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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Well-known member
Why is you leftists refuse to believe that your hero's own words are irrelevant? Why not tax all Americans the same? Or make it a consumptive (sales) tax and enact import taxes? Do a study of Sanders. Why do you feel Ted Cruz is a fool? because he thinks Liberals are what is wrong with this country? I sure agree with him!

I follow Sanders entire platform and have read all his positions on the issues. He's never once stated he will set a nominal rate of 90%. He did say, and uses as an example, the fact that it was 90% under Republican Dwight D Eisenhower. That in no way implies that's what he's going to do, nor would his plan make sense if you were to tax all Americans at 90% lol that isn't how the tax brackets work.


Well-known member
People who went to university with Cruz say that he's brilliant. I believe that Ted Cruz knows exactly what his target audience wants to hear ... knows exactly what he's saying ... and knows why he's doing so.

He's a slimey manipulative empty suit just like Marco Rubio. Both of whom are incredibly out of touch with the American public.

I'd rather see Trump take the nomination than any of these establishment stooges haha.


Rubbing my glands together
Ted Cruz is a fool. But then again you think Sanders wants to tax all Americans at 90%, DrRedWhite so I'm really just pissing in the wind.

I'm not a Cruz fan either but the man really isn't a fool. He's argued cases before the US Suspreme court 9 times and won each time. He had excellent grades at Princeton and Harvard. Law clerk for renquist. Att general I think it was in Texas among other accomplishments. He believes citizens shouldn't be spied on by their government without a reason and a warrant. He had no problem calling Mitch the dick McConnell a liar on the senate floor which I found halarious. He's not the main stream establishment republican but he is taking in huge dollars from the Wall Street crowd.


Well-known member
Ted Cruz is (off the top of my head I'm sure there's more)

Anti abortion
Anti climate change (head of a congressional science committees)
Anti athiest - anti secularism
Pro Christian theocracy
Anti Iran nuclear deal
Anti planned parenthood
Anti obamacare (which I am against as well, single payer is better but I can guarantee that isn't his position)

Makes outrageous factually incorrect statements all the time and genuinely just seems like a fake persona. A polished turd wearing an expensive suit.


Rubbing my glands together
Lol. Anyone that's held a public office in 1 form or the other for 34 years is a polished as it gets.


Rubbing my glands together
But I will give him this. He's running for the office while Hillary is acting like she deserves it
Bernie Sanders is the chess piece of useless hope, never having a chance, resonating with what actually matters, he's used as a distraction in the exact same way they used Ron Paul, Dennis Kuchinich, giving the illusion of positive change that exists only in the realm of idealism and provocateur in an oligarchy superpower. I don't know how anyone can take anything any of these people seriously. It's a revolving door of archetypes that repeats itself like a broken record.


Well-known member
Disenfranchised conspiracists usually say that.

The difference is reality. Bernie Sanders has a shot, Ron Paul had NONE whatsoever.

Sanders is running a better campaign than Barack Obama up until this point in time, as well as broke the record for the single most donations to any presidential candidate in the history of the country.

Bernie draws 20k in small venues in relatively obscure areas of the country. Hillary and Trump could barely bring those numbers out in NYC.

The only comparison one could draw between Sanders and Ron Paul is how the media has unfairly covered their campaigns.
Its for those very reasons and more the man has no chance; you're still thinking in terms of democracy, but who could blame you, they shove it down everyones throats then reverse the meaning of words so you get mass swaths of people who believe vapid nothings. Much like the word terrorist. Anyone can see through that one.

The whole process, from the rhetorics, to the campaigns, to the technology that makes up the vote machines, is a B movie stage with delusions of grandeur. I think its easy to see clear as day who will put their paws on that bible and solemnly swear. :)


Active member
Ted Cruz is (off the top of my head I'm sure there's more)

Anti abortion

Ok so he is not into killing babies.

Anti climate change (what happened to global warming?) (head of a congressional science committees)

Since there is no proof that man made carbon dioxide emissions are causing so called climate change or that controlling our emissions more than we already are will make any difference good for him by not being suckered by the leftist scum.

Anti athiest - anti secularism

BS he believes you can worship or not!

Pro Christian theocracy

More BS which of your turn left .coms told you this?

Anti Iran nuclear deal

Another point in his favor, why trust any Muslim theocracy to honor a deal with an infidel nation?

Anti planned parenthood

Why would anyone be for Planned Parenthood, abortion and the selling of baby parts must really be a sticking point with you.

Anti obamacare (which I am against as well, single payer is better but I can guarantee that isn't his position)

The point really is why would you trust government with your health care? This is the point where you become property of the state.

Makes outrageous factually incorrect statements all the time and genuinely just seems like a fake persona. A polished turd wearing an expensive suit.

Link a couple of them for me, I looked and can only find the most minor mistakes.

Obama, Hillary and Sanders are truly unpolished turds for all the world to see so what is your point?


Active member
It's your assertion. Why make it if you can't back it up?

Why believe it at all?

Missing the point seems to be the real watermark of leftists. Gimmee or do something for meeeee all the time. Do your own research. I know among leftists there is only one thought and you keep telling each other the same thing all the time. It is what is wrong with the left.


Active member
I follow Sanders entire platform and have read all his positions on the issues. He's never once stated he will set a nominal rate of 90%. He did say, and uses as an example, the fact that it was 90% under Republican Dwight D Eisenhower. That in no way implies that's what he's going to do, nor would his plan make sense if you were to tax all Americans at 90% lol that isn't how the tax brackets work.

The google it! Why tax one American a greater percentage than another? What about equal protection under the law? Though it seems we don't have that with Obama or Hillary. Why not make govt accountable and spend money wisely? If I were being taxed 90% I think i would stop generating jobs for others if they were being taxed only 27%. I know fair means nothing to the left.


Active member
Missing the point seems to be the real watermark of leftists. Gimmee or do something for meeeee all the time. Do your own research. I know among leftists there is only one thought and you keep telling each other the same thing all the time. It is what is wrong with the left.

I'm not missing the point so much as you are trying desperately to avoid it.

Is it that hard to man-up & admit that you were mistaken when you said that Sanders wants to tax us all at 90%?

Does it concern you at all that you might believe in things that aren't true?
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