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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Dog Star

Active member
Was tought you talk some strain named Ballina... :)

Am stoned as fuck and i never hurd for a city Ballina before.. still i learned something in the end.

Kind regards Uniborzum


Active member
now this is what i mean ! fraught with danger ..you wouldn't want to have a spider phobia !

Dog Star

Active member
Sees something simmilar on one picture from Pakistan,

there was also flood and all trees was covered in spider webs same as your pic..

nature try to survive.

Donald Mallard

el duck
If you come for a drive with me on an early frosty morning with dew ,
you ll see next to the road ,, millions , trillions of spider webs , in every tree along the road ,
the amount of them is astounding ,
would u take a guess at the amount of different variety of spider in a acre ,
its astounding, at night all those little sparkling eyes .
shh dont tell arachnophobes ,
but they are absolutely surrounded , hahahhahahha ...


WiFi #2

WiFi #2

This cut has turned out better than I could have imagined.
Too busy watching the footy and drinking beer but invariably it is nearly time to pull this one.
Extra spectacular resinous plant with strong scented terpenes, I can also see where the white fire aspect comes from with the flowers in full splendour.
Had an exceptional season so far, oddly enough a plague of spiders took up residence in the plants this year which was very handy for pest control.
The weather was picture perfect, a reasonably dry summer leading into a dry autumn, I guess you couldn't ask for more.




Dog Star

Active member
Very nice Uniborzum and Donald,

Donald your sativa cross looks like it will breach records in yield.. grows like crazy.

Guess those chickens are antidot against spiders.. ;)




It's been a very good season for sativa's so far.
Four or five more weeks to go.





Weird summer for indoor; temps were very inconsistent and the smoke suffered. Hopefully autumn and winter will be more predictable.


Dog Star

Active member
Readed on Australian reef that it goes white,or dieing shortly..


mine thoughts are that this is not from hot water but rather Fukushima radiation
that exterminate already lot of life on North America shores.

Pacific waters is interconnected... while on another side you are better protected from fallout cause of passat winds that blows on North and South cap,so equator is like some kind of invisible border for North cap fallout...in water departement you
are not protected at all as Pacific is one huge pool whithouth boundaries of any..,
Japan is not far away from Australia,that is also fact.

So water that is poluted with radionuclides can come to you..,thats a bad thing
and what i think its happend actually is that reef dies from poluted water
as corals die as they are sensitive to radiation levels,also they filter water
so you can imagine this kind of organismes are pretty sensitive on polution
of this kind.

On North cap,North American shores professional divers have problems to spot
any kind of life,its burned to detryitus all from radiation,sea stars was decompose in few days,guy that dives told he sees 2 animals on 200 mile of shore.. die offs on daily basis all kind of animals.

Red buttons are already pressed,this will be a generations that will have chance
to look at our fall,together with us.. :(

Sorry for bad news but i readed this on reef and it made me sad no matter
that is not "mine" reef,am not Australian but still feel with you there..


I was diving the reef in December out of port douglas and it's certainly not noticeable at the usual tourists traps vs. ~10 years ago. Saw a lot of sea life and followed a sea turtle around for about 20 minutes. Would have been interesting to see from the air, there was normal coral bleaching in shallow water but I didn't see any of the deeper die off I've heard about (tourist dive spot though..)
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Its almost like they are giving up on it so it wont matter ,
i think some of this is politically motivated ,
after all we want a port to export our dirty coal from ,
it cant effect a reef thats not worth worrying about ...

i really hate politicians and big business ,
how they think they are doing any good for anyone other than themselves is beyond me,
they will surely be the end of us if they are not stopped ...

how man can think he is the smartest animal is beyond me ...

Dog Star

Active member
Yee smartest mine ass,i look at mine dog and encounter thru day that dogs
are 10X smarter than people that surrounds me,learned him and showed him once
and he is more smart than mine sons,and listen me much better than mine sons...

People are tricked by their own ego about supremacy that they dont actually possest
nor they bring in self... but most of them wear their own ego so proud and stupid
that it hurts to see or feel when you are close to this people..

same this ones think about self "They are a good ones"... LOL

Sentence from Bible says "The one that thinks on self that they are a good ones
those ones are a most bad people" and i agree.. cause this folks are not awared
of their own ego,ego that tolds them that they are actually OK and good ones
while they are decived in most tricky way... cause of tree infront of them they dont sees a forest behind that tree.. and this kind of folks know to do lot of bad things justifiying this as some kind of fight for common good.

We live that example thru a forbidden cannabis... and repression that follows this same plant,typical human induced stupidity.


Active member
this is what i've got to contend with ..fuck it , i'm retiring !!View Image

well , out in the dark of morning to see if anythings left ..i could find a few , all dead of course , and laying flat . stood a few up , would have been damn big .
anyway i took a shovel and dug it over again ..
always next season !

Donald Mallard

el duck
well , out in the dark of morning to see if anythings left ..i could find a few , all dead of course , and laying flat . stood a few up , would have been damn big .
anyway i took a shovel and dug it over again ..
always next season !
that sux rod ,
specially only having one chance at it per year ,

at least we have two chances to fuck up further north ,, hehehe ..
and ive seen it man ,
the blessing here thesedays ,
is the nasty weather we used to get ,
seems move focused down south ,,

no cyclones for 2 years here , barely a low pressure system ...


Active member
yeah donald , funny how that works . 2 years though !
we sweat on those years when we get cyclones and then turn into rain bearing depressions that sweep down onto us , just not this bloody much though .
still , all was not lost ..still an after dinner mint for xmas ...haha
you look back sometimes and think , "well , my preparation there was just fecking awful . how come i never backed this one up "
sigh ....


Active member
that sux rod ,
specially only having one chance at it per year ,

at least we have two chances to fuck up further north ,, hehehe ..
and ive seen it man ,
the blessing here thesedays ,
is the nasty weather we used to get ,
seems move focused down south ,,

no cyclones for 2 years here , barely a low pressure system ...

That may be true Don, but this lack of a regular season is shitting me to tears. Nice long hot summer, but followed by shitty humid drizzle at the end.. I've lost more than ever this year. However there is this one cutting someone gave me that is truly rocking.!. has a smell that smacks of fuel if I've ever smelled it before....:tiphat:

Donald Mallard

el duck
That may be true Don, but this lack of a regular season is shitting me to tears. Nice long hot summer, but followed by shitty humid drizzle at the end.. I've lost more than ever this year. However there is this one cutting someone gave me that is truly rocking.!. has a smell that smacks of fuel if I've ever smelled it before....:tiphat:
yep the end is often a spoiler here it seems ,
pretty sucky , one year man ,, maybe .. hehe ..

that doors does pretty well despite wet weather ,
good to hear shes doing well for u ,
maybe some mango haze for the late finish next season man ,
she resists our humid drizzly weather pretty well too ...


Active member
Wintertime 2014/2015




First pics are the doors. Smells more like fuel than I've ever smelled..
Second is the PNG. Nice piney lemon smell. The smaller quicker one has Durban seeds in her.. The larger one is around the 10 foot mark.
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