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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Noydie ... Coulda bet a fiver you were gonna put up a pic of a DEAD HORSE!


Active member
Wanker is English slang for pulling ya dick, flog is the Aussie slang term for wanker,

i'm an Aussie not a Pom lol lol


wanker is an old aussie term for he's a silly bastard. plus we all wank us wankers.


Active member
lol i'll stick to calling them dickheads, it all means the same thing in the end
been calling them flogs for 40 years, think its a army slang ?


never heard the term at all in my short years, old sat might be able to help us out, old mountain man with good memory.


Geez you're a humourous lot!

No I don't know the word either, Noydie. It's all Rap to me!

Love those words by Thomas Jefferson, Wal.

Sorry can't give you both rep for the Nature posts ... run out of rep ...

Have to go to see our Mate in Bris for a couple of days. They've just found some more cancer. I said to him: "Having Radiology?" He said: "No. This cancer was caused by the last Radiology I had"! All the surgeons can do is keep cutting it out before it spreads ... (it IS fucking spreading!)

Dogs are good, Wal.

Bye for now ...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
never heard the term at all in my short years,

G `day Folks

Nah , floggin the log , workin the gherkin ,Mrs Palmer the 5 daughter -ed widow etc .
I know , but flogs as a noun never heard of .

Jeez we need some rain in SEQ . Bush fires could be a major worry this summer .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
lol, i always thought wanker was american, never heard it till the 80s in QLD

"flog" has been around as long as i have, might be a Mexican thing hey
always throw a "hey" on the end when i'm conversing with QLD's

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day KA

I was born a cock roach .
So I have some old western NSW idiosyncrasies . But I`ll die a cane toad if I have my way .

South Oz was interesting . They have another dialect again .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


G `day Folks

Jeez we need some rain in SEQ . Bush fires could be a major worry this summer .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

We sure bloody do, Elmer. There' a 300 acre paddock next to me with shoulder high grass that's dry as a bone. if we get wind and fire together I don't think my firefighter pump would stand a chance. I 'd probly die of smoke inhalation in five minutes anyway.

There's a couple live nearby. they're even older than Noydie* ... 94 and 91 ... and they live alone without help. They've lived in the same place for 70 odd years. Used to be in dairy when it was cream; and then they went beef cattle.

They reckon this is the worst dry they've seen ... and very definitely one of the coldest winters they can remember.

So be Zen about it all. protect the home and all else can go to buggery!

Hope my plants aren't the only green thing come summer. They'll stand out if they are!

(*Imagine that! being even older than Noydie!)
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