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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
So how do you know that it's the same black chopper? Maybe the feds are actually using 20 different ones to spy on you but you just haven't realised yet?

There are at least 3 as I stated before, that being revealed the day they all flew past at once as previously stated. Then there is another black one with a white square with a red cross in the center of it, an army medic chopper I take it? Well, it has been quiet here for the most part. Except yesterday, there was a chopper clipping the edge of the property on a sw to ne trajectory late at night, and then 2 unknown aircraft hovering in the distance 40 minutes later before taking off. But overall quiet. Sometimes there is almost no air traffic for at least a few days at a time. So nothing too funky.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
This is not meant as an insult but you do seem to be exhibiting signs of paranoia , having gone through an episode some years ago with similar feelings of being watched and being the focus of police attention I see similarities , it was very real to me at that time.

Cutting down on the weed and adopting a better sleep pattern resolved it in a couple of months.
Been there man. I thought I was the subject of gang stalking and community based harassment. I'm okay now

Space Toker

Active member
yeah I know I hear noises while in the basement that are not real and yet seem so very real, and see things out of the corner of my eye like flashes for instance that again are not really there. not trying to be in denial but think I have a firm grasp of what's real (that is not it) and what is not, and this is not imaginary. still I admit you have your point and I thank you for that!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Space Toker

Active member
ugh that cartoon made me laugh I must admit! :D Been quiet until, well not sure, last few days I guess. First a moderate outburst of chopper activity then a lull then one yesterday and several this late morning to early afternoon, one of which seemed to almost take off my roof as it raced past so fast I could barely catch a glimpse of it. All in all just chilling and enjoying things.

Space Toker

Active member
I do not know who are friend and who are troll befriending me to keep track of me these days. kidding, mostly
anyway, I wish a known airline I heard about in the news did not make my local airport popular all of a sudden, the damn jet comes in so close and low with floodlight blaring that it seems they are observing me while I am trying to relax watching some bs on tv. There have been a few flights by the "red cross chopper" aka the national guard, can't believe no one corrected me on that. They also sent over 2 low bombers 2 days ago that I thought the vibration would break windows. But, I am not scared, just annoyed! Some low fast aircraft today, gone before I could run out and figure out what it was but sounded like another bomber or c4. Those bastards still getting revenge for 2 brothers not enlisting as numerous branches of the services were trying hard and visiting here. Well fuck them I figured out evil is worth opposing after all!


Hell man, you need an alcohol and drug free vacation for a week or two somewhere there are no planes or very few...maybe somewhere with private or beach swimming , check out some coochie, have some sea food, and just relax....sneak away so they think you are there with timed lights and phone controlled cameras that record off location. That way you can check on the house at any time and the cameras will wifi email you if something is moving around with a pic...spend a couple of thousand and save your head...cheap price to pay for relief...


if it smells like fish
lack of coochie is making you bonkers..if you was hitting a fine piece, the swat team could show up and you wouldn't care lol


Gulf of Mexico is cool..Louisiana where the Mississippi river dumps into it is a great place to fish from a boat..of course there are many places all over the place...water in the Midwest and south - Texas east of Louisiana al the way to Cali had been in a drought so the ocean is cool but inland is dry and hot as hell...

Space Toker

Active member
Gulf of Mexico, with all those strange lights hovering over then diving into the water? No thanks! Don't want to become part of some aliens or CIA's experiments! ;) :D
No really the gulf would be cool, would be nice to go somewhere where I could not hear a plane or chopper for over a week, but can't afford the time.


Well-known member
Gulf of Mexico, with all those strange lights hovering over then diving into the water? No thanks! Don't want to become part of some aliens or CIA's experiments! ;) :D
No really the gulf would be cool, would be nice to go somewhere where I could not hear a plane or chopper for over a week, but can't afford the time.

and just what makes you think you are not already part of an experiment? please speak directly into the flower pot on your end table...:biggrin:


if it smells like fish
head to maine ...north maine woods.....you can be all alone real easy and it aint far from you....last trip on the lake I only saw one person in 2 weeks other than my friends....


Active member


Dude I just read this whole thread.

I used to be bad paranoid like you space toker, I still have my moments too.
One day at my old house I was leaving and noticed a Leo chilling in his car 2 houses away from mine, just sitting there. mind you this was a dead end street.

At the time I had a grow you could smell in the driveway and I had been blasting lots of bud making wax. so I had an excess amount of butane cans and various other felony material

when I came back the cop was gone. I was so spooked I put all plants in a blender bit by bit, then flushed down toilet, broke my glass wax extractor, completely cleaned house, and put the cans of tane in a dumpster downtown. I lived at the house for 6 more months and nothing ever happened.

now, had something happened I would have been so glad I did all that. But my paranoia cost me months of work and high electric bills.

Id say if you are running under 2Kw you have no worries at all.

paranoia is shitty and has cost me relationships due to irrational conclusions I came to often.

sorry the paranoia is eating at you.
next time you see something tell yourself " I must fear not, for fear is the mind killer, paranoia is imagination wasted"
& remind yourself that if shit is gonna go down there isn't shit you can do. Better to spend your energy on bettering you self and your plants...er veggies.

just think about the people who go huge and post pics and all and never get caught.

like someone else said, if you had nothing to do with weed you wouldn't think twice about it.

I'm not hating or trolling, just trying to help you out. my growing got a lot better once I stopped giving a fuck . now I am very cautious, but I'm not checking my blinds every time I hear something.

someone also said get medical help. I'm gonna have to disagree. if you thought your toaster was plotting against you or something, then I would say seek medical help.
but your paranoia is pretty sound and based on shit that can happen, but not likely



if it smells like fish
small time grows in ma always was a joke... probation and drug classes were the norm..its not like florida or texas...

Space Toker

Active member
and just what makes you think you are not already part of an experiment? please speak directly into the flower pot on your end table...:biggrin:

I do think I am part of a very old experiment and ain't speaking into flower pots I can assure you! ;)
head to maine ...north maine woods.....you can be all alone real easy and it aint far from you....last trip on the lake I only saw one person in 2 weeks other than my friends....
yeah I have dreamed of going to or living in Northern Maine for like 25 years plus! Canoeing the rivers, fishing and living off the land, and so on. But with my reliance on prescriptions for the past almost 10 years, seems unrealistic these days. I read somewhere on here where someone lived off the land up there in a community that took care of each other and actually worked, give anything to find that thread now if even for fantasy sake!

Space Toker

Active member
Dude I just read this whole thread.
Wow like I told someone else not too long ago, congrats, but shocked as fuck too, I know I would not want to read all my thread in one sitting, I feel sorry for you and commend you at the same time! ;)
I used to be bad paranoid like you space toker, I still have my moments too. ..
wow did not think I would be able to read all that post right now, again I really commend you for reading the entire thread as these days I can hardly read a couple paragraphs before my mind starts to wander and lose all focus and go onto something else. I destroyed like 1000 seeds (fed them to the birds who seemed to be singing wildly and crazily after that! :D ) when I had a similar fright as yours back in the day. I did have a national guard plane making many passes just over the roof of the house, so low that each letter in its serial number seemed as big as me! Then a state cruiser came up as we were panicking, and they came on the step but did not knock and inexplicably took off when they could have had us by the balls! The jejobas as I call the jehovah witness have been up numerous times, as have electric and cable vehicles. The guy sitting by the neighbors drive...Staties and town cops pulling out and following for a good long time before turning off... well I don't have to tell you, you read the entire thread! I am "experienced" as a famous musician once said! But in the grand scheme of things, I am a flea on the back of an elephant at best. Like you, I wonder and note everything but not nearly as scared as I once was, for some time now. I think some take all this as a huge joke but you seem anything but a troll to me despite opposite initial impressions, you really seem to understand. In light of far less activity of all kinds lately within the last few months, I am truly experiencing a little peace for once, although this place that has been a backward hellhole (lately realizing that had its good points) is now having me feeling encroached upon has me reconsidering the maine thing after all!

Space Toker

Active member
ya'll smoke way too much sativas

you would think so wouldn't you? although on occasion I do indlulge moreso on indicas than sativas (do love the thai though), I largely especially lately and even for the most part over the last 15 or so years was mostly a light smoker due to lack of supply (and I hate to say a heavy drinker over most that period), I would like to turn all that around. Healthy eating and exercise, can the booze in favor of the herb that brought me so much happiness. yeah that's the ticket!
I feel some mock me but that's ok, I can take a good joke even if its at my own expense more often then not! ;)