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Anti surveillance thread

grow inside. check
tell nobody. check
grow in a room within a room. check
always make a receipt of purchase. then do a secure drop, where you throw the stuff out the window and they pick it up(with a security who stopps and acts like they oick it up before you get there) check
I mean if you are going to do a pick up,
stop where the package is and pick up something, then drive away. if you get stopped then the real customer knows not to go get the real package

Space Toker

Active member
most investigations are a year or less...I have known quite a few peeps that have been busted over the years and I have read their motion for discovery findings....unless your a whale its unlikely an investigation would go over a year ..IMHO... so just keep swimming on guppy and don't cross the boarder whilest doing so...lol

yes not even a guppy on those scales so feel pretty safe at this point, unless they want to broil a minnow just to make a point! ;)
What do you think about nano spy drones? The US military has designed spy drones so small that they are starting to look like tiny insects.
yeah that is creepily interesting in a perverse way, as anyone who wanted to use one would have to be perverse to want to limit freedom in a "free country" but yeah you do have those types.

that is badass for sure! If it works that is cool indeed!

Space Toker

Active member
you make a lot of sense until that last post. got that all covered but thanks for reminding me to be vigilant. not involved in most of that anyway. thanks man!

Space Toker

Active member
There were one or 2 other episodes of increased air activity lasting a day or two, maybe 3. Overall quiet. But The last day or 2 there have been sneak runs of really low choppers just behind a treeline from me, and today saw a large convoy of state cops in the next town over again. They were definitely going to some meeting or bust or something. I never used to see them travel this way before a few months ago. Not worried, just wondering what that was all about.

edit: my brother confirmed that it was 2 military choppers we saw flying near an air base earlier that he saw over our house 20 something miles away not long after we got home. 1 double propeller and one regular plain black chopper flying together very closely to each other, with the dark one just a little further in front and so close they almost appeared to be touching. Also noticed a vehicle with bright head lights sitting on the side of the road about a mile away from our house on a hill facing ours. After observing it in binoculars for about 10 minutes, it crawled along and went past our driveway, almost stopping like it was thinking of coming up the drive, consistent with well, I don't want to say but I know someone who does that. So all very interesting but nothing more than harassment I believe.

Space Toker

Active member
oh dudes are you kidding me? More seems to be happening in this crappy town of 5000 than seems to happen anywhere else it seems. yeah sorry I had to revive this old thread but geez... well, it started out I was a mess as usual, tried to pull myself out of a puddle of doom only to slightly succed day after day. Well I got the problems out of the way and was prepared to stack wood in a shed or some damn thing. I went out and saw a state cruiser on the little cow road just sitting there, that alone never saw anything like it. Was thinking of going down and asking or trying to make a run for it! ;) Seriously I was considering everything believe me! I stood for what it seems forever in, let's say, a position in my house where I could see others while they would not likely see me if I stayed still. Trust me I had all kinds of scenarios figured out including feining whatever with weapons pointed to my head. :D Well as I said before, I was out at the woodshed and the really f'n low chopper flew over and saw me coming out. Kept going around and around very low and multiple times. I tried to shoot at a chipmunk and thought some really menacing land-raping SOB that took over a plot just above our plot on the same hill (who said he called the cops because he thought I was shooting at him because I was shooting at chipmunks..and said to my bro that he would come up with an AK47 and have a shootout/slaughterfest, well he is a trainwreck alcoholic like other accusers, and I admit not too unlike myself lately! ;)

So anyways, just out at the woodshed and noticed 2 really large dudes, it was a different color but let's just say a big white house. Well I went back and got the binoculars and they were gone. In their place a short distance down that road down there was a state cop SUV, plainly marked, which I never saw before to be honest. I was freaking hard, and it only got worse... a state chopper went over I got to say like 3 times for 40 minutes a piece really low like never before, and I thought it was the end...l stand in a strategic spot ready to sacrifice myself on a slab as it were, for the greater good even though who I had to save were ready to sacrifice me... well, the chopper keeps circling menacingly and I am ready to not threaten anyone and sacrifice myself for the greater good. Then a neighbor (keep in mind no neighbors keep in contact with us despite being here a while and in some cases longer than us) calls and tells me everything, that a missing persons report was filed on a disabled individual that moved in just south of me and described the house so know it was real, described their shirt and asked if I didn't notice but cops were alll over and searching with bloodhound and of course the chopper. I said yeah I noticed and was willing to help in any way possible and he gave me more info.. thought it was a trap to lure me outsaide but I played it cool and went out... then another neghbor that had nothing to do with us came motoring up on an ATV, ddidn't know who it was at that point. The older woman said kind of the same thing and I siad ,sure drive around and I will look around and see f something comes up. She and the other guy urged me to search around and sheds and garages.. and I did that and fields too... hell last I want to see is some innocent person hurt or lost after all. and saw the state vehicles and the state chopper a couple more times... at this point I didn't care I wanted what was right and think all concerned recognized that... after I went out looking to my best ability for someone I heard from no one else and the choppers melted away, and no leo came up ever but easily could of. Got to think in a strange way that the chopper realized I wasn't worth tha bother, but at one point thought this that or the other was going to happen... a day I won't forget anytime soon for sure! My god I should have known better was ready to plead insanity but it all worked out thank God! All but a few cars melted away, no more choppers. I was glad and think and hope they found the retarded individual they were looking for and think they did. I did not know if they had the right to enter on that basis but sure glad they didn't enter. But I advise anyone in similar situation to feign cooperation as long as it does not mean entry/intrusion. GFN Chr' how do I have all this near disaster tempting fate with me and then backing off? I don't know I kept hoping and praying and got to think it worked! Rock on al!


if it smells like fish
you need a fleet of your own drones patrolling the area..yeehaw..get em now!!! AS LAWS TO MAKE YOU REGISTER THEM IS COMING UP SOON ...don't know how they are gonna enforce that law??? maybe require id to buy em ????

Space Toker

Active member
I would get my own drones if I was doing a little better financially, I could indeed imagine many useful purposes. Mail issues still have me wondering, but then the USPS website may occasionally update slowly. Fingers crossed. thanks for checking in!

Space Toker

Active member
or go all out and build an army of dudes in body armor and take those fuckers out. it will be like Waco all over again

Dude just noticed all that, can't figure out if you were really stoned or just joking around or being serious but at any rate, thanks! :D
Anyway, I hear it was for real from people that work with my bro, but still wonder if it wasn't used as an excuse for other reasons. To harass or supresss or all that.. the day after was far less air traffic than normal... a distant chopper, a couple small planes the whole f'n day... where more often than not there is more makes you wonder what is really normal air traffic... maybe less than I thought... then today, an early distant chopper but then 3 National Guard choppers fly by low in formation and then 20-40 minutes later just one files in the opposite direction much lower. I stopped making these posts because I was getting the feeling they were awaiting my responses after they went by to amuse themselves. My bro and I both rejected the military after they thought they had us in their snares so you can only wonder. But I think after the other day, I am prepared for anything, had all kinds of scenarios planned/figured out and if they had heat seeking devices working today they can surely see it would not be worth their while! ;)
Seriously man, are you using Meth or any other crazy hard drug? You're clearly paranoid (but hey, every grower should be a little paranoid). Just a heads up in case you have been thinking the same thing but needed the outside world to confirm. Maybe swap out the Sativas for Indicas my man.

They're not awaiting your responses man. Seek professional help. No offense meant here, just real talk.

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