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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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You actually believed in bullshit. If it's easily provable, have at it, point by point.

Ok, so your saying Bengazi was because of a video made 6 months before the attacks? You believe what Obama, Clinton and Rice were saying? LOL, BAAAAAAA. Sheep.

Your saying there was no pleading for more forces before the attacks? You believe ambassador Stevens didn't write detailed reports about the upcoming uprising? There was no stand down order? This had nothing to do with running guns to Syrian rebels?

Stop being blinded by party lines people. Bush was terrible, Obama is worse. Hilary could put the final nail in the coffin. Use critical thinking and some of these big mysteries will work themselves out.

Lol, you think Bengazi was because of a video..... BTW, the only person held accountable for that night, was the guy that made the video. Point by point, you have to be an idiot to believe that stuff. Watch the movie that is coming out, crazy stuff that every American should watch.

PS, no idea why I go point by point with you. When I do, you post a three word negative response with no meaning. Coming in 3.2.1....

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
More Yenta ! 2016



Active member
Ok, so your saying Bengazi was because of a video made 6 months before the attacks? You believe what Obama, Clinton and Rice were saying? LOL, BAAAAAAA. Sheep.

Your saying there was no pleading for more forces before the attacks? You believe ambassador Stevens didn't write detailed reports about the upcoming uprising? There was no stand down order? This had nothing to do with running guns to Syrian rebels?

Stop being blinded by party lines people. Bush was terrible, Obama is worse. Hilary could put the final nail in the coffin. Use critical thinking and some of these big mysteries will work themselves out.

Lol, you think Bengazi was because of a video..... BTW, the only person held accountable for that night, was the guy that made the video. Point by point, you have to be an idiot to believe that stuff. Watch the movie that is coming out, crazy stuff that every American should watch.

PS, no idea why I go point by point with you. When I do, you post a three word negative response with no meaning. Coming in 3.2.1....

I made no assertions wrt any of the claims you make, other than it being bullshit. You can't back them up by putting words in my mouth & then arguing against them. That's called a straw man argument, a fallacy.
There is your negative answer, with no fact to back anything up. At least it was longer than your normal three word response.

For the record, your saying that I believe all those facts, can you show me where I said that? Or are you just "made no assertions wrt any of the claims you make, other than it being bullshit. You can't back them up by putting words in my mouth & then arguing against them. That's called a straw man argument, a fallacy."

Pathetic Jhhnnn, your accusing me of doing exactly what your doing. See you around.
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Active member
You are kind of far off topic with all that Bengazi crap, 50yard. How about we talk about that bat shit crazy sewer of a Republican debate last night. Bernie will wipe the floor with any of those clowns.


Active member
Reason, itself, is completely out the window here. The only people who care, and blow up the email non-issue, are the fringebillies. The independant voter could give two shits. Bush's foreign policy completely destabilized the entire middle east, with one lie, that will be written in the history books as the greatest foreign policy deception in the history of the modern world. Obama and Libya? You've got to be kidding me. :petting:

Only a card carrying member of the lunatic left would say exposing state secrets is a non issue. Funny you say Bush destabilized the middle east. In your mind how long has Obama been president? And the middle east had been stabilized to a far better place than it is now when Bush left office. Your hero Obama opened the gates of hell when he pulled our troops out of Iraq to appease the Muslim Brotherhood. I feel like most leftists have no concept of current events, logic or truth.


Active member
First off, it would be correctly described as using a non governmental e-mail, which used an insecure server to house top level security information, which has been proven to be hacked by both China and Russia.......

Really? You don't have any idea about the history of the Clinton machine? Benghazi? Crushing Bill's accusers? Allowing foreign governments to obtain top clearance information? Ponzi scheme/political favor donations from somebody that was sent to jail for more than two decades? Drug Dealer donations? Stealing furniture from the white house? Investing in cattle futures? Whitewater? Vince Foster Jr.? Filegate? Did I mention Benghazi?

Bush was an amateur compared to Hillary.

There is your negative answer, with no fact to back anything up. At least it was longer than your normal three word response.

For the record, your saying that I believe all those facts, can you show me where I said that? Or are you just "made no assertions wrt any of the claims you make, other than it being bullshit. You can't back them up by putting words in my mouth & then arguing against them. That's called a straw man argument, a fallacy."

Pathetic Jhhnnn, your accusing me of doing exactly what your doing. See you around.

You are the accuser & bear the burden of proof. So far- nothing, nada, zip, zilch & nyet.

I have no doubt that you're a believer, however, & more's the pity.


Active member
You are the accuser & bear the burden of proof. So far- nothing, nada, zip, zilch & nyet.

I have no doubt that you're a believer, however, & more's the pity.

Fact check it and stop with the Lazy, ignorant and thoughtless thing jhnnn. Type in your search topic in the header bar then hit enter. If you are not interested in truth and substance then quit trolling.


Active member
This thread became dumber than stupid all to quick!

Bernie is a good guy, I like his policies a lot. I just hope he gets elected and stays in great health for 8 years. He's 74 and that's no spring chick.


Active member
a Bernie vs Trump must be a nightmare scenario for numbers guys like Nate silver (538).


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Active member
Only a card carrying member of the lunatic left would say exposing state secrets is a non issue. Funny you say Bush destabilized the middle east. In your mind how long has Obama been president? And the middle east had been stabilized to a far better place than it is now when Bush left office. Your hero Obama opened the gates of hell when he pulled our troops out of Iraq to appease the Muslim Brotherhood. I feel like most leftists have no concept of current events, logic or truth.

Dr.RedWhite.....I love you man.....NO!......I love you man... :kissgrin:


Active member
Fact check it and stop with the Lazy, ignorant and thoughtless thing jhnnn. Type in your search topic in the header bar then hit enter. If you are not interested in truth and substance then quit trolling.

Not being a fool for propaganda, I've fact checked my own assertions. Might want to try it yourself.

AM talk radio isn't a good source, btw.


Kiss My Ring
bush & the company funded B. Clintons education with a Rhodes Scholarship.

GHW Bush was Bills mentor...

Thick as Thieves!

Cheers to the new FBI interference in her plan to rule Murica.


Active member
bush & the company funded B. Clintons education with a Rhodes Scholarship.

GHW Bush was Bills mentor...

Thick as Thieves!

Cheers to the new FBI interference in her plan to rule Murica.

I work hard to be nice, particularly here on Icmag. You're not making it any easier-


There's a whole lot less conspiracy than some people imagine, I'm sure.
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