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Beanhoarder Seeds?


Yes Indeed - a few of my BeanHo Favorites:
F-13 x CDD
DJ's F-13 x ChemDawg Diesel Bx3
This plant REEKS! ....as soon as it was about 2' feet tall - it had an "Diesel Oil Rag" aroma, just touch it, and the smell stuck to you....if I did a quick water, or any kind of adjustment, and I left the house - the immediate response from anyone I came into contact with was "...did you spill diesel fuel on yourself"? ...haha, but those in the know, would only say - call me when it's ready! Here we are at about 5th or 6th week - Buds are the typical spear point ChemDawg, and when I touch the buds now, the smell has morphed into a "mothball" type, along with a hint of Chocolate...and when I give it a small squeeze, and do the finger sniff test - it's more Lemon Diesel type...Buds look fantastic - they look rock hard already, and we have a couple more weeks to go...This plant I will try to reveg when done - it has a great structure, needs no support or maintenance - the only thing I did with this is pinch once or twice - the rest is it's natural growth...


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Another plant I'm looking forward to is the:
Big Jack (Jack Herer x Sweet Tooth #3) x Blueberry
Big Jack x BB

This is a strain I originally had growing las summer; it was picture perfect then - a large Christmas Tree structure, with amazing Fruity/Berry stem rubs & colorful too...but it was wiped out in a storm (was very sad).

So, I gave it another run this winter - poped two seeds, and one turned out to be female. This plant has been an exercise in plant physiology: (it was the exact opposite of the summer strain) - this pheno stayed short, and the early stem rub was a musty basement, musky cologne type aroma, and very sticky....it must have been pulling from the Jack Herer original genetic make up - the Shiva Skunk within...so, as it continued to grow, it wasn't really that impressive, it's structure was short, long spaces between the internodes, wonky - just like the original DJ Blueberry...so the genetics are 100% legitimate - this plant is exhibiting both it's parents.

Now, we're getting into flowering, and the original stem rub of musky cologne, musty basement is long gone. The current stem rub is a unique aroma - a blend of Lemon, Lavender, and Berry - with a seriously sweet note to it - like Syrup (will be interesting how the flavor will come through). Very interesting to say the least; definitely a strain for the HeadStash. It won't be a huge yielder either - even though it's not a tall plant, I had the HPS too close, and did burn some of the tops.

The buds are a mix of Jack Herer & DJ Blueberry - they're a kind of wonky fox tailing type. It's my first time growing this particular strain through it's growth cycle and into flowering - and although I'm not going to keep this for future re-veg or cloning, I look forward to popping more beans of this legendary classic. Can't wait to post a smoke report.

Here's some pics of what it currently looks like.


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I meant to post a few more pics of Big Jack x BB

In one of the pics, you can see the typical structure; this is basically what she looks like (small, lanky, wonky, bush structure). However, the one I had last summer, was a picture perfect Large Christmas Tree (but was killed in a storm).....I'm trying to load a few more pics, but having some technical difficulty at the moment....will post progress going forward.

Also, I have a Funky Bitch x F-13, and will post some pics & info soon.


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OK, here are a few more
Big Jack x Blueberry


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Fire in the hole !

F-13 x ChemDawg Diesel


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Johnny Blaze x c99 is moving along nicely. 5 or 6 weeks now I think.

No skunk in this one. Smell is wonderful although my vocabulary isn't the most descriptive. Fruity haze ?

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That Johnny Blaze 99 is a beauty! ....I would expect anything crossed to the Cinderella 99 to get some of that tropical aroma & flavor. You did a very nice job with that plant - I can see that you give her the love she needs. I have grown a few of BeanHo's C99 crosses, and the few I grew were great - very potent. This combo is going to be madness!

I've always been interested in the Johnny Blaze strain - not a lot of info out on the web.

So, I just put in an order for the Johnny Blaze x ChemDawg Diesel - should be an interesting combo.
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Good to hear, Tomahawk!

Welp turns out I have four plants left as six out of ten were male. Unfortunately all three Funky Bitch x F13s ended up being male, so will not get to sample that cross this time. I am left with two Johnny Blaze x C99, which are on either end of the closet, and two Grapefruit/BB x C99, which are the two in the middle. Can only fit three of the 3.5 gallon pots in here but I put the second GF/BBxC99 in a little one-gallon pot - that one has the most potent smell but seemed to have less desirable growth characteristics. Still would rather have a half ounce to an ounce of her than none at all.

I am trying to have this grow done by early December or possibly Thanksgiving, so I have been gradually decreasing daylight hours from 18/6 down 15 minutes every day till now where I'm currently at 13/11 - will hit 12/12 in next few days. The plants were up-potted about a week ago from their basic mix in solo cups to the larger containers of fully-amended soil. Outward growth has stagnated since the transplant, but I am sure the roots have been busy filling out the new soil volume, and they are due for their first full watering (with some Dr. Earth tea) post-transplant, so I expect a surge of growth in the immediate future as they enter flowering cycle.

the Funky Bitch x F-13 is definitely a really nice plant, I have one nearing completion now, and it has a LOUD tropical lemon scent, and when you get in there, and give it a light squeeze, your nose gets a strong LEMON ZAP !! Actually, it's probably the loudest lemon zinger I have this round; it's a very pleasant and SHARP Lemon ....the overall plant has a wonky DJ's F-13 structure, so I'm not cloning this one (although she really is impressive and unique - can't wait to do a smoke test), the buds are mini pinecone tapered nugs, along thick and strong stems...won't be a huge yielder, but the QUALITY is top notch (blows away any dispensary stuff). That's one thing for certain with the BeanHo gear - genetics are 100% legitimate.

On a final note, this Funky Bitch x F-13 strain resembles the SCHROM strain - I've never had a Romulan, but it's a close relative for sure. The buds are tight pinecones, super frosty, and the L:emon Zest is unreal....very Sharp Lemon, unlike any other lemon strain - (I grew a few of the current "lemon" strains - like Lemon Tree, etc...), and this Lemon is very unique, different from all the rest. When you get it, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm putting the Funky Bitch x Super Silver Haze strain on my "wish list" for next time.
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Happy Times

Well-known member
i.love.scotch - nice to see some pics of BeanHo gear; looks like a good harvest for sure.

I currently have a Big Jack (JH x (JH x ST #3) x Bx3) x Blueberry and a Funky Bitch (Romulan x Hawaiian) x F-13 going now in veg - will probably flip to a 12/12 at the end of the week.

The Big Jack x Blueberry has a very "musky" stem rub aroma (no fruitiness at all), and is looking very Jack Herer dominant. The stem rub is very, very sticky too - like glue on fingers...this is going to be one sticky girl. Very lanky structure, I just pinched the tops getting it ready for flower. The internodal spacing is about 4-6" between nodes; and you can tell there's DJ Short Blueberry genetics in her from the color.

The Funky Bitch x F-13 has definitely leaned to the F-13 & Hawaiian Sativa side - it's barely showing sex (but looks Female). Super lanky as well - absolutely no stem rub aroma; and she is so SLOW growing - not sure if this is a reflection of the genetic strains? ....I know DJ Short's gear has a lot of Thai genetics in the F-13, and they're sativa too. This will be an interesting strain for sure.

I'll post some pics soon - not much to see yet, but I'm looking forward to the grow.
For whatever it’s worth, a buddy ran some F13 a while back and one was the stumpiest little dwarf of a plant I’ve ever seen. Smelled fantastic but nothing there and she hardly grew. Zero side branching, nothing to get a clone off of. She finished at like 18” ish tall if I can remember right

Happy Times

Well-known member
BeanHo Petrolia Headstash x C99, grew two females.

1)Tall lanky one, C99 dominant. Smells super strong like grape and orange Flintstones vitamins, very very strong smell and an electric high. Made me remember why I used to love C99, I haven't had her in yearssss

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2) Short branchy one with zig zag stems. I'm tempted to say more Petrolia Headstash side just cause seemingly more indica but I don't really know what Petrolia Headstash is like. Either way this one is a bit more syrupy sweet. Lots of purple. The high is still uplifting but a bit more introspective and does have a bit of a crash at the end. Unfortunately this one threw some nanners late in flower. I'll run it again to see if the clone generations do as well

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I don’t know Petrolia either but I’d guess #2’s gotta be leaving that way cause it sure doesn’t look like C99


For whatever it’s worth, a buddy ran some F13 a while back and one was the stumpiest little dwarf of a plant I’ve ever seen. Smelled fantastic but nothing there and she hardly grew. Zero side branching, nothing to get a clone off of. She finished at like 18” ish tall if I can remember right
Yeah - the F-13 is similar to an "ugly duckling", is very strange in that way. You need to grow it through the entire plant growth cycle, before any judgements. I've seen so many disappointing F-13 - especially the structure, she is known to be a smaller yielder, and if you get a mutant pheno - better off just throwing it out, than wasting time...On that same note, I've grown strains that look beautiful, absolutely drip with resin, and when you smoke - you realize it didn't even get you high...

F-13 is best when made into crosses / hybrids - much better as a pollen donor, or mother plant recipient - this is where the F1 Hybrid Vigor really shines....and that way, you open up the genetics treasure chest - able to pull from old school Thai and Afghani genetics. You wont find these genetics in any modern hybrids - which have been manipulated for modern day farming under LEDs and quick growth cycle turnover....using F-13 in breeding work, you have access to the old school genes, and old school effects (of course, everything is pheno dependent).

There are some fantastic old school genetics in her DNA....I've got an F-13 x CDD going at the moment, and the plant leans heavily to the ChemDawg Diesel side of the family...and I will say it's one of the most nice looking plants I have going right now: fantastic structure, solid thick heavy buds, amazing aroma. It's about 6 weeks in now, the smoke report will determine my final conclusion. Will be nice to see if F-13 brings some of the Euphoric sativa effects, into the ChemDawg Diesel power - that's what I'm after.
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Active member
Yes Indeed - a few of my BeanHo Favorites:
F-13 x CDD
DJ's F-13 x ChemDawg Diesel Bx3
This plant REEKS! ....as soon as it was about 2' feet tall - it had an "Diesel Oil Rag" aroma, just touch it, and the smell stuck to you....if I did a quick water, or any kind of adjustment, and I left the house - the immediate response from anyone I came into contact with was "...did you spill diesel fuel on yourself"? ...haha, but those in the know, would only say - call me when it's ready! Here we are at about 5th or 6th week - Buds are the typical spear point ChemDawg, and when I touch the buds now, the smell has morphed into a "mothball" type, along with a hint of Chocolate...and when I give it a small squeeze, and do the finger sniff test - it's more Lemon Diesel type...Buds look fantastic - they look rock hard already, and we have a couple more weeks to go...This plant I will try to reveg when done - it has a great structure, needs no support or maintenance - the only thing I did with this is pinch once or twice - the rest is it's natural growth...
That's an awesome looking plant! Looks very 'Chem' to me, with the dark waxy bud leaves. Nice find! It has me excited to pop some of the Beanho Chem D hybrids I have.

I wasn't sure about the genetics because Chem D is a clone only so I figured maybe this Chem D bx male is some watered down version of it. Clearly that is Not the case, as you have shown haha


That's an awesome looking plant! Looks very 'Chem' to me, with the dark waxy bud leaves. Nice find! It has me excited to pop some of the Beanho Chem D hybrids I have.

I wasn't sure about the genetics because Chem D is a clone only so I figured maybe this Chem D bx male is some watered down version of it. Clearly that is Not the case, as you have shown haha
Thanks for the positive words...I appreciate it,

Yes, make no mistake, the CDD - ChemDawg Diesel hybrids are legitimate. She ruled the garden with a Loud "Diesel, Fuel, Oil Rag", nose right from the beginning - super strong - she was the first plant to stink up the grow tent (from a very early vegetative age, prior to flower initiation). If I had anyone over to visit, it was the first thing people would smell and comment on - there's no hiding this plant. The structure is excellent - no work with this girl (No Staking, No Supports): very self supporting, and the buds are VERY HEAVY (who knows - as we move closer to completion, the heavy buds might need some support; but as of right now, she stands strong - no assistance needed). Also, a very manageable plant size - not too big, not too small - just right. Finally, the bud structure exhibits the "Rock Hard" characteristics Chem strains are known for- these are going to be the type of buds that make a thud when you drop them on a table.

Also, I'm amazed by the plant's metamorphosis - she started with an Oil Diesel Rag, Fuel Aroma, and now in week 6, if you stick your nose into the buds - it's changed to a more "mothball with chocolate, cocoa undertones" (along with the Oil, Fuel, Diesel); however, the "bud squish test" exhibits a Sweet Lemon Diesel aroma (truly unique & intoxicating). Super Sticky too! Moving closer to harvest, the plants exhibit a loud Diesel, Sour, Earthy fragrance, along with some Sweet undertones. And although, it's very faint, and not really coming through in the photos, the buds have a light "violet blue" hue to them. Very unique plant - one of a kind, and not common genetics. ...I too, was a bit skeptical of the genetics: F-13 isn't necessarily a mainstream strain; but this is what drew me to the genetics - I was looking for something a bit different, with valuable DNA.

Looking at the genetics, I was under the impression that the mother side of a cross would be the dominant expression; however, this is not the case - the CDD is front & center. As this is my first time growing F-13 x CDD, I wondered if the F-13 genetics would dominate. DJ's F-13 can be a colorful, low yielder, with a funky structure - sativa effects: euphoric & uplifting (DJ says it's kind bud of the Highest Order). Many reviews state she has a sweet & sour, tangy profile - also, some say that she exhibits the "Blueberry" genetics. So I'm excited to she what she brings to this cross; can't wait to chop, dry, & smoke.

Do not hesitate: the CDD: ChemDawg Diesel genetics will bring serious heat into the mix. Seeing how good the hybrid is growing, I picked up some additional crosses (when these strains sell out, that's it - you won't see these anywhere, ever again). These are highly valuable, and a great addition to any Seed Vault. Additionally, I put in an order for the Johnny Blaze x CDD, and I already had picked up some (SSH x BB) x CDD not too long ago. Plus, some ChemDawg Diesel x Blueberry and ChemDawg Diesel x F-13; wasn't even thinking about these, but after growing the above strain - I'm fascinated with the genetics, and definitely want to give these a go. Looking forward to the next round!


Plants will be coming down very soon - starting this weekend (hopefully). I just wanted to give a quick update for the following strains:

Big Jack (JH x ST#3) x DJ Short Blueberry - this girl is surprising me in the best way: buds are starting to turn "Blue", and although the dominant terp. profile is Musky, Lemon, Terpinolene - giving the buds a light squish, I get a very distinct Blueberry aroma - Super Sweet Blueberry! (as a side note, I grew a Blueberry Muffin (Humboldt Seed Co) - and it started off with a great Sweet Blueberry aroma, looked great throughout the growth cycle, but upon completion, harvest, and cure - it pretty much lost the strong blueberry aroma, and taste was very disappointing). In contrast - the Big Jack Blueberry Hybrid is growing stronger Blueberry as it nears finish....important to distinguish - as it gets stronger near finish - a good indication that it will get stronger after chop & dry (theoretically).

DJ Short F-13 x ChemDawg Diesel - this girl is worthy of a "re-veg" (I'll keep her around for a while - can't wait to do a smoke test); the buds are rock hard, phenomenal Chem, Diesel, Dank Aroma, ...and when I give the buds a light squeeze - I get the most addictive Sweet, Lemon, Berry undertone. Great Structure, this is the only plant in the garden I didn't stake, or tie up (although the weight of the buds are causing her to lean now) - and she stands tall & strong. Truly Extraordinary genetics, hopefully effects will follow suit; such a nice combo to have the chemdawg diesel power, with the sweet syrupy taste & effects of DJ's F-13.


Well-known member
Popped my last 2 Zamedelica x Old timers haze seeds from beanhoarder that i bought 6 years ago. They don't sell these ones anymore. Both came up and now in jiffy pellets.

It was a big yielder for me in 2020 with 14oz for 2 plants under DIY LED screw in bulbs. It is a 12w strain.

Pic from last grow. This time i will scrog with better lights.
