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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
No disrespect to you Goldust mate, I mean teenagers up to early 20s when I say young crew, the majority I meet don't have much respect or are trust worthy or staunch if the shit went down.
Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong sort of young uns :chin:
:smoke out:
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Active member
No disrespect to you Goldust mate, I mean teenagers up to early 20s when I say young crew, the majority I meet don't have much respect or are trust worthy or staunch if the shit went down.
Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong sort of young uns :chin:
:smoke out:

no disrespect either goldust or to anyone else that know in their own heart that their staunch but it has to be said that more and more younger crew and even dare i say , some older lot have no respect for this profession of ours .....
its a bit like real estate prices sometimes , people have money so lets jack up the price of everything including weed ,,
i've been at a few piss ups and heaps of "younger crew " saying , thieving pricks , charging x amount for their product ...they buy it but the price doesn't promote any loyalty at all unfortunately ..
i'm an older lad and forgive me , i'm not that articulate , but the whole scene has changed including respect and loyalty .. whats happened ? when i was say 18 or 20 odd and i got a bit chatty i'd get a punch in the mouth , soon sorted that out ...hahhaa..
and i do think bOOm , its the start of the end of an era , where things were settled with a handshake and a beer , tread very carefully now ...not many true mates ..:tiphat:


Started building myself a scrog today found plenty of 20mm pvc pipes from skip bins from building sites in area
But will have to visit bunnings for some elbows


It is a new era that we older set have found ourselves living in but I dont think its all bad news, back in the day lets say that at school you dobbed someone in for something you also got you self into trouble for being a dobber , (spell check doesn't even recognize this word ) but its different now and its so easy to get online and shoot your mouth of without thinking of the consequence but think back and ask yourself was I staunch when I was a 20 year old? I personalty grew up without any input or guidance from my parent and had to learn the values that I was going to live my live by on the fly,at 20 I was fresh into the scene and had a lot to learn ,what 20 year old has a concept of the true value of a friend ? or understands that you have to live with the mistakes you make for the rest of your life ! not many .I learned the values I live my life by through some of the fucking amazing peeps that I meet doing biz ,I learned that most peeps wouldn't bother pissing on you if you were on fire but there were some that would be there in your darkest hour and give you a leg up and expect nothing for it ,I had to learn that respect has to be earn t and that in this world there are the peeps that live by a code and there are the ones that don't,so in some respect at this stage of my live I think when Im in the company of younger peeps that I'm an educator, I dont lecture ,preach or judge but every now and then an opportunity presents itself where I can share some of my life experience with some younger peeps and leave them with something to think about and instill some of the values that have been important for myself to live by ,just as it was done for me back in the day...... love seeing the fucking look on the face's of some youngens when I share a little blast from my past with them...bit of a dark horse I am ,most peeps think I some backward hillbilly sheep fucking retard and thats what I want them to think :tiphat:


wombat saved from a watery grave at wood's lake tasy. 250m out floundering around.


Hi all, another aussie on the block, done my intro last week, just found this section.

There was a strain getting around Adelaide 93/95 called big red was a good producer, if you went 12/12 straight away no veg it would just grow a single bud between 24/36 inches tall. It was a prick to clone and it got worse over time, that's why I stopped growing it and most others did as well. I did get smoke for a while that was a cross between the gold bud lots of us grew outdoors and big red, don't know if it had a street name but it was a killer smoke and better than both parents.


Panama & Zamaldelica

Panama & Zamaldelica

Aussie outdoor . Ace seeds Panama & Zamaldelica . 4 weeks from clones . Very vigorous .


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The gold bud was an outdoor strain, had pepper, spice, sandalwood smell. We grew red bud because it did not have much of a smell, odour control was very basic then. Cant remember what the cross smelt like sorry.

Grew skunk b4 red bud, the whole street stunk for weeks, lucky people did not know about hydro or weed could smell like that, could smell red bud a house away at pick.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Latest Media Releases
12,500 cannabis plants seized - Richmond Local Area Command


shit balls thats some numbers i wouldnt want to be found playing with..

This week’s raids follow the discovery of a large, sophisticated crop – housing more than 8500 plants – earlier this month. The crop, which was bordered by a 150m-long by 50m-wide stockproof fence, was discovered off a secluded walking trail within the Bundjalung National Park on Wednesday 11 November 2015.

The crop was found by personnel attached to Operation Bindiguy, a high-visibility contingent of Richmond Rural Crime Investigators and National Parks and Wildlife Services staff.

G`day ST Dub

Big plot off the walking trail at the nasho Park !! ??
Def pros . 5555 .

Oh and I like how the Piggies take some credit for the find ...

Thanks for sharin

EB .
yeah some bush walker probaly reported it and there saying they found it..

but yeah these guys must know what there doing.. ohh just off the walking trail looks great.. no one will see them.. idiots.. im intrigued as to what was sophisticated about this crop aswell..

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day ST DUB

Yes if I had a drink for every time I`ve heard the term sophisticated related to Canna crops I`d be like Oliver Reed .
I reckon the Police would say Sir Les Paterson is a sophisticated gentleman . 555 .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Bug Scissor Hand

4 sour power x gorilla bubble & 4 cannatonic x gg4xgg4xc99 i picked out for me & the rest will go to a buddy to grow out.
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