payer health care? these articles seem to always conveniently leave that part out. (estimated $6 trillion in savings over the ten year period)


So you're saying your ok with a net plus of $13,000,000,000,000 over ten years? Before Obama's out of control spending, the entire history of the United States debt off all previous presidents was only 7 trillion. So about 250 years to get to 7 trillion, but Bernie wants 13 trillion in 10 years?

That isn't even close to acceptable.

Have anything to say about it?

lol, you're so lame. Another 5 word response about nothing.


Active member
So you're saying your ok with a net plus of $13,000,000,000,000 over ten years? Before Obama's out of control spending, the entire history of the United States debt off all previous presidents was only 7 trillion. So about 250 years to get to 7 trillion, but Bernie wants 13 trillion in 10 years?

That isn't even close to acceptable.

lol, you're so lame. Another 5 word response about nothing.

Well, I'm glad you had something to say about it. Except you got it really scrambled up in your head. How does increasing revenue by $13T raise the national debt, anyway?

You're wrong about the debt, as well. Reagan/GHWB quadrupled it. GWB doubled it. At the end of fiscal 2009, the last year of GWB budgeting, the debt was just shy of $12T. It was slightly under $1T at the end of FY 1981-


The 2015 increase in debt was lower than any year since the Clinton admin, from the same source.

Facts. Pesky little things, huh?


Active member
Now I understand where you guys are coming from........

You guys do realize they harbored Bin Laden right? You guys realize they publish how to make bombs and instruct people to infiltrate the United States. Al Jazzera is pure extremist scum.

Not to mention they are going out of business in April......All 10,000 viewers must be devastated.

Ha! ....the last line gets you some rep 50.....Evil! :sasmokin:


Active member
So you're saying your ok with a net plus of $13,000,000,000,000 over ten years? Before Obama's out of control spending, the entire history of the United States debt off all previous presidents was only 7 trillion. So about 250 years to get to 7 trillion, but Bernie wants 13 trillion in 10 years?

That isn't even close to acceptable.

lol, you're so lame. Another 5 word response about nothing.

Sounds like a new deal to me! We should make it $50,000,000,000,000, and have ex-coal miners put in a sea of wind turbines in the midwest, solar panels in FL and AZ, and High speed rail from city to city. What followed the New Deal? Economic boom....


Well-known member
Sounds like a new deal to me! We should make it $50,000,000,000,000, and have ex-coal miners put in a sea of wind turbines in the midwest, solar panels in FL and AZ, and High speed rail from city to city. What followed the New Deal? Economic boom....

what? no nuclear power plants? they work even in the dark & when the wind is not blowing...gotta have something that works ALL of the time, not just when conditions are perfect for it.


Well-known member
what? no nuclear power plants? they work even in the dark & when the wind is not blowing...gotta have something that works ALL of the time, not just when conditions are perfect for it.

nuke a very hard sell, sadly
our current fleet of reactors, light water, ww2 technology really
much better designs are available, but not likely to ever get past the 'nuke' label
fusion is slowly worming it's way forward, fusion would be nice, but we need clean energy real soon


Active member
nuke a very hard sell, sadly
our current fleet of reactors, light water, ww2 technology really
much better designs are available, but not likely to ever get past the 'nuke' label
fusion is slowly worming it's way forward, fusion would be nice, but we need clean energy real soon

Yeah, it just the whole blowing shit up thing for me too... Japan was a mess after that...


Active member
what? no nuclear power plants? they work even in the dark & when the wind is not blowing...gotta have something that works ALL of the time, not just when conditions are perfect for it.

I think, no, I know, a huge investment in clean energy would bring quadrouple returns...but for some reason conservatives enjoy paying a power bill... :biggrin:


Apocalypse now: Sarah Palin's bizarre Trump endorsement analyzed

Apocalypse now: Sarah Palin's bizarre Trump endorsement analyzed

This is a heck of a read...

Has the world known a greater horror than what it witnessed on Tuesday when Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States? I don’t mean physical horror, like murders, genocide or sexual violence. I mean lingering existential dread, the kind of sick feeling that burns the inside of your stomach like you just drank a pint glass full of battery acid.

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin: a liberal nightmare come true – or a stage act?

We looked directly into the eternal abyss and were left forever changed by it. Pundits much smarter than I have said that Palin’s decision to endorse Trump might shift the upcoming Iowa caucus in his favor because Palin still has many supporters and donors in the state. My God, Iowa. My God …

From the Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/20/sarah-palin-donald-trump-endorsement-speech-quotes


Active member
This is a heck of a read...

Has the world known a greater horror than what it witnessed on Tuesday when Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States? I don’t mean physical horror, like murders, genocide or sexual violence. I mean lingering existential dread, the kind of sick feeling that burns the inside of your stomach like you just drank a pint glass full of battery acid.

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin: a liberal nightmare come true – or a stage act?

We looked directly into the eternal abyss and were left forever changed by it. Pundits much smarter than I have said that Palin’s decision to endorse Trump might shift the upcoming Iowa caucus in his favor because Palin still has many supporters and donors in the state. My God, Iowa. My God …

From the Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/20/sarah-palin-donald-trump-endorsement-speech-quotes

Last night my wife was sound asleep, Palin came on the tv giving her speech, and all of a sudden I hear "CAN YOU SHUT THE FINGERNAIL DOWN THE CHALKBOARD OFF PLEASE!!!".......turned volume down few notches....not good enough. :biggrin:
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