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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Anytime someone starts using the it's not fair argument (for taxing higher earners a higher %)... I can't help but laugh. Really the it's not fair argument lost its muster by 4th or 5th grade... But that's just like my opinion man


Active member
I'm not missing the point so much as you are trying desperately to avoid it.

Is it that hard to man-up & admit that you were mistaken when you said that Sanders wants to tax us all at 90%?

Does it concern you at all that you might believe in things that aren't true?

I have a friend who is all into Fox News and Obama conspiring for all kinds of nefarious government takeovers.... I've known him since we were kids... Iam routinely amazed at the things he thinks are facts... I generally don't try to challenge his facts because he isn't going to change his mind... He listened/read and watched the facts all day long in fox news


Well-known member
The google it! Why tax one American a greater percentage than another? What about equal protection under the law? Though it seems we don't have that with Obama or Hillary. Why not make govt accountable and spend money wisely? If I were being taxed 90% I think i would stop generating jobs for others if they were being taxed only 27%. I know fair means nothing to the left.

Google what? I know for a fact he didn't say it. Watching some smear Brietbart or Infowars video where some clueless hack says Bernie wants to tax you at 90% is not the same as Bernie Sanders himself saying that or putting it into his platform.

But go ahead show me where he said that.


Active member
I have a friend who is all into Fox News and Obama conspiring for all kinds of nefarious government takeovers.... I've known him since we were kids... Iam routinely amazed at the things he thinks are facts... I generally don't try to challenge his facts because he isn't going to change his mind... He listened/read and watched the facts all day long in fox news

Truly not a fan of Fox news, too much like the leftists and support the establishment (more of the same from either party) but where do you get your news?


Active member
I'm not missing the point so much as you are trying desperately to avoid it.

Is it that hard to man-up & admit that you were mistaken when you said that Sanders wants to tax us all at 90%?

Does it concern you at all that you might believe in things that aren't true?

Actually pointing out that taxing one American more than another was admitting that. However that would not come close to covering all the extra spending Sanders wants and we (all Americans) will pay in one way or another. Why would you want to have as president some fool that wants to spend back into the third world? Suppose you were part of the group that makes $250,000 a year? and the govt took $225,000 of that from you? Welfare benefits are valued at more than $40,000 a year in many states so it would be easier to live on welfare and more profitable than to generate the $250,000. Sanders is a Whacko and that is undeniable.


Active member
Actually pointing out that taxing one American more than another was admitting that. However that would not come close to covering all the extra spending Sanders wants and we (all Americans) will pay in one way or another. Why would you want to have as president some fool that wants to spend back into the third world? Suppose you were part of the group that makes $250,000 a year? and the govt took $225,000 of that from you? Welfare benefits are valued at more than $40,000 a year in many states so it would be easier to live on welfare and more profitable than to generate the $250,000. Sanders is a Whacko and that is undeniable.

Still with the false attribution, huh?

Bernie has not released his tax & spending proposals so you're merely fear mongering from a position of faith based assumptions.

Consider the idea that just because you believe something to be true doesn't necessarily make it true at all. It's what happens when we jump to conclusions. Convincing people to do that is the essence of propaganda. That's something we all need to guard against.


Rubbing my glands together
Consider the idea that just because you believe something to be true doesn't necessarily make it true at all. It's what happens when we jump to conclusions. Convincing people to do that is the essence of propaganda. That's something we all need to guard against.

Anyone that has bought into the things/ideas their political party of choice has led them to believe and defend so passionately has bought into the propaganda lock stock and barrel whether the affected person chooses to believe it or not. Main purpose is to devide and conquer the 2 main camps for control which has very effectively been done.


Anyone that has bought into the things/ideas their political party of choice has led them to believe and defend so passionately has bought into the propaganda lock stock and barrel whether the affected person chooses to believe it or not. Main purpose is to devide and conquer the 2 main camps for control which has very effectively been done.

Absolutely Correct.

Those not under the spell of a particular party are forced to vote for the least criminal or evil of the two options. The ultra rich provide the "choices' in our so called democracy.


Active member
Anyone that has bought into the things/ideas their political party of choice has led them to believe and defend so passionately has bought into the propaganda lock stock and barrel whether the affected person chooses to believe it or not. Main purpose is to devide and conquer the 2 main camps for control which has very effectively been done.

Not all of politics is propaganda. There are both underlying beliefs and facts. When what a person believes isn't based on facts they are victims of propaganda. When enough people believe in falsehoods that affects the nation and the world.

America has labored under the falsehoods of cannabis prohibition since the 30's.

We labored under a multiplicity of falsehoods when we invaded Iraq.

The same is true of the housing bubble & the illusions of deregulated banking in a free trade Reaganomics trickle down economic environment. That demonstrably left the ultra rich a whole lot richer & working people a whole lot poorer. Mere fact.

The GWB years were the culmination of decades of effort & a victory for conservative ideology even as they were a disaster of as yet incalculable consequences.

So I ask you, what have conservatives learned from that? Is their ideology any different before & after or does the siren song of what they want to hear still overpower their intellects?


Well-known member
So I ask you, what have conservatives learned from that? Is their ideology any different before & after or does the siren song of what they want to hear still overpower their intellects?

the object was not to learn, it was to profit. that is what they do. the siren song of profit will ALWAYS overpower their "intellects"...


Active member
Okay, so 196 nations, just about the entire world, has signed an agreement to limit climate change by reducing carbon emissions. Bernie says it's not enough. I agree but still find it remarkably encouraging that all the nations of the world can agree on something, anything. Also encouraging are electric auto drive cars and solar panels popping up in everybody's back yard these days. But people like Bernie Sanders need to be setting the political agenda in this country before we can actually get serious about global warming.


Rubbing my glands together
So I ask you, what have conservatives learned from that? Is their ideology any different before & after or does the siren song of what they want to hear still overpower their intellects?

What have they Learned? The same thing the dens have learned from their leaders.
Here we are a year away from another election. The same tired old elect me arguments are being used
Gay rights, climate change, gun control, etc on the left
Birth rights, marriage between man and woman, global warming is bunk, etc on the right
Nothing changes except the players. Been hearing the same thing since the 90's from both sides.

GWB fucked things up no doubt about that but Obama has had 7 years and things have gotten any better and an argument can be made that thing are worse. Can't continue to blame bushie for everything wrong.
If you look into the way Obama has been using the drone program and the shear number of innocent civilians he has murdered it makes him just as guilty as GWB. But you don't hear main stream media giving him he'll over it like they did with Bush.


Active member
the object was not to learn, it was to profit. that is what they do. the siren song of profit will ALWAYS overpower their "intellects"...

I think rank & file conservatives are very much more sinned against than sinners. It's only their leadership who profit. We all have our weaknesses & blindspots. Well financed & highly organized right wing propagandists use that to manipulate people at a deep emotional level, keep 'em nicely riled up & not thinking straight.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The GWB years were the culmination of decades of effort & a victory for conservative ideology even as they were a disaster of as yet incalculable consequences.

So I ask you, what have conservatives learned from that?

Well, they are neoconservatives. They learned that they can get away with murder. It's a disaster all right but it wasn't a mistake. Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, it's all the same script. Use media to manipulate public to gin up support for a war. Break the state apart and leave it in chaos. Leave the Mideast as a stew of small religious/ethnic based states with none of them having the power to resist The Empire. One version of this script spelled it out in detail and was published in 1982 as the Yinon Plan.


Active member
Truly not a fan of Fox news, too much like the leftists and support the establishment (more of the same from either party) but where do you get your news?

I don't really watch any news TV channels.. I read a lot of articles on the Internet.... Most of it left leaning. I'm a sceptic by nature so I try to find the bullshit in every piece of news (political or otherwise) that I come across.
I just got done listening to an audiobook about the Iran contra debacle.
My ideals lean slightly left but at this point I have zero faith in the government or either party to take sane steps to improving life for the average joe.
IMHO all of these politicians (left,right and center) are bought and paid for well before they even run for office. It's a big corrupt self serving mess.
I mostly try to practice strict apathy when it comes to government and politicians

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I haven't watched TV news since the lead up to the last war in Iraq. Laws in the US have changed. The Pentagon now has free reign to propagandize the American public. Not like that ever stopped them before, but now they don't even have to try and hide it. They cal it "Information Warfare". The propaganda machine is working overtime now like it never has before. If you want the truth you have to put out the effort to educate yourself and sort through the trash on the internet to find sources you have faith in. The web is filled with garbage placed there just to confuse the masses.


ICMag Donor
A few days later, Sanders dismissed Trump’s comments in an interview on ABC’s This Week. [Oct 2015]

Well, if I had to respond to every absurd thing that Donald Trump said, I would spend my whole life doing it," Sanders said in the Oct. 18 interview. He added, "Yes, we are going to ask Trump and his billionaire friends to pay more in taxes. ...We'll come up with that rate. But it will be a damned lot higher than it is right now."

Sounds good to me!


Active member
I haven't watched TV news since the lead up to the last war in Iraq. Laws in the US have changed. The Pentagon now has free reign to propagandize the American public. Not like that ever stopped them before, but now they don't even have to try and hide it. They cal it "Information Warfare". The propaganda machine is working overtime now like it never has before. If you want the truth you have to put out the effort to educate yourself and sort through the trash on the internet to find sources you have faith in. The web is filled with garbage placed there just to confuse the masses.

That's what trumped up scandals & conspiracy theories are for, to fill the information channels with bullshit. Make it feel good to believe & to vent the frustrations of believing at the same time. Make it emotional. Spread the FUD. Drive wedges into the cracks of American culture. Divide & conquer. And profit, of course.
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