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Anti surveillance thread

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
im surprised hubbleman isn't in this thread somewhere. Was going to mention the Microwave Auditory Effect, spoken words straight to the brain. Wondered if he's been experiencing this...they also call it voice to skull or v2k

Space Toker

Active member
Of course since i said that, there have been choppers and especially incesscant planes the last few (2-3 maybe?) days. watching the Patriots now, so I don't hardly care at all.
in my state the stae police and national guard have a marijuana eradication joint task force. they use fully armed Blackhawk choppers. they are nearly silent but when they hover 100 ft above your head at night while you are in your outdoor plot you can sure feel the breeze. their is only one light on it and it is located at the tail. then they have very small planes idk the model but they will follow you after you harvest. I think its just to let you know that they know.

never swept in, but I encountered the chopper when I went to harvest and they had already been taken by them. (it was in the paper a few days later) that gave them a positive id on me and they used that to track me to other plots. they circled my trim party with those planes all night. they never swept in on me. I quit growing ouside after that. I think they either just wanted to gather intel and wait till the op grew to something that they could get the feds to take up, or just scare me into shutting down. if it was the later they succeeded.

this was 10 yrs ago. they kept an eye on me for 2 years after that. haven't noticed them since, other than seeing them watching other growers and meth cooks

moral of the story, be careful out there.
those small planes could have been drones idk. that was before they supposedly were using them domestically. all I could make out was the sound of a propeller and a red light on one wing a blue light on the other and a white flashing light at the tail

Space Toker

Active member
Ok I can't figure out what those dudes (Pats) are doing lately... 2 steps forward 1 step back or is it the other way around? Either way you jinxed us man! ;) :D There have been endless planes at times and other times nearly non-existent, choppers mostly in the distance but strange (private?) ones (light green, yellow and blue) coming in low and fast. I don't care, nothing I haven't seen before and if nothing has happened.. well... guess...

I do have to start getting scared though when cops smile nod and wave at me as they did today (a dude with badge and full uniform from a van)! :D Then 5+ stateies passing by me and going in the opposite direction from me, and there was that matter of the supposed bust in town no one but a few ever heard about. Freaky, but funny how things work sometimes!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this thread would be considerably more interesting if you were reporting flying saucer sightings.......




Active member
Ok I can't figure out what those dudes (Pats) are doing lately... 2 steps forward 1 step back or is it the other way around? Either way you jinxed us man! ;) :D There have been endless planes at times and other times nearly non-existent, choppers mostly in the distance but strange (private?) ones (light green, yellow and blue) coming in low and fast. I don't care, nothing I haven't seen before and if nothing has happened.. well... guess...

I do have to start getting scared though when cops smile nod and wave at me as they did today! :D Then 5+ staties passing by me and going in the opposite direction from me, and there was that matter of the supposed bust in town no one but a few ever heard about. Freaky, but funny how things work sometimes!
straight up i know this cause it happened to me and friends are still behind bars
investigations can take up to 5 years before they come crashing down your door you mention low flying helis planes etc, well they probably know about your grow which leads me to believe you could be under investigation there letting you go and waiting for more ppl to get involved buyers , etc really in the mj world usually the grower is nothing more then a puppet payed to grow even tho you get charged for cultivation. etc there looking or waiting thinking there is a king pin higher up in the the chain
no different then my story crossing 100 kg of mj a week great gig until dealer got busted and the set up was on runners gt nabbed bringing back Cash released 24 hrs later unheard off Ratted out,,,,, still 5 years after all went down major bust arrest warrants both country cops involved people extradited to USA etc 5 fucking years later can you believe that BS

Space Toker

Active member
thank you for your input, at first did wonder if it's real but why bother to post all that if it isn't. I would be lucky if I could grow 100 kg in 10 years let alone a week! I feel for you or your compadres, and no doubt in my mind I could have been under investigation for 5 or 15 years, but I don't think they care about such little fish as me!

Space Toker

Active member
well they ain't gonna fry this fish that fast and I think they know it! I will not go quietly and is that worth it to them? Bad publicity no matter how you cut it!


Active member
Space all i know is it was something like in the movies 5 - 6 vans and local cops swarming in ,,, it happens fast
And another note i started seeing unmarked police more parked in close proximity, my gut feeling was this is not good always listen to you gut feelings
they had warrant for my house to enter they didn;t they were looking for a friend who comes over lots they nailed him few days after half mile down the road
thank fucking god even tho i had small plants grow at the time i am sure they would of nailed me also and that is why i have since down sized to 2 - 4 plant grows period where i can actually say i am growing for personal use i tell yea i have been shot , stabbed and almost ran over but i never was as scared as i was then

Space Toker

Active member
thanks for the words of caution or however you would word it. It is welcome and will be taken seriously. thanks for not brushing this all off as a joke as some have. Although I have had great fun with some of those dudes and it is all good, but I appreciate the sound advice as well.

Space Toker

Active member
well went to get a breakfast sandwich at the donut shop, some local woman cop talking with someone outside. I go in and wait forever for food. On my way home, 3 more state cops pass me going the other direction. It is a main road, technically even a highway, but seeing cops every time I go somewhere is getting old fast. And since when did they always travel in groups like that (seems like they are roving around like a pack of wolves)? I've never seen it unless they had their lights on racing off to respond to something! And of course since I made a post here, the choppers were around quite a bit after that and today. I have off and on felt for years that I was at the climax of some investigation and the doors would come crashing in any time. I have been though plenty of their nonsense that never amounted to anything, hopefully this is no different.

edit: man, just re-read your post, some scary shit for sure! I am sure I am just seeing patterns that aren't there, but no one hardly knows I exist, but whenever I go out, wherever I go out, there always seems to be cops going by acting fishy. Well, I have more important things to do than get worked up over this. But jeez man, shot and and stabbed? Your life seems a lot more "active" than mine, for once I am glad to have no life! :D I wish you the best man!


if it smells like fish
most investigations are a year or less...I have known quite a few peeps that have been busted over the years and I have read their motion for discovery findings....unless your a whale its unlikely an investigation would go over a year ..IMHO... so just keep swimming on guppy and don't cross the boarder whilest doing so...lol


Hi ho here we go
I have one a little bigger...

I have one a little bigger...

But it is bigger than a soda cracker and doesn't look like an insect.

Peace :ying:
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