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Any carp fishermen here

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I just looked up the other drug buddymate said about and i'm surprised to find it works in humans aswell. It's pretty crazy stuff. A total blocking of all signals from the brain to the arms and legs. It's a paralyzing agent! Sounds pretty harsh but effective.


The chinese manufacture a generic type,tip a bag into a stream everything floats belly-up,but for clearing tilapia pools or sampling stock I have a backpack electro-fishing kit,very useful.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
buddymate, that fishing looks unreal the best fish i have caught was a yellowfin tuna on holidays in tasmania/aus it was just over 40kg


Shaun,theres an english guy called Joe Taylor caught a 407 lb fish from that same lake,Robson Green also fished there in Extreme fishing series,Its the best freshwater fishing I ever had in my life,nothing like the UK famous fish which are targetted and hooked so often,Thailand has loads of really good lakes rivers etc,going to Thailand for a weeks fishing is actually cheaper than a weeks fishing in france,last time I fished Bungsamlan it cost me £10 for the day including bait.


I just had a look at the prices on the link i posted,f**k that,$160 a day "Guiding service"?You dont need it,rods are available for hire at Bung sam,bait is cheap and readily available,or you can do what I did,take a spod rod and a catfish rod,and just but a bag of feeder pellets,those guiding services are a waste of money,they are charging western prices for eastern fishing,D.I.Y is just as good,or get a Thai guide if your targetting the big freshwater stingrays.


I guess if your targetting local species it might help to know the best local spots and bait tips etc but like you say it's expensive and half the fun is finding out for yourself. I might do it if i went as part of a group just to leech knowledge for a day but i dont fancy paying some local 4 months money for a days talking?

Unless of course the $160 includes putting a 50lb angry carp on my line at the end of the day if my skills dont cut it! lol


The thing with Bungsam is you dont need local knowledge in the shape of a guide,one of the old Thai guys fishing there will sort you out,and besides,when your standing on the lake you see fish rolling on the surface everywhere,do a search on youtube,look at the siamese carp and mekong cats,my first cast ever I was into a 30+ lb'er within 5 minutes of casting in.The worst one was Jean Francois Hellias,french guy who started the first guiding service,since then a few english guys have jumped on the bandwagon,but you dont need them to catch a 50 lb fish,just spend a day on a water,theres alligator gar,Barramundi,allsorts.


well-found a great spot on the canal, got my 3 rods in, far shelf under the overhangin trees, mid channel and tight against the near margin(3ft under my feet).

sounds nice right?

well along comes capt pugwash in his barge and wipes 1 rod out-no prob thinks i, ill just get on with it(he was real close in).

retackle and get it out again-5mins pass peacefully-birds are singing. flys are biting and i hear the dredded chug-chug-chug-oh fuck thinks i-here we go again.

at least im hopin this 1 can drive-he see's me and pulls right over the far side to give me room-nice thought i think-he didnt 5 secs later when all rods ripped off-at least he tried to slam it into reverse, but to no hope.

canal won-my shortest session ever, didnt even manage to make 1 joint, and i still had the last bit of the one i arrived with still stuck in my mouth when i was leaving.

so sat night hit an old estate lake, 200yrs old, around 6acre with a big island full, and i mean full of snags all way around, looks luvvvvvverly.

carp were moving all through the snags so i cast close to them, pulled a few mtr off the reel and clipped up, cast back and got it in a little hole,pulled it back in and stuck a 15mm cream propperjobpopup on the chod rig. worked a treat, nice 11lb common, deep gold to black across its back.

other rod justr keep chuckin the pva bags out with around 5 crumbled up boilies and a snowman with a bm bait enzymn 15mm and a propperjobpopup 11mm savoury crab, on a blow back rig,m worked a treat.

lost one around 11pm in a crazy rain storm, then got a real nice mirror, looked every inch 18lb, but only came out at 14lb, my friend even went for his scales to re weigh it as it looked so much bigger than its weight, prob just spawned out, real nice set of shoulders on it.

few bream was about it, good fun in a real nice setting(many ghost storys about it as well-love sittin out in the early hours smokin and waitin to see the woman who floats!!)

have fun-tight lines

Crazy sativa

New member
Hi all,nice to see some fellow carp fishermen here.
I love to fish for carp,in the mornings and evenings in local ponds or canals.
For longer sessions i go fishing in France,i fished some English owned waters in France witch you might have heard off (Boux,Margot,Les Quis)
but for the most part fish at public waters.

These are some pics off some sessions i did last year, in the second pic you see my rod is used by a fellow fisherman.




og kush

i fish mainly for LM BASS.
but i enjoy bait fishing too. Carp, Rainbow Trout, Catfish, Bluegill sometimes......
i ninja fish almost every night. from about 10pm to 4:30am...... mostly golf course lakes.

Crazy sativa

New member
Hi daddy fingas, im sure with the amnezia,you enyojed the session.
Seems those boatsmen overthere are the same as ours :wallbash:.

Here's a fish i caught on a canal,when i only could fish 1 rod.
I had 5-10 minutes before i had to reel out deu traffic.Fish was on before i could
lay my rod down.

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Awesome pictures in this thread!!!!

I like to bust out my fly rod and just use a little dough ball on the surface. Carp on a fly rod is soooo much freakin' fun :D

Crazy sativa

New member
flyfishing for carp but must be great fun.Never done it or seen it do around here(no clear water i geuss)
I love to see them lurking on a peace of bread on the surface.
Hope you guys dont mind some more pics.


weed fiend
Gramps used to take me carping when I was a kid. He made carp dough out of boiled rice, wheat germ and molasses. We'd take a large box of Kellogg's Sugar Pops cereal (now under the name Corn Pops) and pour it on the kitchen table. We'd hand picked all the biggest Pops for carp bait and eat the rest for breakfast.:D

One fat Sugar Pop on the barb and a medium sized hand full of dough squeezed around the pop was all it took. We usually fished at one of these private lakes that pays back for the biggest fish and most pounds caught in a day. We won the most pounds in a day category one particular time. I was about 7 years old and the fish were as big as me. We paid a couple of bucks each for entry and walked out with $47.00. That was a lot of cash for a 7 year old in 1969.:biglaugh:

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