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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
oh and I can't thank Jetblue enough for reviving my local semi-should have been-important airport into semi-relevant status lately, and in the process flying so low several times a week that they can see what I am having for supper! :D Well at least the propane guy did not notice any smells, I hope! Seemed to be surprised to see me and couldn't stop saying "thank you" enough! :D Just as surprised as I was to see that immense black bear (500 lb plus for sure) at the feeder taking steps toward me after I tried to step out and scare him off, seems he was thinking of making me a tasty snack!


if it smells like fish
most black bears are pussies... but don't mess with momma or feeding ones....man up and make the bear dinner bro...

Space Toker

Active member
yeah never saw the bear again, but that one was trying to have dinner when I stepped out on the steps and clapped my hands and like you said don't disturb when eating! :D Chopper (same one) made a couple passes when on seedbay but for the most part very peaceful, I fear the fucker harassers no longer! Enjoying nature and all things lately, not sweating the little things, so sure since I said this will prob have a few military choppers or a few low bomber planes tomorrow but if that is the best they can do I pity them! :D
Fuck 'em doesn't matter these days! Peace is sure liberating and serene, I am happy now finally!

Space Toker

Active member
lately a lot of small planes and a few choppers a day over the last day or 3, but overall not sweating things. I feel blessed to have survived into these better days where real freedom seems right around the corner! overall a whole lot more sane here on "foxy hill", I call it that as I have numerous red and grey foxes roaming and lounging about as if they own the place. And all kinds of birds bringing their families to the feeders and water fountains. And they are all welcome as welcome can be! I am so happy to see them all! Bluebirds were absent so swallows nested in their box but now the bluebirds have at least 2 eggs and all is looking good for a sucessful brood, God I love nature! The bear, or a bear was back. I have to say his spouse as this one was one and a half or 2 foot smaller than the other one and missing a patch of fur off its right hind quarters. Still plenty big enough. raccoons I do not appreciate and saw one tonight, have to bring in the feeders I guess! and yes I like redheads and brunettes but have to say blondes have always rocked my world the most! ;)


if it smells like fish
well its safe to say your not under surveillance by leo ..anyone still watching at this point is most likely a pervert..stop jerking off with the curtains open....lol


Well-known member
I do think I am part of a very old experiment and ain't speaking into flower pots I can assure you! ;)

well, if you won't speak into the flower pot, will you at least straighten up the picture on the wall over from your TV ? the one your mom liked so much...yeah, that one. damn thing swung to the side & blocked the lens of our camera.

Space Toker

Active member
Hahaha very funny and slightly mean spirited to boot, thank you! You are a sweetie!.:D
That is what a geezer said of all detractors or critical people. Anyway, no such picture, good try!


Well-known member
son of a BITCH, Space Toker! I just looked up "airports" in your area....there are 227 of the damn things! I don't understand how you EVER get to sleep! jesus...:biggrin:

Space Toker

Active member
edit: shit I said all that? well I take it back! :D
and it is pretty damned quiet around here besides those occassional outbursts ( a couple choppers today, looks like the waning moments of this "outburst"). No night scope. You mean to detect a perve or you mean I am a perve scouting around with the thing?! nevermind! :D

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I haven't scored anything since April, by Friday I'll be completely out and on the smoke free diet. Just been scraping oil dishes and using my Epens.

Space Toker

Active member
two choppers just flew over, first one behind the other then one broke off and made a closer pass (not too close though) as the other got really low and seemed to scrape the further off horizon and seemed like it was coming around for another pass. Then, they both seemed to come close to colliding as they veered off to some other destination. Just military black chopper show off's. not too worried.

Space Toker

Active member
Haven't smoked in some time, maybe a year or 2, that is part of my problem I think. Got used to not having any, now I have and yet for some reason can't get myself to enjoy it. That has got to change!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Haven't smoked in some time, maybe a year or 2, that is part of my problem I think. Got used to not having any, now I have and yet for some reason can't get myself to enjoy it. That has got to change!

:deadhorse yeah bro, but you been beatin' on this horse for 4.5 years now :dunno:


if it smells like fish
you really need to score atleast a qp and have a month long smoke session....lol FWIW don't ever try crack or speed you would end up in a straight jacket

Space Toker

Active member
Yesterday, I went out briefly. On the road I live on, which is shared by 2 towns, a cop from a neighboring town is going down the road slowly. When I get closer, he goes even slower, sometimes 15 mph and keeps putting on his brakes. That was the longest it ever took me to travel a mile or a little more on this road! Also in town, a particular cop abruptly changes course whenever he sees me, sits and stares a few seconds, then crawls off in another direction... or pulls out from a parked position and briefly follows at an extreme distance before turning off. Air traffic is almost non-existent at least.