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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Trump is entertaining to say the least. I doubt he believes in some of the bullshit he says, but it gets press.
Remember there is no such thing as bad press. :p

I think more states are going to have to legalize medical and rec cannabis before the presidential candidate can without losing a lot of support. Though how Washington DC has legal cannabis is baffling to me.


Well-known member
the latest off the Trump wire: Trump calls for 'Closing That Internet Up'
enjoy your posts, they are numbered


Well-known member
When Trump Makes outrageous statements and then his numbers go up.
This creates pause to the world on what the republican party truly is.
The party feels like a unruly mob and talking to members feels like you reasoning with a aggressive barking dog in side of a car with the back window cracked.
Bark bark bark
Does no one remember how they used McCaine in the last election in the same way...


Like I said yesterday, all this nonsense is to make you feel grateful when they use Hillarys loose lips to start flapping at the masses.


Active member
Trump is entertaining to say the least. I doubt he believes in some of the bullshit he says, but it gets press.
Remember there is no such thing as bad press. :p

I think more states are going to have to legalize medical and rec cannabis before the presidential candidate can without losing a lot of support. Though how Washington DC has legal cannabis is baffling to me.

DC legalization happened because of limited home rule, the Obama Admin, & Repubs being hogtied by their own rhetoric. They tried to deny it with amendments to other bills but gained no traction w/ voters, particularly in light of veto threats from the White House.

Prohibition was snakebit the day that Obama framed it as States' Rights. It's not dead yet, there's plenty of drama ahead, but the outcome is inevitable.

Benie didn't lose a thing coming out in favor of legalization because those actually opposed would never vote for him anyway.


Active member
Ted Cruz is open to legalization as a constitutionalist he does not believe government has any right to tell what we can smoke, eat or drink. Plus he cares more about Americans than foreigners. Something you can't say about Hillary or Obama.


Well-known member
Ted Cruz is open to legalization as a constitutionalist he does not believe government has any right to tell what we can smoke, eat or drink...

hadn't seen that on cruz, thank you for that item
not a cruz fan but gratifying to see 1 more candidate that respects the people's choice on this
the opposition is falling, one pin at a time


Active member
Personally legalization of Marijuana is a non issue to me as far as what we need to save this country. I would vote for any candidate that stands up for the constitution and is not utterly corrupt like Hillary and Obama. Sanders wanting to tax us all 90% is a turn off too.


Active member
Personally legalization of Marijuana is a non issue to me as far as what we need to save this country. I would vote for any candidate that stands up for the constitution and is not utterly corrupt like Hillary and Obama. Sanders wanting to tax us all 90% is a turn off too.

I must have missed Bernie saying that. Link us up, will you?

Personally legalization of Marijuana is a non issue to me as far as what we need to save this country. I would vote for any candidate that stands up for the constitution and is not utterly corrupt like Hillary and Obama. Sanders wanting to tax us all 90% is a turn off too.

He did however say ISIS is a result of global warming.........:tiphat:

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
He did however say ISIS is a result of global warming.........:tiphat:

I think the water shortages and resulting unrest in Iraq and Syria from the drying up of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are more the result of dam construction in Turkey. But I have read accounts that blame climate change.


Active member
Climate change is certainly a factor. I read that over the last five years of extreme drought one and a half million Syrian farmers were forced off their land and into cities being blasted into rubble. The whole middle east this last summer was unbelievably blazing hot. People just can't live there anymore.


Well-known member
Ted Cruz is a fool. But then again you think Sanders wants to tax all Americans at 90%, DrRedWhite so I'm really just pissing in the wind.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
People who went to university with Cruz say that he's brilliant. I believe that Ted Cruz knows exactly what his target audience wants to hear ... knows exactly what he's saying ... and knows why he's doing so.


Active member
Ted Cruz is a fool. But then again you think Sanders wants to tax all Americans at 90%, DrRedWhite so I'm really just pissing in the wind.

Why is you leftists refuse to believe that your hero's own words are irrelevant? Why not tax all Americans the same? Or make it a consumptive (sales) tax and enact import taxes? Do a study of Sanders. Why do you feel Ted Cruz is a fool? because he thinks Liberals are what is wrong with this country? I sure agree with him!
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