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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Brother noydie :gday:
Always great to see you mate, hope alls good with you and yours in your neck of the woods bruz :good:
Doing alright up here, gearing up for the tropical summer :D
:smoke out:

Donald Mallard

el duck
GDay Mates :gday:
Bloody warm enough for ya yet?? :chin:
Hope your all doing good, haha I see ol cornflake decide to come out from under his rock and spread his cheer and happiness with us all once again :thank you: ahh the internets is such a great place to visit :moon:
:smoke out:

i think its getting there , hehehe ,,
yet to be blistering in the southern parts so i hear ,
but hard to work in the full sun midday here i can tell u ,,, lol ..


Heading to a Medical thingy in Wa on Sunday


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Well-known member
How's everybody going.? Awesome season so far these ways... hope yous are all doing well, heads down and out of trouble.

Dog Star

Active member
Very good but hope that you are there also good cause i hear
that New Zeland was hit 7.4 earthquake on Richter scale.

Hope you are not close to Cristchurch...


Well-known member
hey mate im in the north island, Christchurch being in the south island. all of nz was hit by this so i'm just waiting on something big to happen. should make for a smoother season with less of those pesky heli copters in the sky lol.


Active member
Those poor bastards as soon as Christchurch gets rebuilt from the last one..here it comes again hope everyone is ok


Big love going out to anybody affected by the earthquakes in NZ.

Friends in Wellington lost power for a wee while and were shaken up a bit but doesn't sound as bad as the poor sods in Christchurch. Just after they rebuild - then wham!

Thankfully only two dead so far but plenty of damage to clean up. $2bn to rebuild as an early estimate.

Kia-kaha kiwis!


Well-known member
how we going team???

haven't been around for a while so checking to see who is who in the zoo....


Active member
hey ozzieAI , i'm here looking and learning and finding a fair bit of mirth at times ..lol.
haven't seen your name crop up at all mate , been camping ?
well , just got back from a 6am breakfast on the beach , fried cheese kranskies and eggs and coffee ..the dog and i had a splash around in the bay for a bit and now home . sometimes i think i'm the luckiest bastard in the world ..i'm not rich but i get to do this shit every day if i want :biggrin: anyway ozzie , great to cyber meet you ..cheers


yo ozzieA1 still here mate, see the greens are backing canna recreation now, might bring em back into the limelight. it's a first anyway in oz that says the drug war is lost lol. thick as fukn bricks.


Well-known member
legal cannabis in oz...yeah right...these backward mofo pollies and other groups have NO right to dictate what i can and can't do to my own body...they can all get F#%KED

grow hard and grow strong brothers and sisters...we shall prevail...

Donald Mallard

el duck
yeah i saw that
yet the dumb fark Ama guy disagrees and Prohibition is doing a great job
This is what one of them said that made me giggle a bit ...

“The Australian government will never legalise a drug that destroys brain function, mental wellbeing, general health, employment, relationships, lives and families,’’ she said.

Have they not looked at what alcohol is doing ??


i'll be dead before the shit hot christians that dominate our political agenda agree to legalise weed.

they can go fuck themselves.
a bunch of joyless wowzers.
My dad used to complain about them hanging around outside his pub and trying to get people to sign the "pledge".
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