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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Crusader Rabbit

Active member
That's what trumped up scandals & conspiracy theories are for, to fill the information channels with bullshit.

Conspiracy is just how the world works. I think that one purpose for filling the internet with nonsense is that it reflects poorly on those who try to explain the machinations of very real dark forces. Such meddlesome people can just be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists".

The term "conspiracy theory" came into common usage in American culture with the dissemination of CIA Document 1035-960 which instructed the press how best to dismiss criticism of The Warren Commission report on the assassination of JFK. Think about that for a moment!



Active member
Conspiracy is just how the world works. I think that one purpose for filling the internet with nonsense is that it reflects poorly on those who try to explain the machinations of very real dark forces. Such meddlesome people can just be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists".

The term "conspiracy theory" came into common usage in American culture with the dissemination of CIA Document 1035-960 which instructed the press how best to dismiss criticism of The Warren Commission report on the assassination of JFK. Think about that for a moment!


I get all that. OTOH, expert propagandists can make a conspiracy out of a ham sandwich. About the time the real truth comes out about the ham sandwich, they've already moved on to peanut butter & jelly. The people who believed 'em about the ham still do because they already made up their minds about that & are now focused on the peanut butter.

They're always prompting little leaps of faith on the scantiest real evidence imaginable.


POWER RANKINGS: Here's who has the best chance at being our next president

POWER RANKINGS: Here's who has the best chance at being our next president

Top 15 so-called contenders

8. Bernie Sanders, Democrat, senator from Vermont

Sanders' campaign shocked political observers by raising more than $27 million in the third quarter, more than any Republican presidential candidate and just $3 million behind Clinton. And he might be on track to raise more than the former secretary of state in 2015's final quarter.

His momentum, and the grassroots support and donations behind it, have evoked comparisons to the rise of Barack Obama, then an Illinois senator, in 2008.

But Sanders still faces daunting challenges against the behemoth that is Clinton and her campaign. There are questions about whether he's a legitimate threat in the long haul and about his viability as a potential nominee in a general election.

But he continues to put himself in prime position to influence the Democratic debate and perhaps at least score an upset victory in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire.

National polling average among Democratic voters: 30.5% (2nd)
Iowa: 36.8% (2nd)
New Hampshire: 51.3% (1st)
South Carolina: 23.3% (2nd)


Rubbing my glands together
Top 15 so-called contenders

8. Bernie Sanders, Democrat, senator from Vermont

Sanders' campaign shocked political observers by raising more than $27 million in the third quarter, more than any Republican presidential candidate and just $3 million behind Clinton. And he might be on track to raise more than the former secretary of state in 2015's final quarter.

His momentum, and the grassroots support and donations behind it, have evoked comparisons to the rise of Barack Obama, then an Illinois senator, in 2008.

But Sanders still faces daunting challenges against the behemoth that is Clinton and her campaign. There are questions about whether he's a legitimate threat in the long haul and about his viability as a potential nominee in a general election.

But he continues to put himself in prime position to influence the Democratic debate and perhaps at least score an upset victory in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire.

National polling average among Democratic voters: 30.5% (2nd)
Iowa: 36.8% (2nd)
New Hampshire: 51.3% (1st)
South Carolina: 23.3% (2nd)

Would love to see him beat Hillary in Iowa. I have a very strong dislike for her


Would love to see him beat Hillary in Iowa. I have a very strong dislike for her

Hillary is a major fricken criminal. While she was Secretary of State, the Clinton foundation increased its wealth by like 200 million dollars.


Active member
Hillary is a major fricken criminal. While she was Secretary of State, the Clinton foundation increased its wealth by like 200 million dollars.

So what? It's not reasonable to think that the foundation should cease fund raising while she was secretary but rather that she should disconnect from that, which is what she did.

Despite rather scurrilous attacks, the foundation is a legit charity-


Some things can't be understood from sound bites.

I'm no great fan of Hillary. OTOH, she's been the target of enormous scrutiny & relentless right wing slime attacks for over 20 years & she's still standing. I don't think she would be if much of it were really true. I'm surprised more people don't realize that when they start hearing "Wolf!" Again. and Again. and Again.

If I end up having to choose a candidate who's not Bernie, I'll take her in a heartbeat.


I am an ex-conservative, now quite radically progressive, as a person I'm unrecognisable from whom I once was and I won't bore you with my conversion story..

Take the polarizing names of parties out of this and decide which side you want to be on- progressive or conservative. Look at some basic elementary history and again forgetting party names as the parties have changed back and forth in name just think conservative vs progressive:

Conservatives: seek a new way to India? Hell no I a it funding that- r u crazy????
Progressive : that's a fantastic idea lets try it- well fund you!

progressives: let's form a new country and expire meant with a radical form of government
Conservative: the Kings fine by me...

Progressives: slavery should never be part of our democracy let's end it and progress as a society.
Conservative: we need the system economically say some. The bible justifies it say another group on this side...

Progressive: you know it shouldn't just be white, land owning white guys who should vote all adults should be able to
Conservative: white men (the older the better) do just dandy deciding elections leave it alone

Conservative: Hoover
Progressive: FDR

Progressives: though slavery is done I think we could share drinking fountains as such as a whole species..
Conservatives: don't mix the races, it's not right it's an abomination

Progressive: love is love no matter the genders
Conservative: the fire will fall upon us if we let them there queer folk marry! Their sinful- abominous non tradition marriage will threaten the sanctity of my tradition third marriage...

Just sayin.... Regardless of party title- I'm a progressive.... My progressive fore runners have a pretty good track record of being on the right side of history... I think I'll take the progressive road every time from here on out regardless of political title!

Go Bernie go!!!!


Tommy Chong is backing Bernie Sanders, but it's not for the reason you think

Tommy Chong is backing Bernie Sanders, but it's not for the reason you think

Clad in a black "Bernie for President" T-shirt, Tommy Chong sat on a stool inside a small studio tucked away behind an aikido dojo in Los Angeles' Chinatown, cleared his throat and squinted at the teleprompter a few feet in front of him.

The comedian and advocate of legalized marijuana, best known for the "Cheech and Chong" films, was there with a small crew of volunteers to cut a political Web video to promote Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign — and not just because the Vermont senator has called for an end to the federal government's prohibition on marijuana.

Chong starts off the video — to be seen on a laptop near you in the coming weeks — comparing the slate of presidential candidates to marijuana plants ready to be harvested, noting that only Sanders is "mature" enough to picked. Calling Sanders the "commander in Kush," referring to a type of marijuana, Chong ticks off his reasons for support. Then comes the money line.

"Only one candidate this year has said things I truly believe in, like supporting the legalization of ...," he said, pausing for dramatic effect, "a fair and humane immigration policy." Also on the list? Legalization of "a real living wage."

Chong may not be the kind of A-lister that campaigns roll out in swing states, but he does have millions of followers on Twitter and Facebook, where the video will be shared. Chong's tongue-in-cheek Web short is likely to be a hit with the vast grassroots army of volunteers and small donors Sanders is relying on to fuel his campaign — especially as he seeks to bring out progressive voters.

Read the Rest... http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-prez-tommy-chong-sanders-ad-20160111-story.html#nt=outfit


Let's see- Donald Trump rallies are reported to often include violence...

Let's show em! Tommy needs to do a rally tour and have us come to them in support and I'd bet a toke- there wouldn't be one bit of violence at our rallies.... Would be great to see and may surprise the hell out of people who all shows up a bit glassy eyed....

" father bob, i knever knew",

"why yes Doctor Joan I do, and hey over there's the construction crew that worked on the church"

" why I think it is Father, and oh look my friend the attorney is over there chatting with my nephew the aspiring starving artist"

Let's show them what a threat to society we really are.... And that we see an opportunity to end this more needless than alcohol prohibition yesterday,


Active member
Jhhnn I could honestly care less about Marijuana legalization as an issue for this next election. Let the states decide, me personally I see a country that is exceptionally lenient on Marijuana already. I see a country that is facing tremendous problems, worrying about whether or not jhhn can smoke a joint on his porch is the least of my concerns.

The states and the people in those states should decide, it's not the president's job to battle every minor social issue. But go ahead you are demostrating how easily bought you are, don't sell yourself so cheaply.

What is this dude even doing here? Its either repeatedly debunked Fixed News, or he's(as stated above)...not supporting our # 1 cause here

And easy on the offensive, gee whiz somebody give this guy a hug.... :huggg:


Active member
I am an ex-conservative, now quite radically progressive, as a person I'm unrecognisable from whom I once was and I won't bore you with my conversion story..

Take the polarizing names of parties out of this and decide which side you want to be on- progressive or conservative. Look at some basic elementary history and again forgetting party names as the parties have changed back and forth in name just think conservative vs progressive:

Conservatives: seek a new way to India? Hell no I a it funding that- r u crazy????
Progressive : that's a fantastic idea lets try it- well fund you!

progressives: let's form a new country and expire meant with a radical form of government
Conservative: the Kings fine by me...

Progressives: slavery should never be part of our democracy let's end it and progress as a society.
Conservative: we need the system economically say some. The bible justifies it say another group on this side...

Progressive: you know it shouldn't just be white, land owning white guys who should vote all adults should be able to
Conservative: white men (the older the better) do just dandy deciding elections leave it alone

Conservative: Hoover
Progressive: FDR

Progressives: though slavery is done I think we could share drinking fountains as such as a whole species..
Conservatives: don't mix the races, it's not right it's an abomination

Progressive: love is love no matter the genders
Conservative: the fire will fall upon us if we let them there queer folk marry! Their sinful- abominous non tradition marriage will threaten the sanctity of my tradition third marriage...

Just sayin.... Regardless of party title- I'm a progressive.... My progressive fore runners have a pretty good track record of being on the right side of history... I think I'll take the progressive road every time from here on out regardless of political title!

Go Bernie go!!!!

Progressives: Get all the chicks
Conservatives: Unknown....(progressives feel their bedrooms are way, way, way none of their business)


Sanders Campaign Endorsed by MoveOn.org

Sanders Campaign Endorsed by MoveOn.org

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tuesday received the endorsement of MoveOn.org, a grassroots organization that has been at the forefront of liberal causes.
MoveOn says the Vermont senator was supported by 78.6 percent of its membership in an online vote of more than 340,000 members. Hillary Clinton received 14.6 percent and Martin O'Malley received 0.9 percent with the remaining members urging no endorsement.
"MoveOn members are feeling the Bern," said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action. "We will mobilize aggressively to add our collective people power to the growing movement behind the Sanders campaign, starting with a focus on voter turnout in Iowa and New Hampshire
The endorsement was widely expected. MoveOn encouraged Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for president but when she declined last year many of its supporters got behind Sanders' campaign.
The group lists 8 million members and says it will mobilize nearly 75,000 of its members in Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold the campaign's first two contests.
MoveOn endorsed President Barack Obama during the 2008 primaries and helped rally Democrats in opposition to the Iraq War. The group was formed in response to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, with its supporters urging Congress to censure the president and move on to more pressing matters facing the American people.

From ABC News.


Active member
What is this dude even doing here? Its either repeatedly debunked Fixed News, or he's(as stated above)...not supporting our # 1 cause here

And easy on the offensive, gee whiz somebody give this guy a hug.... :huggg:

Your #1 cause may be the legalization of Marijuana but in reality we have much greater problems. Such as unemployment, illegal immigration, faux legal immigration from Syria and Iraq, an incredible debt level, a health care system in shambles, a weak and worthless president, Iran, Russia, Mexico, an unworkable tax system and more. It cracks me up that you think legalizing pot will cure all these ills and that putting a self proclaimed socialist in the WH will do anything to mitigate the real problems in this country. Beyond that look at the problems the left is causing with our civil rights, the attack on free speech and privacy, the 14th amendment, the 2nd amendment and the checks and balances in our government.


Active member
I am an ex-conservative, now quite radically progressive, as a person I'm unrecognisable from whom I once was and I won't bore you with my conversion story..

Take the polarizing names of parties out of this and decide which side you want to be on- progressive or conservative. Look at some basic elementary history and again forgetting party names as the parties have changed back and forth in name just think conservative vs progressive:

Conservatives: seek a new way to India? Hell no I a it funding that- r u crazy????
Progressive : that's a fantastic idea lets try it- well fund you!

progressives: let's form a new country and expire meant with a radical form of government
Conservative: the Kings fine by me...

Well if the King is Obama and executive order is how he rules then kings seem to be what the Progressives want. Smoke much?

Progressives: slavery should never be part of our democracy let's end it and progress as a society.
Conservative: we need the system economically say some. The bible justifies it say another group on this side...

? Smoke alot?

Progressive: you know it shouldn't just be white, land owning white guys who should vote all adults should be able to
Conservative: white men (the older the better) do just dandy deciding elections leave it alone

Conservative: Hoover
Progressive: FDR

How is your hero Black Progressive/Marxist running the country? Not so good.

Progressives: though slavery is done I think we could share drinking fountains as such as a whole species..
Conservatives: don't mix the races, it's not right it's an abomination

Slavery? Not even a real issue at present except to push racism for the leftist cause.

Progressive: love is love no matter the genders
Conservative: the fire will fall upon us if we let them there queer folk marry! Their sinful- abominous non tradition marriage will threaten the sanctity of my tradition third marriage...

Well like murdering the unborn we all have opinions.

Just sayin.... Regardless of party title- I'm a progressive.... My progressive fore runners have a pretty good track record of being on the right side of history... I think I'll take the progressive road every time from here on out regardless of political title!

Progressives with good track records? Who? Stalin, Marx, Ho, Mao? You must be smoking the good stuff or putting us on!

Go Bernie go!!!!

Very funny, a guy that was openly calling himself a communist in the 70's and 80's is your guy? Your lacing your smoke with something that reduces your mental processes. Why don't you look up the meaning of socialism.


Well-known member
Your #1 cause may be the legalization of Marijuana but in reality we have much greater problems. Such as unemployment, illegal immigration, faux legal immigration from Syria and Iraq, an incredible debt level, a health care system in shambles, a weak and worthless president, Iran, Russia, Mexico, an unworkable tax system and more. It cracks me up that you think legalizing pot will cure all these ills and that putting a self proclaimed socialist in the WH will do anything to mitigate the real problems in this country. Beyond that look at the problems the left is causing with our civil rights, the attack on free speech and privacy, the 14th amendment, the 2nd amendment and the checks and balances in our government.

All the right wing rhetoric in one neat little package lol.

- Illegal immigration isn't a problem

- Refugees in the US isn't a problem

- our health care system is in shambles yet more people are covered now

- our president is weak even though he's bombing 7-8 different countries, took out bin laden, dropped tens of thousands of bombs on isis, ect.

- Iran isn't the problem. In fact they are one of the largest Muslim forces fighting ISIS.

- the left is causing problems with our rights? Then why is it the right that is against women's rights, against homosexual rights? Why is it the right is usually pro-nsa spying and for cutting beneficial social programs such as social security and Medicare?

- 14th ammendment grants birthright citizenship to those born in this country by immigrants. What's the problem here? European immigrants can be granted citizenship since they started coming here but now that it's brown people we have to get rid of this ammendment?

- you'll still have your second ammendment rights, no one is taking your guns uncle jimbob


Active member
Bernie has never even come close to either calling himself a communist or acting like a communist. I know this for sure as I have known him for 40+ years and have followed his politics carefully because I have been a Vermont voter for that long.
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