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Any carp fishermen here

  • Thread starter Thread starter DogBoy
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Active member
I think you can catch them pretty much any time or weather, but when it rains here they go crazy, massive difference from a sunny day, it's just hard to plan for, you need to be able to drop whatever your doing and go when the big storms come, which was easy as kids.
I bartended for a summer at a private club on one of the big lakes here and we would give old bread to the kids and they would go out on the dock and throw pieces in the water and huge carp would come up to the surface and suck them up, I always meant to bring my pole with one day but I never did, I don't think the club owners would have approved of me dragging one of the big carp the kids love to feed out of the lake, lol.


My pb was in france, My Father is a long distance lorry driver, He had to make a delivery of the contents of sombodys home to their new home in france, the new home came with a 4acre lake, full of carp and catfish.

I used the home owners rods, fished the lake for 2 hours once we had moved everything out, Eventually pulled out a 42lb 5oz mirror carp.

My english pb is about 16lb haha.


My dad's carp recipe is said to be the best tasting way to prepare this fish. It's easy:

1 fresh carp, whole
Fecal matter, fresh

Lay the carp in a glass baking dish, no need to clean or skin it. Arrange the feces in the pan around and over the fish. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.

Discard the carp and eat the feces.


Dogboy, you do know that there are a load of large Cats and 50+ Carp in the Thames, near Hampton Court ? Someone who owns a fishery had illegally imported them, only to hear - just in time - the NRA were lying in wait at the lake so they panicked and stuck the lot in the Thames...

If you like a good fight, pick on a Wels Catfish in a fast flowing river, yesterday at a friends I saw a large High Tensile Steel Tuna hook that one had snapped in half. :yoinks:
Friend of mine caught a 40+Lb cat just upriver at Walton.


uk carper(northern monkey)

havin a hard time of it at the mo-not catchin fuck all

im puttin it down to the weather though!

for the us guys, we also have clubs and syndicate lakes

the club im in has over 200 waters, still and running, and that costs me £80 a year with no time limits on stayin on the water.

some syndicate waters can cost up to £2000 a year to fish just for that 1 lake.

gear im usin is century NG rods with stainless handles-century FMJ for distance work and daiwa infinity reels .


Active member
I fish alot and haven't ever heard of people fishing for carp, much less eating them. they are a trash fish, now i do eat buffalo, but its not a carp. you want a good tasting fish then you eat crappie. the best


Went to water some plants several days ago,loads of fish,dozens actually just basking on the surface of the lake I drew water from.


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    Plants,July heatwave 2009. 010 (Medium).jpg
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    Plants,July heatwave 2009. 011 (Medium).jpg
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    Plants,July heatwave 2009. 012 (Medium).jpg
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daddy fingaz

Active member
I fish alot and haven't ever heard of people fishing for carp, much less eating them. they are a trash fish, now i do eat buffalo, but its not a carp. you want a good tasting fish then you eat crappie. the best

Carp fishing is real big in the Uk and some other parts of europe,dont eat them in the uk but some countries do!

Like the pictures buddymate!


They were just sunning themselves on the surface the other day fingaz,I didnt think the lake held that many,they were everywhere all around the margins.Best place I ever fished for carp was Thailand for siamese carp at Bung samLan.


Well, i had pretty much the same luck as you Nordle, fishing a boiling lake on a furnace of a day is no good carping weather. Bloody Met office and their fancy rain predictions! The bream were going mental as they finished spawing on this pit 3 weeks ago and are hungry now but the carp were not to be seen.
The lake manager thinks they may be getting ready for a late spawning and so not very interested at the moment. I managed to get a bream out within 5 mins of my first cast but after that it was all Bream and the odd perch my brother plinked out. Non stop action all weekend but nothing carp related. Couldn't even snag a tench from the margins! We did however manage to bag a 5,5.5, 6.5,5 and then a 7lb Bream so some nice ones were coming out. Anything less than 5lb and we did not bother weighing it, just put it back quick so it didn't sit in the sun long.

When we arrived on the lake we walked past one of the earlier lakes and a big 12-15lb Pike was dead in the margin. This did not fill us with confidence so we moved to a lake further back. This would later prove to be a mistake as on leaving we saw 4 15-20lb carp just lurking in the water and noone had fished the lake all weekend so it was prime. We didn't see them until we were going home though so it was too late.

I have some lovely pics of the bream and swim so i'll post those once i manage to get them off the memory card. Was a good trip but not as fulfilling as it could have been so will be going again this weekend to see if i can find a different lake where the carp have already spawned and settled down.

for those interested here are the bait results.

Ground bait,

Porridge, grain and birdseed mix with powdered milk binder. Very popular and did get the fish in but needed halibut pellets to keep the swim stimmed and the bream off the bait.
Method feed for carp. Not a very good bait. Did bring fish past but did not make them frenzy feed. Ended up adulterating it with scopex glug and bust up boilies.

Hook bait
Maggots. Red were doing well for the perch and had the odd bite but no action.
Shellfish + B5 boilies, pro mix. Very expensive bait which paid off. Very nutricious and the fish seemed to like it. I'd glugged it in Royale plum glug for a week prior to using them and it did good.
Salmon and shrimp dog biscuits in 2 year old fishmeal glug. Did okay but at 25mm the boilies were only ever going to entice the big guys which simply were not playing ball on the day. Would use again though.
Strawberry middle range boilies in strawberry glug from holland. Very effective at getting the bites but no real screaming takes, had to be quick to hook them. Triple blips were bream and single blips were perch so easy to tell fish from the bites on this one.
Scopex. Very quiet but did yield a stray bream in the mid morning.
Halibut fishmeal. Very effective for getting fish in and frenzied but not good as hookbait.
Pepperami BBQ flavour. Good hookbait and did get some nice bites but nothing big, lots of false bites so worth another try on a cooler day. Went well with the halibut.
Luncheon meat, various sized chunks. Great for the bream but no action elsewhere. Bream did love it though and could have used it all day.
Sweetcorn, total failure. Unusual to blank on this bait but i was using fake corn so scent might be an issue.

Did have a great time there though and enjoyed the peace and quiet very much. Many thanks to the gods of kush for providing suitable bud to while away the hours and much love to Terry Pratchett who's 'Making money' book kept me busy in the quiet moments.

Anyone else have a productive trip, i sure let us down spectacularly! lol


well-time for another 24hrs of carp beating me up tomorrow!

just got some new pop ups from some guy ive read about on some fishin forum.

these things are amazing-keep choddies up for a week on a 15mm-much better than corp ball pop ups-proper job pop ups all one word, give em a look.

also usin BM baits snail and shell and enzymn, very good baits, takin alot of waters apart round the NW.

usin 15mm with a 11mm pop up snowman. looks to be a good en from what ive seen so far, these pop ups make the rigs work perfect.

also been usin the redhot rami as a little disk on top of the boilie with a few discks in a pva bag with around 7 boilies crumbled down and packed real tight in a mo co pva bag, they cast like a dream with heli rigs.

this low pressure is gettin me excited after all this high pressure we been havin, and the moon is in a good place right now iirc.

just look what terry hearn caugfht this sun after it cooled down, the burgfield common from a 200 acre lake, well down in weight at 47lb. people were expecting close to 60lb, but weight means fuck all with a fish of that class, one of the best fish in the UK, defo best common-he fished 360 nights for that fish!!(over the years).

i used to take books with me to read, now just the ipod loaded with every type of audio book you can think of, love the tolkien stuff when fishin, especially the silmarillion unabridged versions, they great, you can get wasted, listen to a book and watch for them sneaky fuckin carp stickin their heads out and laughin at us sittin there while they clean us out.

dont let the bastards grind you down!!

will fill you in on wed when back on my latest battering!

tight lines guys-whatever you fish for


Good luck with the trip man, weather looks like it's truly turning shitty so i'm hoping for some overcast weather for ya! All this hot weather recently seems to have meant a lot of anglers drawing blanks so hopefully there will be a lot of willing fish once the weather turns. Let me know how you get on with the popups, i have 18mm pineapple ones and they work a charm in weedy swims and the yellow colouring really stands out well. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with them.

You must have the patience of a saint to manage the Silmarrillion, even in Audio book. Ive tried that so many times and never managed to read it cover to cover without a break. Do you have any Pratchett? I can give you a link to every audio book there is for him if your interested. It's over 11 gig but great stuff.

The moon was great on Friday night, we slept outside on our beds and it was very high and bright in the sky. A really blessing for landing in the dark and it helps not to have to use headlights to see what your doing. Those things are great but i'm convinced the fish can see them and know they are not good.


Pics as promised........

This pic shows the pike we saw when we arrived. Dont know why he died and he had no obvious marks on him but someone will miss him i'm sure.

This one shows the swim i had, the rod on the left was the most active and spent it's time under a tree past the rushes. Was a very active rod for the whole trip. The right rod was quieter but still had a few fish. the trees were a bit of a nightmare and did cost me two rigs.

One of the many bream to grace us. They are not a bad fish and did actually put up a reasonable struggle but still not a fighting fish. A few of them had spawning cuts and bruises but nothing serious, no parasites or anything nasty. All fish were 5-7.5 lbs so cant complain.

This last pic was the view from my swim at night. I hid behind the reeds so i could be close to the rods without the fish seeing me sitting there. was lovely just to sit there hiding with a big fat kush on. Lovely!!!!!!


Try Shift + F5 to refresh outside cache, i've logged on a different machine and they are there.....


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
That didn't work for me i can see the pics on page 2
Where did you place them they aren't in your gallery i tried to view them there


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Thanks mate they look good, I love the spot looks like a great spot to fish and get baked
I hope to take my son fishing 2morrow for trout, They are stocked trout from a breeding farm some are upto 3kg ex-breeding stock but most are a nice pansize 500-800g
Hopefully we can get there while the weather is right i will let you know how we went
Thanks for fixing the pics


Active member
I love Carp fishing, I have my own dough recipe.
My states motto is
"The land of 10'000 lakes"
You can't drive straight for a mile in any direction without running into one, they're everywhere, and all full of carp, which are free to fish any time, no limit, and it's actually illegal to put them back since they are trying to promote the game fish in the lakes, muskies, northerns, walleyes, crappies, etc...
Those carp are fun to catch though, my best ever from the lakes was a 32lb mirror carp, thought I'd snagged a sand bag for the first 10minutes before I realized it was a fish, lol.

hah my state is too, hmm great state isnt it? we experience every extremity of the seasons, but i still love it anyways, and i love fishing for carp! in the smalltown i grew up in there was a river with a dam, and i still love going their, i just fill up my line with a ton of bass sinkers until its like a .5-1lb, and i ball up a worm, and just toss it right into the falls, chill and smoke on the bridge until something bites, they just inhale the hooks too, they go from 0-60 real quick