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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science

I just plugged some clones in ss4 and used a 7% soln of accelerate to wet it. Fungal growth in 2 days.

Is accelerate the backbone of your fert/spray program? I was thinking if it really is "balanced" like john says why not. Then minor other things for correction only

Edit...and from my pov I may go back to that 19:1 ratio. I can't just turn my plants loose

It's fire in a bottle so you have to be ready when you use it or things will go down hill quick.

You could say it is in that it's a blend of a bunch of their stuff we use regularly and now that it's bloom time it's taking more of a forefront because its composition is mainly two of my favorite things individually plus it's got some rejuvenate , phosphorus and some other goodies too.

Again take it for what it's worth which in my opinion is not too much


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ICMag Donor
Given that you all are in completely high potassium, drowning in iron, you see a decent response to seaweed, phosphorus and calcium. Hard to believe everyone insists on buying accelerate woowoo juice. You all must be making a lot to be spending this much money!

What not buy your own micronizing mill and grind up rock phosphate? Or better yet, use simple super phosphate, which is an acidified calcium phosphate, or calcium phosphate (soft rock phosphate) if you have acid soils.

Manganese sulfate needs to be put on in corrective amounts, not just enough so you see results. That makes someone else very rich....

When the US turns this biz all legal, prices are going to fall. The ones that stay ahead of the curve and have realistic costs are the ones that will survive. And I guarantee you those survivors will not be purchasing woowoo or foofoo products.. (technical terms), they will be purchasing materia prima which are the basic nutrient inputs, k-mag, manganese sulfates, MKP (mono ammonium phosphate), etc...

I enjoy listening to Kempf, but it would seem he realized it is hard to make a living in consulting, it is easier to be a fertilizer salesman who would like to keep everyone hooked on their line.

Read the labels folks....
That's the problem though slownickel , there's more in the woo woo than what's on the label. If you've ever opened up any you'll see it's obvious.


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ICMag Donor

I have been farming for more than 30 years. There is nothing new in a bottle of this woojoo juice from AEA. That Kempf realized how really important Mn is, fantastic. Knowing how important Ca and P is, fantastic. However, I can use my 68% amino acids with high glutamic acid in my organic farm and solubalize calcium before it can react with bicarbonates, we have 400 ppm cytokinin from ascophylum, panela (crude brown sugar), sugar cane juice, cactus saponins, etc. that I use to farm my little place.

I out produce any other farmer in the world in limes and avocado, not only with yields but quality. I am sure there is a bunch of amino acids in their stuff, micronized elements (I met Brunneti a couple of times at the Pavich Ranch in California, who was Kempfs partner at AEA until he died), Vitamins, phytamins from ferments, etc... but ther is nothing that you or I can't do without paying some ridiculous price per gallon for something where one of the biggest ingredients is water.

I remember in Costa Rica, there was a very big company selling soluble fertilizers. The manager who was an old friend of mine, showed me his operation. Full of pallets of dry fertilizer and a mixing tank to finally put into a tanker to send to the farms, which paid a dear premium for "soluble" fertilizer. What a crock of horse dooey.

I have been farming for more than 30 years. There is nothing new in a bottle of this woojoo juice from AEA. That Kempf realized how really important Mn is, fantastic. Knowing how important Ca and P is, fantastic. However, I can use my 68% amino acids with high glutamic acid in my organic farm and solubalize calcium before it can react with bicarbonates, we have 400 ppm cytokinin from ascophylum, panela (crude brown sugar), sugar cane juice, cactus saponins, etc. that I use to farm my little place.

Nice finca 👌🏾 grow any Columbian high altitude stuff? I had a friend down there doing big things at 4000meters and his biggest task was find plants that could take the amazing soil and intense sun. Where you are is a magic place for sure. However I think you are going too deep in to what I am saying...I mean that literally there's more in the bottle than what's on the label...much of John Kempfs insight and innovation comes from Jerry brunetti so you're spot on regarding all the ingredients in the fertilizer. You're also correct in that they all theoretically could be made at home but then you're talking about getting everything in a reduced state versus oxidized then keeping it there even once atomized in to a Fog.. Some people may not have access to the Chelating agents to make that happen...

I out produce any other farmer in the world in limes and avocado, not only with yields but quality. I am sure there is a bunch of amino acids in their stuff, micronized elements (I met Brunneti a couple of times at the Pavich Ranch in California, who was Kempfs partner at AEA until he died), Vitamins, phytamins from ferments, etc... but ther is nothing that you or I can't do without paying some ridiculous price per gallon for something where one of the biggest ingredients is water.

again I hear what you're saying , but many do not have the background in chemistry to blend something like this up and get it to be shelf stable. Even Aea has problems with the stability of the products however the price per acre is very low

I remember in Costa Rica, there was a very big company selling soluble fertilizers. The manager who was an old friend of mine, showed me his operation. Full of pallets of dry fertilizer and a mixing tank to finally put into a tanker to send to the farms, which paid a dear premium for "soluble" fertilizer. What a crock of horse dooey.

As always caveat emptor , and with that in mind it worked good for me. I don't have a dog in the race for any one else to try it or not try it... At $15 a gallon it's hardly going to break the bank


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ICMag Donor
At $15 per gallon, spraying 7 gallons in 100 gal (370 liters) mix, that is pretty ritzy. I spray Albion, half a liter per ha in 1000 liters of water. That half a liter of three different amazing chelates (one of the only that had results by the USDA trials) at $20/liter, means I have $30 in materials. I spray 660 avocado or lime trees that are two years old and get amazing response. I would have to spray 20 gallons of Kempf woojoo at $300!!!! I like bang for the buck.

The issue is the size of the molecule and its efficiency, go watch Todd Edwards on Youtube for Albion talk about the various sizes of chelated molecules and the reason to use aminoacids, not molasses.

Why do you think Kempf has to get such high concentrations so that you see results? What does that tell you?


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It depends on the weather lately. Most of the time humidity is 10% here so I have to water to keep transpiration up. I would say I average about 8% of the pot volume every other day
At $15 per gallon, spraying 7 gallons in 100 gal (370 liters) mix, that is pretty ritzy.
I agree but my fruit also sells for a better price than yours I spray Albion, half a liter per ha in 1000 liters of water.its good stuff. I use some things from them as well That half a liter of three different amazing chelatesi thought they just used glycine? (one of the only that had results by the USDA trials) at $20/liter, means I have $30 in materialsexcellent economics of scale. I spray 660 avocado or lime trees that are two years old and get amazing response. Again more kudos. This is my last year growing outdoor canna after this go around the sun I'm changing to apples and cherryI would have to spray 20 gallons of Kempf woojoo at $300!!!! I like bang for the bucki do too I just see the bang from this bottle too.

The issue is the size of the molecule and its efficiency, go watch Todd Edwards on Youtube for Albion talk about the various sizes of chelated molecules and the reason to use aminoacids, not molasses.i do hear you on that and I think there's more going on than molasses , I know agridynamics fusion is a powerful chelator and at one point AEA was doing the blending for agridynamics so John would know how to make fusion and he does talk about a colloidal chelate similar to what's described in Fusions old sell sheet

Why do you think Kempf has to get such high concentrations so that you see results? When you do 7% concentration it gets you 6oz kelp 3oz sea shield 1.5oz rebound manganese What does that tell you?theres a few different things in the bottle and to get an effective concentration of them you need to use a lot because it's a 3x rate of the standard application of the products it's built from

I really admire what you're doing on your farm the cut photo of avocado shows amazing fruit quality which I'm sure goes to boost shelf life, shipping, and nutritional value. Next time I get some organic avocados or limes from Peru I'll wonder if you'll have grown them.

Your friend in science


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The MSDS says fish (that is sea shield which includes crustacean meal), water, leonardite, Magnesium Chloride (which means sea crop), molasses (which means rejuvenate), yucca, seaweed, Mg, Zn and Co sulfate)

In the newest newsletter they also say B...so it has B, Ca and Si all combined which does make a difference imo

You don't have to use that much. But when you do you get enough hormonal and enzyme support the plant can grow faster and stay healthy. To me it is worth it right now. when we go legal :dunno:


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ICMag Donor
If you see them, they will say "River Bottom" on them. Each and every one has a label.

My average weight is over 300 grams... I had quite a few that got to 450 grams.

86% Ca now. Was 25,000 ppm Ca M3, 2200 ppm Ca [email protected] Each tree got 4 kgs of gypsum in the hole with one sack of my own compost and 4 kgs of my own worm castings, with a kilo or so of calcium phosphate, mixed with 3 kgs of biochar. All mixed thoroughly into the soil taken from a hole that is 80cm x 80cm x 80 cms.

A single micro sprinkler per tree, 40 ltrs/hour. planted at 6 mts x 3 mts. 18,000 of em. We are averaging 32% oil. 6 MT/acre month 33 from planting.


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ICMag Donor

What has me wondering, is where do these enzymes come from? Any idea? No one says anything at all. They have me biting a woowoo stick wondering what some of these products might do with problems like algae build up in my reservoir (50,000 cubic meters of water) or in my sprinkler heads.
If you see them, they will say "River Bottom" on them. Each and every one has a label.
I'm aware that they all carry a label and now I know to look for yours
My average weight is over 300 grams... I had quite a few that got to 450 grams.

86% Ca now. Was 25,000 ppm Ca M3, 2200 ppm Ca [email protected] Each tree got 4 kgs of gypsum in the hole with one sack of my own compost and 4 kgs of my own worm castings, with a kilo or so of calcium phosphate, mixed with 3 kgs of biochar. All mixed thoroughly into the soil taken from a hole that is 80cm x 80cm x 80 cms.

A single micro sprinkler per tree, 40 ltrs/hour. planted at 6 mts x 3 mts. 18,000 of em. We are averaging 32% oil. 6 MT/acre month 33 from planting.

That is an amazing undertaking.
my friend all those years ago was right I needed to quit earlier and get in to growing fruits and vegetables. 300 hectares under production would be real nice 😂 No waiting for silly laws for avocados and limes either ... They already got them


Well-known member
Not everyone is high in K.

I called AEA today. They got my damaged package back July 13th, just forgot to resend my woo woo juice. What Im wondering is it the structured water or pepzyme that makes it go boom?

I doubt I'll be micronizing nutes anytime soon. However I'll just wait for my packages while I trim.

On a side note I put together a nute schedule for a buddy and he had MOAB lmao. The price point on MOAB vs monopotassium phophate was 6 times higher for the fancy MOAB plastic container. But then again his nute bill was my year total budget. Just not nearly on that level I guess


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What has me wondering, is where do these enzymes come from? Any idea? No one says anything at all. They have me biting a woowoo stick wondering what some of these products might do with problems like algae build up in my reservoir (50,000 cubic meters of water) or in my sprinkler heads.

The products provide the ultra trace and trace minerals needed to build enzymes. For example iodine or selenium from the kelp and a shit load of them from sea water.

Exactly how tainio makes pepzyme I have no clue. I can't say I never use it but I have cut way back cause I don't see big changes with it

I don't use sprinkler heads so I can't answer that with certainty. I do know that emitter tubing does not develop a problem because all of the non soluble stuff is micronized. I would not put them in your reservoir, I would use injectors of some kind

edit...and watch out now biochar is pretty close to woowoo


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And Slow do your avocados get used to make oil? I love that stuff. I use it instead of olive oil anymore. Tastes better on a salad imo and is much easier to cook with


Well-known member
Aren't avocados high in B? Had some guacamole tonight with dinner...keeping those farmers in business.

Avocados are to cannabis as apples are to oranges

Also I put pepzyme in my res with the accelerate, didn't empty it and topped it off. Grew some algae and some other shit so I emptied it and let it dry for a day. No biggy