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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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i'll be dead before the shit hot christians that dominate our political agenda agree to legalise weed.

they can go fuck themselves.
a bunch of joyless wowzers.
My dad used to complain about them hanging around outside his pub and trying to get people to sign the "pledge".

Omg they are actually that pathetic to do that?
Reminds me of that Kevin bloody Wilson song
Born again piss tank

Yeah nah Alcohol causes not problems none
At all lol
Not that I don't enjoy a drink

Wonder how much the aholes against us get in kickbacks
Here I thought they were supposed to work for the people not corporations or has that never been the case

Donald Mallard

el duck
Omg they are actually that pathetic to do that?
Reminds me of that Kevin bloody Wilson song
Born again piss tank

Yeah nah Alcohol causes not problems none
At all lol
Not that I don't enjoy a drink

Wonder how much the aholes against us get in kickbacks
Here I thought they were supposed to work for the people not corporations or has that never been the case

Most of them are pretty clueless ,
making decisions on things that dont effect them ,
and which they know little about ..

Its a bit sad really,
we like people to specialize in order to get better service ,
i have no idea what a politician specializes in ,
other than bullshitting ,

Do you really think rich people represent the wants and needs of poor people , very unlikely ...

Tas is right theres too many do gooder christian types in there playing gods police and doing whats "best for us" ... lol ...


I'm glad I'm no longer religious
was only religious because of the usual brainwashing that happens to lots of children from a young age forcing kids to go to church
and they are worried about drugs

I'm of a more scientific mind these days and question everything
I used to be anti drugs myself cos of all the bs they feed you at school

Also found this comment about the recent greens idea what a moron

DavidNov 28 2016 at 6:35am
You must live in some sort of bubble.

Pot use is endemic in the remote communities that coincidentally have an extremely high rate of violence of assault. Ditto the Lebanese Muslim gangs in western Sydney and northern Melbourne.

It is also endemic within the juvenile gangs here in Melbourne and safe to say they aren't going to going to church every Sunday and singing Kumbaiya.

The present situation is working simply because the alternative would be far, far worse.

Dog Star

Active member
Am religious and scientific in a same time,and stick to those Dont kill,dont still,dont take friends wife... actually i dont sees bad thing if you have a proper thoughts and some moral inside self.

People whithouth God thinks everything is alouded... but its not mine friends.

There are certain rules if we dont wanna to create mayhem on Earth..


Am religious and scientific in a same time,and stick to those Dont kill,dont still,dont take friends wife... actually i dont sees bad thing if you have a proper thoughts and some moral inside self.

People whithouth God thinks everything is alouded... but its not mine friends.

There are certain rules if we dont wanna to create mayhem on Earth..

i think there is a big difference between religions and the teachings of the great spiritual beings such as Christ, Buddha and Mohammad.

I'm happy to follow those teachings i'm just not happy following the people who run the religions.


Active member
i think there is a big difference between religions and the teachings of the great spiritual beings such as Christ, Buddha and Mohammad.

I'm happy to follow those teachings i'm just not happy following the people who run the religions.


Donald Mallard

el duck
I'm glad I'm no longer religious
was only religious because of the usual brainwashing that happens to lots of children from a young age forcing kids to go to church
and they are worried about drugs

I'm of a more scientific mind these days and question everything
I used to be anti drugs myself cos of all the bs they feed you at school

Also found this comment about the recent greens idea what a moron

DavidNov 28 2016 at 6:35am
You must live in some sort of bubble.

Pot use is endemic in the remote communities that coincidentally have an extremely high rate of violence of assault. Ditto the Lebanese Muslim gangs in western Sydney and northern Melbourne.

It is also endemic within the juvenile gangs here in Melbourne and safe to say they aren't going to going to church every Sunday and singing Kumbaiya.

The present situation is working simply because the alternative would be far, far worse.
I tried religion ,
they threw me out ,,
apparently i made it out to be a joke , hehe ..

i like the greens new suggestion on drugs ,
its the only sense ive heard so far ,
i dont know what the other pollies are looking at ,
but when u check out what the war on drugs has done ,
its obvious its long lost and should have never been started ... '

all those drugs used to be legal ,,
folks handled it ..
most people can use drugs recreationally,
only a small % get addicted ,
and we have an idea why nowadays ..

prohibition has never worked ....

Dog Star

Active member
Just to mention i dont go to church,last time i was in church i get married
and that was before 10-11 years... still cant live whithouth mine belifes.

It anchors me better and helps me in mine medical condition to bare more easily,
but i dont go to church to pray or to lick altairs,last 10 years i read only Old Testament and pray to God JHWH,he helps me to move from pharma pills,he created this plant that we praise so much,in the end i think hole this experience on Earth i can only
thank to him.

And i know a life is not "perfect" but i think a lot of times there is teachings that comes
from Lord and he try to put us on good road,but his teachings are profound
and usually we dont sees results in advance so people dont belive.. or try to curse God
cause of "bad luck" or something bad happends in life and then people turn around from God,but he still waits us and if we have a love and if we found understanding inside self there is a big chance God will help us.

What i found most interesting in mine life is that when i was totaly broken,totaly out of mind,on a bottom of some "dark pit" and then i loosed mine ego on few moments i understanded all and then i started to belive more seriouss in God.

Reading Old Testament with weak ego opened mine eyes even more,then i start to found
wise things and teachings that are not possible to understand for mortal that haves
ego turned on 100% as we normal have in life.

God loves present time and weak ego... God dont love too much proud ones and selfish
folks,to be friend to supreme being you need to hold your head pretty low,that is what i learned and that is mine biggest achivment in this Universe that i experienced till this moment.

As we say on Earth---"If you wish respect than you first need to give this respect"


Had to put down our Dog today Jerry
Been going downhill for couple months and only getting worse soon as Vet saw him knew he had bone cancer


  • IMG_2036.jpg
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Dog Star

Active member
Sorry to hear that Goldust,dogs are really best friends that human can have.

What strain it was??

Dont sees this kind of dogs in Europe,actually this is first time i sees this kind.


Thanks mate

He was a Recused Greyhound
From Dog racing so many get put down even before racing or after no longer profitable to owners

Dog Star

Active member
Have a APBT,

7 month old so active that pulls me like a train... he is northy boy but love him so much
as he waits me i come home and he is so happy to see me every time i come... :)

a real friend and great partner for long walks,running and other activities in nature.

You can see that even company i named on dogs... so crazy for this friendly beings.


Well-known member
Ran a few bags of compost out to my new spots today, the soil there is sandy silty shit. It's on a north facing slope but the slope has a massive slip with sketchy holes that open up randomly about 2 shovels worth of dirt down. How's that for some booby traps lol... fucking cooking though. Getting some awesome growth from everything that is already in the ground.


I cough up honey oil
Had to put down our Dog today Jerry
Been going downhill for couple months and only getting worse soon as Vet saw him knew he had bone cancer

It's a dog owners last responsibility and it's always a harsh toke. I feel for you brother. I just went through it a month ago. I've had to do it 4 times before and I'll have to do it again. They bring me too much joy to not find this pain worth it. They're such an awesome animal.

Hope you feel better homie

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