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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
So, uhh, the majority of American voters are Leftists? Really?

Left of what? The ideological border of Glenbeckistan, the Libertopian dream state?

Free speech? By all means. Just remember that you're only entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts. When questioned to provide a factual basis for your fervent beliefs you seem to think that burden lies with the person asking the question, not with you.

Consider the idea (crazy, I know) that things aren't true just because you believe them. Ask yourself why you should believe in anything you can't substantiate with facts or why anybody would take you seriously when you don't. Take a look at the workings of your own mind.

So if those who elected Obama are not leftists then he was elected because he is half Black,making them racists or that the majority of Americans are airheads of the lazy, ignorant and thoughtless type. Obama was elected because America has become unfocused on things that matter. Education has become leftist propaganda for our youth and the proliferation of electronic devices people stare at like zombies exercising their thumbs instead of their cognizant abilities. Ignorance is widespread such as why don't any of you know that Sanders is a communist? This information is easy to find but you are too self absorbed to look into it. There was widespread voter fraud in the 2012 election but the mainstream media refused to report on it. Obama did not win his second term by any great amount either.
Consider this, the mainstream media hides wrongdoing by the leftists and tries the Conservatives as if they are all felons guilty of some heinous crime, wouldn't you like both groups held to the same standard? Or would you prefer to be led into a leftist dictatorship because you fail to pay attention to the fact that the media is sold out to leftist causes and that your education (HA!) failed to teach you about socialism? Socialism is about taking away your right to choose. It is about government making every choice for you, where you work, how much you make, when you can travel and where you can go, limiting your funds to the bare minimum like welfare (another attack on choice). Social programs are not the same as a socialist government.


Active member
free! yes free. free the vat majority of people from the tyranny of the corporate elites! tax the f#$% out of the POs's that grab everything and don't care about anyone else, yes I think all rich are sadistic sociopaths that deserve punishment from the likes of Vlad the Impaler! :D only slightly kidding! ;) Bernie has a plan that puts the lower financial 1/3 in charge and that is the way it should be. People are too easily amused and kind find another sideshow distraction besides mindless gathering and hoarding of money or other possessions. How is this rich folks?! Stop building huge empty buidings and fleets of cars and other mindless meaningless and atrocious monuments to yourselfs on the par with any great war crime? Instead, why not leave behind a far greater monument to yourselves? If I had 100 million or 100 billion, I would save an African country and unite Africa and turn it into the next superpower...or I would be the father of humanity in space by establishing a colony on mars like Bezos wants to do... or find a cure to a major disease... you get the idea, do something for more than yourself and you achieve far more. I believe that is what Bernie is all about, so GO BERNIE!

The lower 1/3rd in charge? Really? So the absolutely clueless are who you want to run the country! By the way yours is the most amusing post I think I have ever read on any forum.


Sketching the South Carolina Democratic debate

Sketching the South Carolina Democratic debate





Active member

The final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses was mostly about Bernie Sanders.

Front-runner Hillary Clinton often sounded like an underdog, as she attacked the Vermont senator for flip-flopping on guns, proposing an unrealistic health care plan and admitting that he would raise taxes on the middle class. The former Secretary of State closely linked herself with Barack Obama, praising the president repeatedly as she appealed to African American voters who could save her campaign if she loses Iowa and New Hampshire. She had a very strong closing argument and dominated when talk turned to foreign policy.

So more of the same, foreign policy for idiots, higher taxes, what exactly was the praise for Obama? African Americans voting for an old White women known for a lack of truth and character?

But the overnight verdict from most in the pundit class is that Sanders prevailed, even if narrowly. Here’s what they are saying:

The Fix’s Chris Cillizza names Sanders the winner and Clinton the loser: “More than anything he said, it was the passion and disruption that Sanders oozed from every pore over the two hours that should push Democrats on the fence about the race into his camp. Sanders effectively positioned himself as the anti-status-quo candidate, a very good position to have in this electoral environment.”

So Sander's oozed passion and disruption? What a guy, all in for trashing the Constitution and implementing dictatorial socialism!

Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis tweeted that 27 of 30 undecided voters in a South Carolina focus group he convened picked Sanders as the winner.

Republican focus group maestro Frank Luntz: “Bernie needed an overwhelming victory in tonight’s #DemDebate. At best, he got a narrow one. That won’t be enough to win the Dem nomination.”

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin gave Sanders a B+, Clinton a B and Martin O’Malley a C+: “Sanders’ improvement manifested itself all night, winning him more good moments overall than both Clinton and O’Malley.”

NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald: “Sanders shined …. at times overpowering Clinton in a format she typically controls.”

CNN senior producer Teddy Davis: “Sanders notched debate win. 1) Blurring distinction on guns. 2) Putting out a health plan. 3) Being high minded on Bill Clinton.”

High minded on Bill Clinton, how is this important? A health plan just as bad or worse than Obamacare, hooray!

The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf: “I’m going to call tonight’s debate a win for Sanders. I thought he bested Clinton. … But even if they performed equally well, he stands to benefit, as the candidate who still has less name recognition, from squaring off in front of folks who’ve never seen him before and equaling his opponent.”

Hillary is not exactly a high standard.

The Atlantic’s Molly Ball: “It wasn’t great for Hillary, but I didn’t hear any major gaffes, and Sanders didn’t expand his appeal beyond the base that is already responding to his angry fulminating.”

The Nation, which endorsed Sanders last week, says “Sanders Set the Tone”: “Clinton remains a formidable candidate, but at times it was possible to forget she was even on stage.”

Not exactly an overwhelming substantive debate. I recorded it but won't have time to watch it till later.


Bernie Sanders most searched candidate during the Democratic Debate in ALL states

Bernie Sanders most searched candidate during the Democratic Debate in ALL states



Active member
Ignorance is widespread such as why don't any of you know that Sanders is a communist? This information is easy to find but you are too self absorbed to look into it.

If it's so easy to find, why haven't you led us to it?

Because your sources are a joke, shills for the financial elite?


Active member
Bernie Sanders is a Vermonter:


"Search the state archives for the spring 1973 issue of Vermont Life magazine and you’ll find Sanders’ one-on-one interview with then 80-year-old U.S. Sen. George Aiken.

At the time, the contrast couldn’t have been more striking: a young Brooklyn-born revolutionary conversing with a lifelong Putney horticulturist turned political leader — Aiken first ran for state legislator in 1930, speaker of the House in 1933, lieutenant governor in 1934, governor in 1936 and U.S. senator in 1940 — who chose green as the color of Vermont’s license plates and coined the term “Northeast Kingdom.”

Today, the two men are both known as frank, wild-haired figures who won election to Congress by embodying the common man. Historians and political scientists recognize each for building strong grass-roots bases. For championing the working class. For challenging political party machinery."

Kind of a long read but very good. I first met Bernie around the time of this interview.


Well-known member

He came out with his tax numbers, so the 90% shit can now be known as the joke it is;

"Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

○ 37 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

○ 43 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

○ 48 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2013, only
113,000 households, the top 0.08 percent of taxpayers, had income
between $2 million and $10 million.)

○ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2013, only 13,000
households, just 0.01 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10


Well-known member
Sounds good to me

Sounds good to me

He came out with his tax numbers, so the 90% shit can now be known as the joke it is;

"Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

○ 37 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

○ 43 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

○ 48 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2013, only
113,000 households, the top 0.08 percent of taxpayers, had income
between $2 million and $10 million.)

○ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2013, only 13,000
households, just 0.01 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10
Let's do this


Active member
We're also betting on how well the independant voter understands what "democratic socialist" means. Even though WE know he's actually for a regulated free market economy, the question, and the risk is do they? Another risk some people have (not me anymore), is republicans shouldn't be underestimated, and cite their strategy against John Kerry in 2004, being brilliant in believeable bullshit(swiftboat, etc).---here I think we're ok, since the Lee Atwater children, Rove, and other black belts in truth ju-jitsu, aren't touching the bat-shit candidates they have now with a 10 foot pole. Putting all our chips in for Bernie(and I am), means that we are going to hear the word "socialist", even more than we heard "9/11, 9/11, 9/11" in 2004 also. More than Obama even, even though every policy he's pushed through, has at one time or another been a conservative thought first. But all that risk aside, this country needs to go back the middle, as our forefathers intended. Bernie's the only one to do this....I'm all in.
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Active member
Everyone should see "The Big Short" about the guys that predicted the economic collapse. Its in theaters


Well-known member
yeah, Bernie is the only one running at the moment i can vote for. i could have pulled the lever for Rand Paul as well (and would have if it had come down to him vs Billary). Gary Johnson, former NM governor, is supposedly tossing his hat in the ring as well, even at this late date. i could live with him in the WH as well...


Active member
yeah, Bernie is the only one running at the moment i can vote for. i could have pulled the lever for Rand Paul as well (and would have if it had come down to him vs Billary). Gary Johnson, former NM governor, is supposedly tossing his hat in the ring as well, even at this late date. i could live with him in the WH as well...

Right. And I am seeing a LOT of older generation Republicans saying they're not going to vote for a circus, and stay home. Trump, nor Cruz will be able to breach even 40%, handing the election to Hillary/Bernie....so might as well go all in for Bernie.
While watching the debate, did anybody else think they were the most out of touch, old white people you have ever listened to? It was hours of bickering between the super rich. Seems silly that the so called party of diversity has three old, white, rich, people running.


Active member
While watching the debate, did anybody else think they were the most out of touch, old white people you have ever listened to? It was hours of bickering between the super rich. Seems silly that the so called party of diversity has three old, white, rich, people running.

lmfao, I can't,.....I can't


Active member
Hey, I'm an old white rich guy and I have been revolutionary radical since I was 18. Pretty common in my neighborhood. I'm a little younger than Bernie and I am probably richer than he is. All he has is a house in Burlington and a guaranteed fat government pension.

You think it is strange for rich white people to care about economic justice and political fair play? Real people are more diverse than you might think.
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