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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Donald Mallard

el duck
nice COB BN...how many watts?

man it's so wet here now i couldn't start a fire to save my life....and cool...last night had long pants, sleeves and SOCKS on...
see ,
be careful what you wish for ,, hehehehe ...

the change is great isnt it , nice and cool here too ,
i was a bit tired of the blistering heat every day to be honest ..

Dog Star

Active member
Aha.. so you also dont like heat..??

Mine illness made me goes totaly mayhem under hot and humid... then i feel rage like
those Tasmanian Devil... rage is anyway from devil so you need to see me how
i praise God more intensive on hot days..

Am enjoying now -2 C here and i feel totaly balanced and good from inside...

Long live polar caps and coldness.. Canada North looks like promised land for me.. ;D

Brother Nature

Well-known member
nice COB BN...how many watts?

Thanks ozzie, it's only 100w but the tent is a very small 40 x 40cm so should be more than enough in there. It actually puts out about the same light as the 250w HPS I had in there and runs so much cooler. Because of that I can put a massively quieter extraction fan in there and you can't even hear the thing when the closet doors closed. Hope any grows you have on are going well.


Well-known member
Hey all. Not far from harvest.

The bush is going great to. Got a few more down but no pictures.





Active member
all looking very good mate . sucks that you have to net everything though !
i mentioned before about a product called D-TER , have you tried it ? my nectarine and apricot trees were just stating to be attacked by parrots and silver eyes so i sprayed them with d-ter and one day later all the birds are gone ! they'll sit within say 2-3 metres from the trees but no closer ..non toxic at all ! gives animals a severe sense of impending danger . cheers ..

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Woo hoo, a nice step forward for us yesterday. Though I think someone needs to tell Mr. Reti that you don't smoke the leaves, the good medicine is in the bud. :D

New Zealand Finally Passes its Medicinal Cannabis Bill

But the opposition National Party calls the new law “lazy and dangerous”.

After a long and tiresome journey, the New Zealand Government finally passed its medicinal cannabis bill yesterday.
Over time, the legislation will give patients who suffer chronic pain from terminal illnesses access to quality medicinal cannabis products. But as we wait for the industry regulations to catch up, the law will in the meantime give patients smoking illegal weed to ease their pain a statutory legal defence if facing prosecution.

In a statement, Health Minister David Clark said that allowing roughly 25,000 patients to use illicit loose-leaf marijuana was a “compassionate measure”. “People nearing the end of their lives should not have to worry about being arrested or imprisoned for trying to manage their pain,” he said.
The law also clears the way for New Zealand companies to legally manufacture medicinal cannabis products for local and international markets. Hikurangi Industries was the first local company to secure a Ministry of Health licence to cultivate cannabis plants for medicinal use, but they will, for now, be waiting in the wings. Clark said regulations, licensing rules and quality-control standards will be shaped by expert advice within a year of the law being implemented. So, it is still a waiting game for the industry.
National’s Health Spokesperson Shane Reti has taken fire at the legislation, calling it "lazy and dangerous" because it will allow some people to smoke pot in public and amounts to decriminalising marijuana by stealth.
"We support medicinal cannabis but strongly oppose the smoking of loose-leaf cannabis in public," Reti said. "Smoked loose-leaf is not a medicine."


Well-known member
i have come for your RAINS....

Zombie Cyclone "OWEN"......

Destructive zombie cyclone Owen is bearing down on the north of Australia with coastal residents being told to brace for the worst if the system reaches category four tonight.

The “very destructive and severe” cyclone has been meandering in the Gulf of Carpentaria, between Port Roper and Port McArthur, but the Bureau of Meteorology last warned it was forecast to start moving eastwards back towards the Queensland coast this afternoon.

An emergency alert has been issued for Pormpuraaw, which is likely to get destructive winds from Friday afternoon.

Residents are being urged take action and warn others to seek shelter.

Gusts to 205km/h are possible in the cyclone’s centre, with its exact path still unclear.

Hazards and warnings are set out from Numbulwar in the Northern Territory, to Aurukun in Queensland, including Borroloola, Mornington Island, Karumba, Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw.

“Coastal residents along the coast east of the cyclone to Port McArthur, including Bing Bong, are specifically warned of a dangerous storm tide as the cyclone centre moves close to the coast,” the bureau warns.

“Tides will rise significantly above the normal high tide with damaging waves and dangerous flooding.”

Emergency Services Minister Craig Crawford said swift-water rescue crews and emergency personnel were on standby to be sent to communities that could be hard-hit.



And ... the decaying centre is forecast to stall just to the north of us.
The last time this happened was 1955 and looking at the scars on the landscape that remain ... we are somewhat worried.

But Fuck ... it's all an adventure! Bring it on!

i have come for your RAINS....

Zombie Cyclone "OWEN"......

Donald Mallard

el duck
im a bit concerned about our french buddy sticky sat ,

he said a good friend of his had been busted where he lives ,
and he had a fly over by a military chopper the afternoon before he wrote ,
said he left all his plants alone and didnt pull them out ,

and his dogs had both been baited and died ,
that was the last i heard from him ,,

i wrote to see if he is ok a few days ago ,

no word back ....


Well-known member
im a bit concerned about our french buddy sticky sat ,

he said a good friend of his had been busted where he lives ,
and he had a fly over by a military chopper the afternoon before he wrote ,
said he left all his plants alone and didnt pull them out ,

and his dogs had both been baited and died ,
that was the last i heard from him ,,

i wrote to see if he is ok a few days ago ,

no word back ....

that's terrible news...hope everything turns out for the best...

stay strong Sticky.....

Dog Star

Active member
these are fake gg#4 , or syrius mayhem .
i know one is a male so hoping for some fresh seed .
View Image

Am like to sees they have place in your garden,glad you grow them
and enjoying doing so..

very nice and healthy specimens,wish you great run and sucesfull

Kind regards Rod58 :tiphat:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Folks

Remember the posts re sovereign citizens ?

WA man has his property seized because he refuses to pay $300,000 owing in rates

A long-running dispute in Western Australia has ended with a 'sovereign citizen' having his property seized and sold from under him.

Wayne Kenneth Glew, from Geraldton, owed his council $300,000 in rates, which he refused to pay because he believed local governments were unconstitutional.

Mr Glew is one of an informal movement of 'freemen' or 'sovereign citizens', who believed Australian legislative laws only applied if you consented to them.

City of Greater-Geraldton mayor Shane Van Styn said Mr Glew's actions were an injustice to those doing the right thing by paying their yearly rates.

"[He has] some crazy misconception that the laws do not apply to him, and regrettably we have been forced to take action to seize his property to cover costs that rightfully belong to the ratepayers of Greater Geraldton," Mr Van Styn said.

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
hey elmer , i was going to say , wish him luck with that !
you would think that living so close to Hutt River Provence and Prince Lennard and all of his crap that the guy would have to re-think his stance ! lol . cheers .

fat freddy

300000$ in unpaid rates? $2000 x 150 yrs? maybe they charge 30000$ a yr rates so hasn't paid for 10 yrs, in which case i can understand why he didn't pay.

Donald Mallard

el duck
seems excessive ,, even our local council dont charge that much ,
though they would like too im sure ..

i think old mates strawman deal is yet to work in court ,

sounds great , but doesnt work ,

a bit like those new jet fighters the americans sucked us into buying ....
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