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Givin it another shot


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So the slight brown left and I just gave her another 15 ml 326. Now she’s up to 30 ml total. She looks good.


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I got her up to 1150 ppm’s now. She got more roots. In hindsight I think I coulda given her nutes a little sooner. I think she’s k tho. I guess we’ll see. I got like 2 more of these beans but I don’t even wanna poppem. I got 2 Wedding Cake beans too. I just wanna get this FB producing before I pop any more beans. I always did my best when I had one strain goin at a time. Here she is at one week from her first nutes.


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I’m bout to raise the level in the bucket. I started off with just the very bottom 1/8” of the cube sitting in the water. I think she bout ready for me to fill her bucket now.


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Here she is at 20 days from poppin out of the cube. So almost 3 weeks. She’s at around 1200 ppm’s. She finally got her 5 finger leafs. And I raised her liquid level in her bucket too.


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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Your ppms are ridiculously high for the plant size, hence the stunt. After three weeks you should be seeing a much larger plant.

Interesting though. Why do you feed so much?


Active member
It don’t seem like allot. And actually it’s what’s recommended on the feed chart. Plus’s I’ve researched a bit and when I see pics of 3!week old seedlings, they look bout the same. How strong would you suggest feeding? I do ppm’s.


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Here she is today. She looks pretty good for 3 weeks if ya ask me. But I’m not a bean guy. If anyone does DWC lemme know what ya think. I got her at 1200 ppm’s, and her ph is at 6.1.
Does anyone know if it’s normal for my stem to be like a baseball bat? I mean, should it be more slender at the bottom than the top? She seems really healthy and all but I was just wondering, is this normal at this point? And does anyone use anything for good seedling root health? Here’s my roots so far too.


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Active member
Here she is at 3 weeks from poppin out the cube. Today is actually 3 weeks. She’s at about 1200 ppm’s 326. I’d like to start getting her up to 1400 by near the end of the next week. I have her ph at 6.1. And her roots are filling in nice.
I think she looks pretty good. I hope Blimburn is serious about her flavor and thc content too!


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Active member
Here she is this morning. She’s at 1180 ppm’s now and she still looks a little hungry. I’m bout to bop her up a bit. I’d like to be at around 1400 ppm’s in 6 days or so. Her roots are starting to look pretty good now too.


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She’s at 1380 ppm’s now. She looks good. I might just level it off at 1400 in a couple days, and then give her a fresh bucket of 1400 ppm 326 when she hits 4 weeks


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Doctor Doob

Active member
Damn. I feel so weird. Lately I been failing miserably. I’m not too sure why. I think I just been havin a bad run lately. I been trying to get back on my feet for better than 2 years now. First I couldn’t get good cuts. Then bad seeds. Then more bad cuts. Either that, or I suck. Tho I haven’t had a problem in almost 20 years of growing mabey im just getting old and feeble now. I don’t know.

That’s why im goin into this confused. But here we go. Il be doin Blumburns Fat Basttard fem. In DWC in 3” net pots in 5 gal buckets. With 3 double 4” flouros for seed clone and veg, and 4 buckets around 1k hps in the flower room to start.( the plan is to get 2 more lites and an auxiliary panel for the room after first or 2nd harvest). Anyhow. Here she is now. Bean popped out the cube the 12th. I’m waiting to see some yellow on the cotyledon before I give her ff326.
👍 Nice! Yeah I hear ya on the feel like you don't know what you know you know lol....
I had to shut the grow down about 3 years ago. At that point I had just learned a lot and felt I was at my best growing point... Now here we are and I can't seem to germinate a damn seed right 😂
The ones I do get to germinate, my cat keeps eating them. The ones that have survived so far the past three weeks look almost a little behind the size yours does. I was thinking they were stunted, probably are, but looking at yours they seem about the same age (mine are about 3 weeks) and so I will have to just roll with it and see what happens.
Nice choice on the strain selection! I just had a cart that was Fat Bastard 🤓 it was pretty nice! Hopefully all goes well and we can both get back on track! 🤞✌️😁

Doctor Doob

Active member
Thanks all for the replies and kind words. Yea it’s been some crazy shitt. For the last 2 years I’ve had problems with bad clone deliveries resulting in terrible results, and seeds that were clearly not as advertised. 2 sets of clones and a pack of beans later I realized 2 years have slipped by.

These seeds are by Blimburn and I hope they do for me what they’re sposed to. So far she’s 10 days from popping out of the cube. She’s even got a little root bubblin round in the water now. I’m just concerned about not feeding her. I feel like I should be. But her cotyledons still just fading from dark green to green now. I wanted to wait till I had some yellow in her colyledoms before I fed her but she just popped out her 3rd set of true leaves.

I think she looks pretty good for now. I think Il leave feeding for tomorrow mabe. Here’s a pic
Glad to see Blimburn sprouted for you! I had order a single seed online from a distributor of Blimburn OG Kush, but it never worked out...
I hear ya on the time slipping by. When I first started growing I was getting clones from everyone not realizing it was what they like, phenos they chose, everything was coming with pests and diseases, and I had a guy in a group I was in offer me clones and I don't know if he was in a bad mood or what, but luckily it all worked out for the best! He said he had some DJ Short Blueberry clones for me, so I went to meet up with him to get them but didn't realize there would be traffic. So he got impatient and sent me a message on an online forum to try to make me look bad for being late, instead of simply texting me and communicating. So he said online that I asked for clones and he was trying to help me, but since I took his kindness for weakness he will just set the clones out in his yard next to the compost pile and if I can get there within the next 20 minutes, I can still have them. I laughed and thought why is this dude causing a scene over clones when I am literally on the way in my car, then throwing a fit and setting the clones outside where bugs can get on them? So I called him out on the site and said "Hey bro, I appreciate the help and was literally a few blocks away but then you get online saying you set them by the compost pile outside, and I am not appreciative when I just drove five cities away and spent my night stuck in traffic on the freeway, you could have at least put them in a Ziploc on your porch if you don't want to see me. But if you set them next to the compost pile, I'm afraid I will have to turn my car around and pass on the clones altogether because the whole point of me needing clones is to be bug free...."
All of a sudden the admin of the site messaged me and said I was banned for asking for help, then being rude to the other member and saying nevermind if they were by the compost pile! The admin told me "If you need help, you need help! You don't get the luxury to sit and pick and choose what people are giving you when you ask for help!" I said "I wasn't being rude, he was! I drove all the way to his house for bug free clones and he set them outside when I was right down the street!" She said "Well anything you get from the community is GOING to have bugs or disease! So if you want pest and disease free plants then go buy seeds! But you are no longer welcome here!" I responded with "Well, thanks for the time I was welcome! I appreciate all the help in the past. Sorry you feel I offended the other member and feel I should be banned over a simple misunderstanding. But I appreciate the advice on the seeds! Sounds like you may be right, if I want bug and disease free plants I will just have to buy seeds! Thank you!" 🙏
Then I made my first seed purchase and haven't had all the problems and headaches I did before! LOL
I became self sufficient! ✌️

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