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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Your #1 cause may be the legalization of Marijuana but in reality we have much greater problems. Such as unemployment, illegal immigration, faux legal immigration from Syria and Iraq, an incredible debt level, a health care system in shambles, a weak and worthless president, Iran, Russia, Mexico, an unworkable tax system and more. It cracks me up that you think legalizing pot will cure all these ills and that putting a self proclaimed socialist in the WH will do anything to mitigate the real problems in this country. Beyond that look at the problems the left is causing with our civil rights, the attack on free speech and privacy, the 14th amendment, the 2nd amendment and the checks and balances in our government.

Unemployment is down to it's lowest levels since the Clinton Administration- fact check it. Illegal immigration has gone DOWN- fact check it. 4 year olds are not terrorists- fact check it. The health care system is stabilizing, covering millions, and reducing the deficit, while protecting them from greedy insurance companies( which write their checks to the right) from dropping them if they get sick. Bernie's a democratic socialist. The last time we had a democratic socialist president, he was re-elected 5 times because the people loved him so much. The economy boomed. We kicked the shit out of fascism. Obama, this man you're obviously terrified of, for some reason(wonder what it could be), has factually been more conservative than Ronald Reagan himself by the numbers- Look at any independent fact check site. He not only killed Bin Laden, he just killed the Isis leader the other day, as Isis lost another city and is being beaten back further. Leave the Fixed News bubble and please check other resources for your information. And Cleetus, no one is coming for your guns. Obama taught constitutional law, and he knows more about your freedoms than you do. He's saying that maybe if youre bat-shit violent crazy, might be a good idea to run a check. "Baaaa" goes the Fox news sheep....
You guys see Hilary is in panic mode over how well Bernie is polling in New Hampshire and Vermont? (I think it was those two states, going off memory now)

I hope Bernie wipes the floor with Hilary, she should be in jail.


Well-known member
The Bush administration should be jailed for war crimes and people on wall street should be jailed for criminally tanking the economy.

Hillary Clinton did what? Used a non governmental email? Lol come on.


Active member
All the right wing rhetoric in one neat little package lol.

- Illegal immigration isn't a problem

You have no idea what you are talking about. That statement proves you are clueless.

- Refugees in the US isn't a problem

Not yet but take a look at the problems Europe is having with Muslims, you think that won't happen here?

- our health care system is in shambles yet more people are covered now

Not true millions lost their health insurance and can't afford Obamacare. It is outrageously expensive and exceptionally poor insurance.

- our president is weak even though he's bombing 7-8 different countries, took out bin laden, dropped tens of thousands of bombs on isis, ect.

You mean cowardly undertaking a drone murder program guaranteed to make Muslims hate us?Killing Bin Laden is what galvanized ISIS and he only did it to get re elected.

- Iran isn't the problem. In fact they are one of the largest Muslim forces fighting ISIS.

You are extremely naive. Iran wants complete control of Iraq and to prop up Assad in Syria. Iran is a Shiite Muslim country and will do anything to overcome the Sunni Muslims which ISIS and Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait are. Recent events where the coward in chief thanked Iran for the return of our navy personnel who were captured under very suspicious circumstances and said nothing of the missiles that landed a mere 1500 yards from one of our ships. The message being America kneels to Iran.

- the left is causing problems with our rights? Then why is it the right that is against women's rights, against homosexual rights? Why is it the right is usually pro-nsa spying and for cutting beneficial social programs such as social security and Medicare?

Womens rights? You mean your support of the holy baby parts sellers right? Don't call planned parenthood the bastion of womens rights. Homosexual rights, other than marriage they were equal in our system. Marriage generally used by heterosexuals to make their children legit and for the joys of divorce. The leftist scum all voted for the NSA spying and the Patriot act moreso than the conservatives, indeed the only true voices against the NSA spying are conservatives. Where do you get this crap that the right wants to end social security and medicare? You surely can't be stupid enough to believe that. What the right wants is for the economy to be good enough that so many people don't have to be on welfare.

- 14th amendment grants birthright citizenship to those born in this country by immigrants. What's the problem here? European immigrants can be granted citizenship since they started coming here but now that it's brown people we have to get rid of this ammendment?

- you'll still have your second ammendment rights, no one is taking your guns uncle jimbob

Like you care or have a clue about the Constitution or your responsibilities to it.

Cannavore I like your posts on growing but otherwise you are completely delusional. Do a little research before you start blathering leftist talking points. your concept on immigration is laughable and the 14th amendment was designed to give birthright citizenship to children of the Black slaves we brought here not just any border crossing illegal. You leftists are the true racists.


Active member
I bet you can't prove this

Well with very little effort you can find his ties to the current Communist Party of the USA. Remember in the 70's and 80's the internet was a small thing and leftist scum were largely ignored. With that said why are you into socialism? very little different than communism.


Active member
The Bush administration should be jailed for war crimes and people on wall street should be jailed for criminally tanking the economy.

Hillary Clinton did what? Used a non governmental email? Lol come on.

That the email was not a govt email is not the point, the point is she used an unsecured email to do the governments business and state dept business should be done with secure forms of communication. Only a true airhead would think that was funny.

Wall street had help via the Community Reinvestment Act amended by the Dodd/Franks (democrats) bill that all but eliminated standards for making loans with predictable results. The law forced banks to make loans that would not be repaid. Your hero Bill Clinton signed the changes to the CRA into law creating the housing bubble and the banks failing which we had to bail out. As for war crimes what Hillary and Obama did to Libya was as bad or worse than anything Bush had a hand in and they did it without consulting congress like Bush did for the invasion of Iraq. In my opinion drone warfare is a war crime and a crime against humanity.


Active member
That the email was not a govt email is not the point, the point is she used an unsecured email to do the governments business and state dept business should be done with secure forms of communication. Only a true airhead would think that was funny.

Wall street had help via the Community Reinvestment Act amended by the Dodd/Franks (democrats) bill that all but eliminated standards for making loans with predictable results. The law forced banks to make loans that would not be repaid. Your hero Bill Clinton signed the changes to the CRA into law creating the housing bubble and the banks failing which we had to bail out. As for war crimes what Hillary and Obama did to Libya was as bad or worse than anything Bush had a hand in and they did it without consulting congress like Bush did for the invasion of Iraq. In my opinion drone warfare is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

Reason, itself, is completely out the window here. The only people who care, and blow up the email non-issue, are the fringebillies. The independant voter could give two shits. Bush's foreign policy completely destabilized the entire middle east, with one lie, that will be written in the history books as the greatest foreign policy deception in the history of the modern world. Obama and Libya? You've got to be kidding me. :petting:
The Bush administration should be jailed for war crimes and people on wall street should be jailed for criminally tanking the economy.

Hillary Clinton did what? Used a non governmental email? Lol come on.
First off, it would be correctly described as using a non governmental e-mail, which used an insecure server to house top level security information, which has been proven to be hacked by both China and Russia.......

Really? You don't have any idea about the history of the Clinton machine? Benghazi? Crushing Bill's accusers? Allowing foreign governments to obtain top clearance information? Ponzi scheme/political favor donations from somebody that was sent to jail for more than two decades? Drug Dealer donations? Stealing furniture from the white house? Investing in cattle futures? Whitewater? Vince Foster Jr.? Filegate? Did I mention Benghazi?

Bush was an amateur compared to Hillary.


Active member
First off, it would be correctly described as using a non governmental e-mail, which used an insecure server to house top level security information, which has been proven to be hacked by both China and Russia.......

Really? You don't have any idea about the history of the Clinton machine? Benghazi? Crushing Bill's accusers? Allowing foreign governments to obtain top clearance information? Ponzi scheme/political favor donations from somebody that was sent to jail for more than two decades? Drug Dealer donations? Stealing furniture from the white house? Investing in cattle futures? Whitewater? Vince Foster Jr.? Filegate? Did I mention Benghazi?

Bush was an amateur compared to Hillary.

You must have wanted to believe that stuff quite desperately in order to actually do so.


We're simply desiring a further to the left spot on the spectrum of our mixed experimental model of society. We are not a purely capitalistic society- we are not nor will ever be a pure socialist society. We are now and always have been a blend of both....

We let entrepreneurial capitalism build unbridled wealth- heat socialize our emergency services, education, and road systems... We as a whole have always been mixing the best of both to make our uniquely American blend...

We just feel we are leaving some of the best things the left has to offer our society's- does not mean we will abandon the best of what we take from pure capitalism... Just want to blend the mix a little more our way...

Fly by Night

Like a Wing


Sanders a hit with Millennial women

Sanders a hit with Millennial women

WASHINGTON — Young women could make history by helping elect the first woman president, but many of them are turning to the oldest white guy in the field.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, 74, a Vermont independent, will head into the Democratic presidential debate Sunday with a 19-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton, 50% to 31%, among Democratic and independent women ages 18 to 34, according to a recent USA TODAY/Rock the Vote poll.

Millennial women are among the supporters Sanders is counting on to help him pull off an upset Feb. 1 in Iowa, where his poll numbers are surging, and hold his lead in New Hampshire, which will hold a primary Feb. 9, to give him the momentum he needs to succeed in later contests where Clinton is favored.

“The challenge of this election is to disprove the skeptics who believe (young people) don’t vote,” said Tad Devine, Sanders’ senior adviser. “Obama and his campaign took that on, they disproved it, it became the source of their victory. We’re trying to do the same thing.”

In 2008, Obama won the Iowa caucuses, and Clinton placed third after a record attendance that nearly doubled the 2004 turnout. His greatest support came from 17- to 44-year-olds while Clinton won among those 65 and older, according to exit polls.

Despite her advantages in contests after New Hampshire, Clinton could leave Iowa “weakened or politically wounded” if the “Obama effect” works in Sanders’ favor and she fails to score a resounding victory, said Dennis Goldford, a political science professor at Drake University in Des Moines.

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