I think you can catch them pretty much any time or weather, but when it rains here they go crazy, massive difference from a sunny day, it's just hard to plan for, you need to be able to drop whatever your doing and go when the big storms come, which was easy as kids.
I bartended for a summer at a private club on one of the big lakes here and we would give old bread to the kids and they would go out on the dock and throw pieces in the water and huge carp would come up to the surface and suck them up, I always meant to bring my pole with one day but I never did, I don't think the club owners would have approved of me dragging one of the big carp the kids love to feed out of the lake, lol.
I bartended for a summer at a private club on one of the big lakes here and we would give old bread to the kids and they would go out on the dock and throw pieces in the water and huge carp would come up to the surface and suck them up, I always meant to bring my pole with one day but I never did, I don't think the club owners would have approved of me dragging one of the big carp the kids love to feed out of the lake, lol.