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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Active member
So many people "guess" at what a deficiency in cannabis looks like. I'm tired of it. When u do an image search, its the same pics from the 90s from the Marijuana Garden Saver book. I'm gonna do a hydro grow this winter where I purposely leave out each element and take pics. Maybe I'll even publish one of those "how-to-grow" books, since everyone is an expert these days anyway. Who needs credentials?


This is why that plant sap analysis seminar was so informative. It is like taking a blood sample, as appose to a stool or skin sample. (soil and tissue vs sap) The information they are laying out is second to none, however they don't have much info on cannabis yet that I know of.

This is another reason AEA has great products. In the past if a soil sample was low on the elements I listed above, my fix would be to add kelp. Kelp is great here, but adds an abundance of elements, and not just the one I am looking for. The rebound products from AEA have really allowed me to diagnose the problem, and treat it with precision.

That is why I still shop with them. Their products are better than any other company I have ever used. My personal teas compete, but no other dry or liquid fert.

Ca deficient. Looks like leaf crinkle on the newest growth.


Well...this thread is kind of crazy. But I'm tuned in. Dropped a lot of good info FF.

You've been around a long time and seem more than capable to dial in mixes. Why did you hire lead?


Active member
Thanks foothill.

That is what I am noticing. It seams.to have cleared up as the soil got going.

They were 20 gals that I ran for 2 years but let them go dormant about 6 months ago.

Some fresh castings, a good comfrey/horsetail/kelp top dress straw mulch and cover crops has helped. Oh and a little TM 7

I was at the seminar that John Kempf was at that a lot of people reference here. The thing I took away from it was that these products are tools in the tool box to remedy problems that arise, with the end goal having a soil that can sustain a plant on its own. Not to be bottle feed for life.


Did you just quote yourself? Also, yea I know Milky was Agnostic. It really showed. Secondly, Milky was still a drunk whether he met you at the bar or not. It was obvious.

Yea, super happy. I was so happy to come in here and share my experiences only to get told "my microbes are dead" from an asshole sell out drunk. This has been happening for years with Milky, I tried again to be civil and he just kept twisting the knife. Yea, super happy.

Super happy when he told LeadSled lies about me in order to get him to stop consulting for me. He made up lies about BYF and me or some lame high school girl bull shit. And the lemming lined up behind him for some reason.

Some day you guys will see through the evil in the industry. I have been here for 20 years, sharing along the way and trying to make this plant available to anybody and everybody that wants to grow. People like Milky are in it for themselves, and will destroy others along the way.

BTW, I told Milky what a Zinc deficiency looks like from my plant sap seminar. Sent him the pdf on all that. That fool is a joke.

You are wrong and paranoid thinking I would go out of my way to talk about you.

I do not work with Milky joe so you do not need to assume his posts you see as an attack is related to me.

So stop assuming I would make negative statements.
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Yea, super happy. I was so happy to come in here and share my experiences only to get told "my microbes are dead" from an asshole sell out drunk. This has been happening for years with Milky, I tried again to be civil and he just kept twisting the knife. Yea, super happy.

You very well might have shut down some key microbes. If you dump any soluble nutrient at hydro rates you're bypassing the plant microbe system to deliver solubles right to the plant. General Hydroponics or AEA, its the same process. You can't prove that you didn't let that happen with a CO2 test. This is due to the fact that many microorganisms in the soil can generate CO2 and they aren't necessarily the ones that are exchanging needed nutrients with your plants. Dump some rejuvenate in soil without a plant in it and you'll see.

Super happy when he told LeadSled lies about me in order to get him to stop consulting for me. He made up lies about BYF and me or some lame high school girl bull shit. And the lemming lined up behind him for some reason.

Milky and Lead didn't even get along. There is proof of this on the forums. So, Lead must have stopped working with you for some other reason. Furthermore, Milky and BYF are friends. Maybe not after his career switch, but I knew they were.

Some day you guys will see through the evil in the industry. I have been here for 20 years, sharing along the way and trying to make this plant available to anybody and everybody that wants to grow. People like Milky are in it for themselves, and will destroy others along the way.

Milky is in it for the money. I mean the guy still pumped out blue dream as most of his crop. I'm still going to stay friends with him, maybe just not share any of my genetics anymore.

BTW, I told Milky what a Zinc deficiency looks like from my plant sap seminar. Sent him the pdf on all that. That fool is a joke.

I find that hard to believe.

I ordered and paid for 20k worth of fresh base mix, peat, compost, lava/perlite/rice hulls. Leads job was to help me dial in the soil. We took the base mix, and sent it into Logan. Received the tests, and amended accordingly. Back to Logan, then amend, retest. Once we had done this 3 times, Lead wasn't understanding why the Ca levels were not raising. He didn't understand to the point where he would have me retest the same samples at logan, and the same results came back.

Well, I re-tested and amended my soil 6 times before Lead was frustrated, and couldn't figure out my Ca levels. He then told me, he added too much Ca and wanted me to spend another 20k and cut the soil we had been making.......... Then out of no where, supposedly Milky and BYF told lead to stop consulting for me, which he did. No evidence of anything, just his boys telling him not to.

Sounds like no evidence of anything.

So, 20k in soil and 6 soil tests later, and Lead can't even figure out the Ca levels in my soil........I quickly remedied this, which I had already figured out while Lead was still helping. I was sending in two sets of soil, Leads recs and what I thought was right........Kind of sad.

My point here, is the professionals in this industry are pathetic. I was on the boards one day when somebody was posting how LeadSled was robbing him of around 500k because his consulting left his grow in ruins. My dumb ass since I had been to a conference with lead, and thought we were cool, told him about this guy. Turns out dude had been plastering that all over the different sights.

That Lead wasted 500K of someone else's money is a pretty stupendous claim. 1.) He knows how to balance soil (his math is right as far as I've seen in his posts and balancing soil based on some established guidelines isn't terribly hard to do). 2.) People with 500K startup costs rarely post on the boards. It would be a thread gathering a good amount of attention. Is there a link for proof? 3.) You're the first person I've seen complain about Lead on here, which also makes your claims suspect.

There is just no accountability in this trade. People can spread lies, not follow through on their promises, and the same people would steal your harvest from you in the middle of the night with snips. Same people, different evolution of the cannabis game.

In the future, I am making huge strides into the legal market. I have set up networks which will survive the new laws coming up. Lawyers are on retainer, new facilities are being drawn up, and capital is being lobbied for. When this industry levels out, people like Milky will be working for others. I plan to establish a farm which will employ a large number of people year round and comply with local, state and federal laws.

I wish you luck in your endeavors. What I would advise in the future is to not try and bolster your arguments with personal attacks. It makes you less credible and therefore less attractive to potential partners.

So who is with me? Lets stop the dick swinging and start helping each other. Lets make it a common goal from here on out to make strides into the legal market. Lets keep the legal market out of the hand of Monsanto with the knowledge and hard work we bring to the cannabis trade. The power is always with the people, the people just have to unite.

Many of your posts are riddled with personal attacks. This distracts from the fact that you still have a lot to learn about growing. What you refer to as "sharing" is in actuality bait for advice. Doing that is fine; sometimes I post pics because I'm interested to see what people think, but don't claim to not need any help.

Sorry for this thread getting so derailed people. I couldn't not respond.


Active member
You are wrong and paranoid thinking I would go out of my way to talk about you.

I do not work with Milky joe so you do not need to assume his posts you see as an attack is related to me.

So stop assuming I would make negative statements.

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Active member
These were taken almost three weeks ago now. Even healthier today. Pretty sure I am the only one with plant pictures in this thread. Some people in here would rather cut me down, than post up some pics. Lets see how the AEA is working for everybody.


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Active member
Well...this thread is kind of crazy. But I'm tuned in. Dropped a lot of good info FF.

You've been around a long time and seem more than capable to dial in mixes. Why did you hire lead?

Thanks for the kinds words. Yes, this thread is crazy, and seems like in the middle of a revolution or at least evolution.

I am always trying to learn. There is more than one way to approach soil analysis. I sent the same soil, paste and tissue samples to Bill McKibben, Taino, and I also crunched the numbers. My recs came out closer to Mckibben, but Taino was in a whole different world.

So, the question is why? They both have years and years experience over me, and many IQ points. If you can answer why they two rec varied, and have a good rec of your own going in, then you are heads and shoulders above so many other farmers. I will get there, even if I get hated on all the way. I have more determination and can take more abuse than a rented mule.

I live by many rules, but one important daily reminder is my main competition is looking back at me in the mirror. Overcome my own personal demons, and the sky is the limit.:tiphat:
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Active member
This is retarded. MJ was never anything more than a cartoon character on the internet. He said he wanted to clear up 3 things. He has been friends with byf since the first time they talked. One of the few people that he actually listened to. Second, he honestly has respect for led even though he was a dick more than once...said he was kinda jealous until he realized you could end up with a bullfrog for a client...no clue what that means

And most important he said he ain't no fuckin wishy washy agnostic. He is atheist

Last I got to say about that

Anyways...anyone use accelerate for cloning?

Dab Strudel

Active member
Many of your posts are riddled with personal attacks. This distracts from the fact that you still have a lot to learn about growing. What you refer to as "sharing" is in actuality bait for advice. Doing that is fine; sometimes I post pics because I'm interested to see what people think, but don't claim to not need any help./QUOTE]

I pointed this out to him in a message back when he first started in this thread. he proceeded to bait me into a fight and sent me a bunch of messages that never got read. for someone who cares as much as he says he does, hes a huge cock about anything and everything. Im not even down for this AEA stuff anymore Ive been outie, I just came to read what folks have been up to and its Foothill Flounder still trying to gather the pitchforks and torches... Im surprised the mod has let him go on for this long.... 500k LMAO, ya hes going to be all over the interwebs saying all that shit... bon voyage.


wow this got out of hand quickly LOL

...and yes Jidoka is milkyjoe for anyone wondering... all this stuff about monsanto is a joke and belongs in a different thread imo, lets keep this to application rates, product performance, ect..

Johnny Redthumb


There I posted a pic of one of my greenhouses, too!


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Active member
Johny...is that the clay mix? I just measured 2500 ppm k in top leaf and 1900 in lower. You will need k after bud set. I can bring the meter by if you want

Johnny Redthumb

Johny...is that the clay mix? I just measured 2500 ppm k in top leaf and 1900 in lower. You will need k after bud set. I can bring the meter by if you want

That would be cool. I did put 10lbs per yd of bothe kelp and alfalfa meal in there, and finished it off with 1/2lb per yd or K2SO4. But I know it goes quick.


Active member
Not yet hard. But after bud set during fill.

I agree slow. Should have been a hair more in the original mix...my bad.

But come Sept the buds need it to fill.

Still nice tight bud spacing and k not getting in the way of ca uptake. It can work but not perfect. It is not overdrive growth