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Anti surveillance thread

Alright so I read through 11 pages, so forgive me if somebody has brought up any of these points/ideas in pages 12-30 (don't be a smartass and go "oh man you missed soo much good shit in pages 12-30") heres my thoughts.

1. If you WERE being surveyed they could maybe fly over you with 100 different planes/choppers and then compare notes from your surveillance journal (kinda being silly here sry) but imagine how funny the pilots would think it was every time you described their aircraft.

2. Have you considered the fact that certain cell phone carriers have different frequencies, so possibly people with a certain carrier stop on your stretch of road before they drive into a "deadzone"?

3. I read for a while going "man just quit growing outside then" then realized you grow indoor.

4. If its a micro grow, Shhhiiittt son you have nothing to worry about. If it's a TRUE micro grow, even a mediocre attorney can have that dropped down to cultivation for personal use or something that would mean maybe one night in jail etc.

5. Ever thought about learning morse code? DO NOT POINT A LIGHT AT AIRCRAFT- I heard that can get you in hot water quickly! But maybe do some morse code with the pilots saying maybe "gain altitude while I sleep" or something like that.

6. Stay on the side of your house that is out of your neighbor's view. Next time, take off your clothes and masterbate while making eye contact with the pilot. If he goes away, you're golden. If he lands, well... Maybe since you have established a good amout of rapport with the pilot, he will tell you why he's always above your property. If it's a woman, score!

7. Mount a security camera facing the street etc HIDE THE CAMERA, it may be considered voyeurism.

8. If you are this concerned about the aircraft, you should probably let everyone on the site know that your plants have died, and that you no longer have the will to grow. If you are under surveillance, they undoubtedly are able to read EVERYTHING you have done on here. Not to mention every site you have been to. Google, youtube, android. All Google. All bad. All poking through your shit before you are even ready for your morning coffee.

9. In reference to #8, they would probably know that you have a MICRO grow. And probably would have busted you by now-if they gave a shit about a micro grow. Maybe do a guerilla grow, sell it, and use that money to have an attorney on retainer. Then continue to do your micro grow again. Invest in peace of mind my man.
And to the not so friendly people who were criticizing him for being cautious, consider this obscure statistic. The MAJORITY of husbands who suspected their wives of cheating and hacked their email accounts....... Discovered their wives were cheating. Sometimes your gut is telling you to cross the line, but for good reason. I said majority, I believe it was actually 90% but I can't find the article

Space Toker

Active member
Thanks for the well thought out post Pizza Man! Thanks also for taking me and my thread seriously. It was intended to help others and myself counteract any possible surveillance. Some people are downright hostile and that is not cool. I think many make good-natured jokes and mean nothing by it, but some undoubtedly do. Occasional jokes are good and lift the spirit, too much though can get aggravating.

I always assume I am being watched, if I am not losing anything by being careful, cautious, and watchful. I am almost certain no one covertly peeks in windows or is snooping about the property at night, but I operate under the assumption that they could be doing just that. I take all necessary precautions and everything looks and seems normal and blends with surroundings. I never talk about anything on the phone, but if I did I would use words that have a different meaning to the intended recipient than any 3rd party snoop. If they are using the cellphone microphone to snoop, they would not likely hear anything juicy either. but even if they could use some invisibility cloak and be in the room, they would not hear or see anything of interest.

It seems logical to conclude they are watching me and yet watching me for that long and nothing happened leads me to the opposite conclusion. I still favor the theory that they have been watching me off and on at least since the 90's and especially the last few years. To what end, I do not know. I am guessing they read and respond (in their actions) to what I post here, and also that they do whatever they do mostly for harassment to try to induce me into a crime they can arrest me for. I think the obvious stuff is to either keep track of my whereabouts at all times, or to see how I respond to stimuli. To see what I can hear and not hear (if I go outside, they know I am home and they know not to fly that way again since I can detect it), to devise a surveillance plan I do not detect. But I am no Whitey Bulger so all this seems to make little financial or practical sense and is illogical to say the least. Anything detectable could be this or that or the other, no proof of any wrongdoing at all. I lost my train of thought, forgive me...

Ok so on to your points.

1). why would they be amused by that? Unless of course the intent was harassment and that's how they get their kicks. I do suppose you could be correct though. I thought by noting it, my awareness would taint the intent of whatever they were trying to do and they would "buzz off". It seemed to work at times, always just temporary though, and then business as usual. So maybe you are right, that I should note these observations in a notebook or something instead.

2). I don't own a cellphone, my brother does and he is much more laid back, maybe too much so at times. But he is smart enough not to be obvious, anyway, I will ask him to see if there is a dead zone there.

3). Yes I do not do outdoor, did a few in the 90's but not recently. Notice I have no pictures, no discussions of specifics, that is by intent. So that's all I can say. But I am a small fish in a very large ocean.

5) never thought of morse code, did imagine (not in a serious way but just an amusing passing thought) mowing messages into the hay fields or displaying a huge banner with a message. But figured it would do more harm than good. I have given staring officers the finger, but that didn't work and so gave that up (at a supermarket, the cop came closer and got out of his car and appeared to be coming in, but I walked off into the supermarket and he was nowhere to be seen when I exited).

6). let's just say that's "not my style" but thanks for the laugh!

7). I THINK, although far from certain, that hidden cameras are not permitted only ones out in the open and you have to have a sign saying cameras are in use. I obviously don't want to announce the cameras as I want to see what is really going on. So don't know how to proceed, but for right now I assume cameras are expensive and can't afford it yet.

8) what plants? I "only grow tomatoes, flowers, other veggies and culinary herbs".

9) current patterns have been in place for a while and action if it were to occur should have already occured. Of course, none of this makes sense so who knows?

If I have a weak link, it is the computer. I do not use Google (startpage instead), never did facebook or twitter and any viewing of youtube would be female related and mostly my brother. He goes onto all kinds of crazy sites for that, and will not stop this ever.

No one knows I exist besides my brother and his friends and my aunt. In most cases, this is a good thing but can be a disadvantage when something needs to be received from outside.
Yeah, I know how you feel on all of those points! On the camera one, you can take 1/6's and arrange them to look like a single 6x6 post, drill a hole in it for the camera to see through... Ive seen it before at a gated neighborhood entrance, took me months of driving by it at 1mph from ten feet away to notice. Drilling the hole in a knot would be even more stealthy.

My biggest issue personally is trying to stay less out spoken about politics, just because I am afraid it will bring unnecessary heat.

I'd say, just let it ride and be the nicest neighbor around. Neighbors who REALLY like you will often cover for you, or give you a heads up about cops etc.


if it smells like fish
mass is sooooo lax on weed if ya aint already hardcore...a fine and probation....no worries man smoke a j and chill....i never worried when i grew there and i grew quite alot..inside and out.. even had plot on charles river ...that got hairy as the regatta had helocoptor tv coverage at times .....none of my busted friends did any time unless already a con or on probation/parole ect....they want your money


there are several reasons why they could do surveillance and not enter your house even they knew your micro grows, they maybe want to know your pot smoking friends too or suspect you are those guys who are head of large scale growing/selling business who don t keep a anything on their house, or maybe they have not get enough evidence for warrant or strong case as long period grower.
as if they want to state for court example that you have produced 4-5 lbs in some time.

in here were i live, cops have their rules like
- they cannot keep surveillance all the time, there time limits what are giving in law. in here its bout 6 months. then they have either make the case or give it a rest if they have not found anything seriously condemning, and there is time limit what they have keep to avoid to not give the suspect a legitimate reason to sue them on harassment.

- investigators in here have rules about using too much man power, and limits how much money they think is necessary to use on investigation, as bad investigators usually do not have opportunity to make a career in case poor judgement in case putting so much money and work hours to case which is fruitless, that is why most like to "poke whit stick" to suspect to give them more reason and justifications whit out putting them self in stake.

- in here many cops do break these rules all the time, sometimes they just don´t like the person or hes way of living, most just know that usual citizen don´t know their rights and exploit that, to catch them on act entering your property whit out warrant, would here have a case in legal way - as here laws states that the owner has right to present if they search the house if they do not have evidence that someone is immediate danger or something other serious reason which they can lean on.

- web cameras are cheap, and here if you suspect that someone is committing crime against you and it is not stationary 24/7 surveillance and you get the evidence whit out those signs it will rule out law, as if you put cameras on your property well hidden and only way to someone get to the camera is entering to your property, you can always say he was digging around earlier too.

like in baseball they have their strikes and if they miss all, it´s bad for them - if you gather enough evidence soon you will notice that they have non interested on you or your grows if the weed don't spread around, they would have so much shit on them self too, and cops who brake constantly their rules get sacked in here and it is very expensive to train a cop overall, so most of these cases they protect their own and not put them self so stake for grower who just supply himself.

but reading your posts it is hard to me to believe that those cars are leo, maybe rednecks who just love taking someones weeds for free knowing there is non or little to get caught on it as very few guys would call a leo if their stash or equipment would be stolen.
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Space Toker

Active member
thanks for the responses, quiet lately but there were 2 military choppers flying close to each other off to the south moving east to west, with a 3rd a good distance behind. Nothing too troubling, and a plane just now. I have been keeping track all along, and what do I have to lose by continuing? In the off chance something happens, I am building a case for prolonged and excessive/unwarranted harassment. :D Other than that, just enjoying the birds and the veggies starting to need transplanting in the trays.

of course as soon as I said that, a low flying piece of shit chopper flew all around the horizon then made a direct pass over my place, shutting off a spotlight as soon as he was over the property. Go ahead have your fun, you will get yours then I will be the one laughing! Edit #2: of course he then did do another pass slightly further away but still over the property. Part of me wants to wish or inflict suffering on these sad excuses for human beings, but then they would be getting what they want in turning me into a madman. Hate and anger lead to madness, and even if I could somehow make them pay, then I would be every bit as much evil scum as them. So I wish no torture or horrible disease, but I know there is more to this planet than meets the eye, some higher "something", whether a deity or a universal force or something. And so I know things will be as they should be eventually/in the end. I will happily and peacefully enjoy doing what I enjoy doing and respect only a higher (not human) power.

Edit #3: and have I ever been enjoying myself! All kinds of wonderful birds gearing up for the breeding season and providing a great deal of amusement in the process, as are the skunks (think potential trespasers! These guys have my back and set you straight! :D ) and a pair of foxes that soon will have young and bring them to visit as well. Of course neighbor dogs constantly barking and the cowbirds are a real pain in the ass! And the torrential rain (and then an inch of snow) have been washing deep trenches in the garden and creating mini ponds in the driveway. more later

edit #4: I noticed 2 distant aircraft on the W horizon, seeming to have different color lights and just sit there, then one made a close orbit of the other so that from my perspective it looked like they were colliding, than the other did the same, then they took off. I was enjoying hearing some owls hooting, then heard a series of rapid short whistles like someone calling a dog. They stopped and I shined a flashlight and did not see anything. It sounded far too loud to be a neighbor and seemed on my property just out of sight, but maybe sounds travel. Just after that, some loud vehicle raced into a distant neighbors drive so maybe it was some wiseass down there but don't think so.

edit5: circlling chopper in the distance just buzzed off. govt whether state fed local or military (enlistees don't get your panties in a bunch, I am talking about those that call the shots) are the terrorists, the militants look like choir girls by comparison. Hell if they want to spend their monthly budget in a day and make me feel that important far be if for me to stop them! Meanwhile they are looking far crazier than me, keep up the good work boys;) :D

Space Toker

Active member
Of course all that nonsense of yesterday could have been just to make me look silly here: "yeah right you had like 5 choppers in an hour, SURE!" or something like that is what most here might think. But I never make things up. Today, just a little while ago, a black chopper went by in a similar route as yesterday's. It is one of 2, sometimes together sometimes not, that has been going at it the last few days for whatever reason.


ICMag Donor
This is not meant as an insult but you do seem to be exhibiting signs of paranoia , having gone through an episode some years ago with similar feelings of being watched and being the focus of police attention I see similarities , it was very real to me at that time.

Cutting down on the weed and adopting a better sleep pattern resolved it in a couple of months.

Space Toker

Active member
thanks man, but something is going on, it is not in my head. It almost certainly has nothing to do with me, but it is very real. It seems I sleep plenty, but I am always tired.

Anyway, yesterday I think it was, there were 2 fighter jets going long oval loops whizzing from horizon to horizon in like a second or 2! Today, some planes early then very quiet. Literally no sound of any kind for hours! Until a low jet plane came by. But the ambulances are unreal, yet another neighbor affected in a short amount of time. I never found out what happened the other 2 or 3 times, but hope all is well.

Space Toker

Active member
A black chopper has been flying by on a one-way straight-line trip every 0.5-1 hr, going by at least 4 times in less than 4 hours. Last night, they just circled way in the distance. The night before, closer but still not that close. There are at least 3 that I think take turns circling and making passes. Overall, not too bad but far from as quiet as it can be some days. Planes have been pesky occasionally flying a lot, but not too bad overall. Not going to let them get me down or worry me too much. But I will be watching.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

don't sweat the small shit Space Toker.......

that was me behind you in traffic yesterday :D

So how do you know that it's the same black chopper? Maybe the feds are actually using 20 different ones to spy on you but you just haven't realised yet?

Space Toker

Active member
If after 31 pages and you still have your freedom, you are paranoid! But, I'll not hold that against you.

yes, we have already long-since established that! ;) Paranoid though, as in watchful and careful and wondering why certain things happen, not worrying constantly and hiding under my bed in a tin foil hat! :D

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