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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
This thread became dumber than stupid all to quick!

Bernie is a good guy, I like his policies a lot. I just hope he gets elected and stays in great health for 8 years. He's 74 and that's no spring chick.

Which of his policies do you like? Since most are just hot air and impossible to make happen what is it he says that you like hearing?


Active member
Not being a fool for propaganda, I've fact checked my own assertions. Might want to try it yourself.

AM talk radio isn't a good source, btw.

But a fool for propaganda you are! Where does your source come from, your little circle of leftist airheads? Every time one of you leftists derides any news source then you prove you intentionally keep your head in the sand. You can get a lot of information right from the people we are talking about, their speeches and the stupid things they say such as "You mean wipe it off with a cloth?" Or "A video caused a group of men to murder our Ambassador on 9/11" Or even better "ISIL is not Islamic", "you can keep your healthcare plan"etc. I notice none of you really understand how troubling our level of debt is either. Bernie is all about debt. Any of you have an IQ over 100?


Active member
But a fool for propaganda you are! Where does your source come from, your little circle of leftist airheads? Every time one of you leftists derides any news source then you prove you intentionally keep your head in the sand. You can get a lot of information right from the people we are talking about, their speeches and the stupid things they say such as "You mean wipe it off with a cloth?" Or "A video caused a group of men to murder our Ambassador on 9/11" Or even better "ISIL is not Islamic", "you can keep your healthcare plan"etc. I notice none of you really understand how troubling our level of debt is either. Bernie is all about debt. Any of you have an IQ over 100?

Excuse me, but has any of us on the left insulted YOU? Wouldn't you be happier over at Alex Jones' site, or maybe there's a moonshine/meth one somewhere?...
You are kind of far off topic with all that Bengazi crap, 50yard. How about we talk about that bat shit crazy sewer of a Republican debate last night. Bernie will wipe the floor with any of those clowns.

I know, jhhnn has that effect on people.

Not sure how your posts really adds anything to the thread, but at least it's on point I guess. I would love to see Cruz vs Bernie. You know Cruz was 2nd in the world, 1st in the United States in debate right? I personally think Cruz can, and will significantly out debate any democrat opponent. Time will tell.:tiphat:

Fact check it and stop with the Lazy, ignorant and thoughtless thing jhnnn. Type in your search topic in the header bar then hit enter. If you are not interested in truth and substance then quit trolling.

I can't remember one time jhhnn actually made a thoughtful, fact based post.


Active member
Excuse me, but has any of us on the left insulted YOU? Wouldn't you be happier over at Alex Jones' site, or maybe there's a moonshine/meth one somewhere?...

The fact that you leftists elected Obama is an insult of the highest order! The fact that many of you would support a socialist instead of championing a free country is a direct insult to anyone with an IQ over 90. Yes you have insulted every thinking person in the United States. Once again a leftist attacks free speech simply because it isn't just like what the leftists say you should think. Yes you are an insult.


Active member
I was just saying that progressives are great lovers, where as conservatives, theres a whole lot of wide stances at airports(but what do I know, had a few sam adams after the Pats win):biggrin:

I'll bet you haven't a clue what the Progressives stand for Meraxes and if you do shame on you! You just think (for no reason) that they are the "cool" crowd. When in reality they are all about bringing this country down to Irans level. I guess if your against personal and national responsibility then you are where you should be. This is why the Progressives are the epitome of Lazy, voluntarily ignorant and thoughtless. No insult here just fact.


Active member
I was just saying that progressives are great lovers, where as conservatives, theres a whole lot of wide stances at airports(but what do I know, had a few sam adams after the Pats win):biggrin:

At least a Conservative will raise his kids! Progressives are great lovers? Prove it! They are great liars, they sell out easily and they can't be trusted. Is Bill Clinton your role model?


Active member
The fact that you leftists elected Obama is an insult of the highest order! The fact that many of you would support a socialist instead of championing a free country is a direct insult to anyone with an IQ over 90. Yes you have insulted every thinking person in the United States. Once again a leftist attacks free speech simply because it isn't just like what the leftists say you should think. Yes you are an insult.

So, uhh, the majority of American voters are Leftists? Really?

Left of what? The ideological border of Glenbeckistan, the Libertopian dream state?

Free speech? By all means. Just remember that you're only entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts. When questioned to provide a factual basis for your fervent beliefs you seem to think that burden lies with the person asking the question, not with you.

Consider the idea (crazy, I know) that things aren't true just because you believe them. Ask yourself why you should believe in anything you can't substantiate with facts or why anybody would take you seriously when you don't. Take a look at the workings of your own mind.

Space Toker

Active member
free! yes free. free the vat majority of people from the tyranny of the corporate elites! tax the f#$% out of the POs's that grab everything and don't care about anyone else, yes I think all rich are sadistic sociopaths that deserve punishment from the likes of Vlad the Impaler! :D only slightly kidding! ;) Bernie has a plan that puts the lower financial 1/3 in charge and that is the way it should be. People are too easily amused and kind find another sideshow distraction besides mindless gathering and hoarding of money or other possessions. How is this rich folks?! Stop building huge empty buidings and fleets of cars and other mindless meaningless and atrocious monuments to yourselfs on the par with any great war crime? Instead, why not leave behind a far greater monument to yourselves? If I had 100 million or 100 billion, I would save an African country and unite Africa and turn it into the next superpower...or I would be the father of humanity in space by establishing a colony on mars like Bezos wants to do... or find a cure to a major disease... you get the idea, do something for more than yourself and you achieve far more. I believe that is what Bernie is all about, so GO BERNIE!


I made it official tonight I put my money where mouth is and sent off my contribution to Bernie...

You should too


The Daily 202: Bernie Sanders won the Democratic debate, say pundits and social media

The Daily 202: Bernie Sanders won the Democratic debate, say pundits and social media


The final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses was mostly about Bernie Sanders.

Front-runner Hillary Clinton often sounded like an underdog, as she attacked the Vermont senator for flip-flopping on guns, proposing an unrealistic health care plan and admitting that he would raise taxes on the middle class. The former Secretary of State closely linked herself with Barack Obama, praising the president repeatedly as she appealed to African American voters who could save her campaign if she loses Iowa and New Hampshire. She had a very strong closing argument and dominated when talk turned to foreign policy.

But the overnight verdict from most in the pundit class is that Sanders prevailed, even if narrowly. Here’s what they are saying:

The Fix’s Chris Cillizza names Sanders the winner and Clinton the loser: “More than anything he said, it was the passion and disruption that Sanders oozed from every pore over the two hours that should push Democrats on the fence about the race into his camp. Sanders effectively positioned himself as the anti-status-quo candidate, a very good position to have in this electoral environment.”

Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis tweeted that 27 of 30 undecided voters in a South Carolina focus group he convened picked Sanders as the winner.

Republican focus group maestro Frank Luntz: “Bernie needed an overwhelming victory in tonight’s #DemDebate. At best, he got a narrow one. That won’t be enough to win the Dem nomination.”

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin gave Sanders a B+, Clinton a B and Martin O’Malley a C+: “Sanders’ improvement manifested itself all night, winning him more good moments overall than both Clinton and O’Malley.”

NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald: “Sanders shined …. at times overpowering Clinton in a format she typically controls.”

CNN senior producer Teddy Davis: “Sanders notched debate win. 1) Blurring distinction on guns. 2) Putting out a health plan. 3) Being high minded on Bill Clinton.”

The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf: “I’m going to call tonight’s debate a win for Sanders. I thought he bested Clinton. … But even if they performed equally well, he stands to benefit, as the candidate who still has less name recognition, from squaring off in front of folks who’ve never seen him before and equaling his opponent.”

The Atlantic’s Molly Ball: “It wasn’t great for Hillary, but I didn’t hear any major gaffes, and Sanders didn’t expand his appeal beyond the base that is already responding to his angry fulminating.”

The Nation, which endorsed Sanders last week, says “Sanders Set the Tone”: “Clinton remains a formidable candidate, but at times it was possible to forget she was even on stage.”
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