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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Brother Nature

Well-known member
You guys have a good side though, you started well too but just didn’t make it tonight. That Pocock though, he’s almost good enough to be an All Black. ;)


You guys have a good side though, you started well too but just didn’t make it tonight. That Pocock though, he’s almost good enough to be an All Black. ;)

Good Morning Rod, Mr Nature ...

The game was good. Yes, the Brendan feller can run alright.

Thinking back over the years ... it's good we've got a Scrum now.

Can't understand how a team can forget it's lineout drill like last week?!

I noticed how the Black team members moved into positions just in case the ball came their way ... whereas the Yellow team stood there until they saw the ball move then reacted. Black was always a meter ahead. My explanation: Black players had been players for so long their positioning was intuitive. Had done it so often they did not have to think about what they were doing. Whereas with Yellow ... all in the head, I think!

The Broncos played League good next program tho' ... !


Active member
almost brother ...but we were missing our mighty israel falou , in our defence ..
fact remains , we got out ass's right royally kicked ! .....again !


Oy Noydy where is my Glue????? Gday your mad Bastards. Can anyone get hold of any Mongy Madness here. Or Dizzy or ABC? Gold dust still about? Rod? Wally ?

I am getting old and blind and posted this in the wrong section. :)

yup im here aint been on in a bit sorry guys


Active member
Have any NZ people heard about this?


"New Zealand authorities have granted the country's first medicinal cannabis growing licence to a commercial operation, in what growers hope may be the start of a new industry and a boon for rural areas.

Hikurangi Cannabis, based in the small North Island town of Ruatoria, has been granted a licence by the government to breed cannabis for medical research by the Ministry of Health.

Previously only one university in the country had been given clearance to do the same.

The decision comes as New Zealand's lawmakers work through a bill that would legalise and set standards for the production and import of medicinal cannabis products.

The company's interim chief, Manu Caddie, says commercialisation could bring an entirely new industry to an area that "desperately needs new economic development opportunities".
"It's certainty going to be significant for our part of our country, in terms of job creation," he said.

The plan is to turn the enterprise's small industrial hemp operation into a large-scale, high-tech medical cannabis research facility, creating a 10,000-square-metre greenhouse and 120 jobs in the process.

It also aims to double household incomes in the district.
Hikurangi Cannabis in January crowdfunded $NZ2 million ($A1.8 million) in minutes for its research plans and says it's received investment from 1500 local families.

Mr Caddie said the operation already had a three-year, $NZ160 million conditional agreement with US-based Rhizo Science and wanted its products on the market next year.
And while the law change that could make commercial plans a reality is still a work in progress, New Zealand growers are in the next few weeks officially launching an industry co-operative with the aim of getting a running start.

"The rest of the world are cottoning on ... places like New Zealand will struggle to compete at the commodity level, but if we can quickly build brand and intellectual property around the clinical trials, then there's an opportunity to retain the value long-term and to keep that value in the regions," Mr Caddie said.


Active member
i havent seen that stuff since i was a kid ,
that and mango were the more popular strains around up north back then ...

G'day Wal. One of my apprentices dad was growing it in the mangroves down here when I first came up north. Was very nice erb. The guy knew what he was doing. Haven't seen him for years unfortunately.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Have any NZ people heard about this?


"New Zealand authorities have granted the country's first medicinal cannabis growing licence to a commercial operation, in what growers hope may be the start of a new industry and a boon for rural areas.

Hikurangi Cannabis, based in the small North Island town of Ruatoria, has been granted a licence by the government to breed cannabis for medical research by the Ministry of Health.

Previously only one university in the country had been given clearance to do the same.

The decision comes as New Zealand's lawmakers work through a bill that would legalise and set standards for the production and import of medicinal cannabis products.

The company's interim chief, Manu Caddie, says commercialisation could bring an entirely new industry to an area that "desperately needs new economic development opportunities".
"It's certainty going to be significant for our part of our country, in terms of job creation," he said.

The plan is to turn the enterprise's small industrial hemp operation into a large-scale, high-tech medical cannabis research facility, creating a 10,000-square-metre greenhouse and 120 jobs in the process.

It also aims to double household incomes in the district.
Hikurangi Cannabis in January crowdfunded $NZ2 million ($A1.8 million) in minutes for its research plans and says it's received investment from 1500 local families.

Mr Caddie said the operation already had a three-year, $NZ160 million conditional agreement with US-based Rhizo Science and wanted its products on the market next year.
And while the law change that could make commercial plans a reality is still a work in progress, New Zealand growers are in the next few weeks officially launching an industry co-operative with the aim of getting a running start.

"The rest of the world are cottoning on ... places like New Zealand will struggle to compete at the commodity level, but if we can quickly build brand and intellectual property around the clinical trials, then there's an opportunity to retain the value long-term and to keep that value in the regions," Mr Caddie said.

Hey mate, thanks for posting this, I've been following these guys progress for a bit now, they're doing some really amazing things, not only for cannabis in New Zealand, but for the community in general. I think it's a great start, but personally I believe they're going to need a fair bit more investment before they can compete internationally. I also really hope the government doesn't shift too much in the next few years as all this progress could be easily undone. There has been a significant backlash against this from the old guard though and sadly they still run a lot of NZ, but my generation are the next in line and we're very open to this. As Mr Dylan says (he was also just over here, great concert) "The times they are a-changing" and thank god for that.


The Weather again ...

Anyone see the Bureau's predictions for Spring on LandLine yesterday? Gloomy ... in a word.
Altho if you have enough rainwater to run the house cannabis loves dry weather. Maybe it will be another season when the mould will stay away.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day 3SB

We don`t need a clock to know when to choof . lol .
For me usually an hour after I get out of bed and anytime till I hit the sack is appropriate .:gday:

Thanks for sharin

EB .




Down here where there is lots of sun we might predict you live in Switzerland or Norway because you have three snowboards.

there is so little snow in the Land of Oz that most of us don't even have ONE snowboard.

Of course you may have three simply because you are affluent.

You might guess that most of us are effluent.
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