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Ace Zamaldelica


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
The machine you use could a person put the buds inside a jar so they wouldn't be crushed. With the jar inside the bag, no lid? I have qt. and 1/2gal. jars. Do you also keep in dark to stop any and all chlorophyll activity? I guess I do when hanging and curing as much as possible. I would think in the cob process being buried takes care of light and oxygen. what you are doing is very interesting and creative. Peace


Well-known member
Hi Farmerlion I am only doing what has been done in Africa for hundreds of years. The machine I use has special plastic bags so if you put a jar in it to protect the buds it would just shrink the bag to fit the jar no problem. You just need a bag big enough to house the jar.
Yes I always store them in a cool dry dark place for the reasons you mention.
The longest I have had a cob stored for is 12 years when I opened it, it was rock hard and crumbled into gravel size rocks that burnt easily in a joint or pipe. It was also still strong.
But of course it tasted old but still fine refined and smooth.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Hi Mac so good man I decarbed very carefully some of the Zam above 2 grams in 25g coco butter I just had about 1/50th of the butter 2 hrs ago its like coke its crazy amazing powerful speedy euforic (bad spelling sorry) I love this stuff, tommorw shit I've forgotten how to spell even badly ha ha. Tomorrow I take a tripping dose I cant wait woohoo I feel 16 again Love you all especialy Dubi and co.


I have to try this! (I'm not getting younger fast enough)


Well-known member
LOL Claude thats funny man, I am still going up from some bud I chewed about 4 hrs ago I cant stand this any more. I will have to give it a break over the weekend something lovely and warm like GT yes thats the medicine for the mind after Zamaldelica has fucked with it ha ha
Peace and goodwill to all men, sometimes you get what you neeed, Oh yeah.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Well Hell, (White Flies)
Between the 4th of July holiday and my 30th reunion. I had family here for both and little time to do anything but water. I noticed I had a problem but it didn't look like any harm was being done to the plants. I thought I would be able to rectify the issue when the guests all left. I was wrong! The speed and extent of the infestation was incredible. Every stem was covered in flies and larva. This grow is almost a complete loss. The bright side is all the plants were breed and the seeds did have time to develop. I will continue to water for another week so seeds can have the best opportunity to mature. 5 weeks at this point. My friends will lose out on what could have been a great harvest. I will harvest next week and hang as usual for drying. I won't leave the seeds in buds for a cure anymore. Maybe the flies will leave the flowers during drying? It would be nice to salvage some of the buds for friends. If it was for Medical purposes it would be destroyed for sure. All in all I will have plenty of good seed for next season and I will get more Zamaldelica and Panama that will not be breed at all. I will make sure there are no plants from outside brought inside. Pest problem avoided. Peace


Well-known member
Shit man thats a bummer, its one of the problems growing outside, mother nature can be cruel. I still remember the taste of scale, when smoking buds to good to throw away.
Better luck next grow.


far beyond driven...
Hey farmer,
sry to hear but you can use NEEM to get rid aof the flys!
Neem is nature product and works on all plants also good for vegetables!
If you spray it today you can eat the fruits tomorrow...

Neem, Niem tree
Azadirachta indica, Syn.: Melia azadirachta L., Antelaea azadirachta
Last edited:


New member
Sorry to hear that farmerlion. Like MadMac suggested use neem oil or karanja oil.

This is what I "used to" do (not growing ATM) for one quart of water:

1/2tsp of potassium silicate and mix with 3/4tsp of neem oil and shake them to emulsify the oil. Since oil cannot mix with water that is why this step its crucial.

Mix this with one quart of "warm" water (80°f to 90°f).

Now you will need a surfactant. You can use aloe vera juice @ 1.25 tbsp per quart. Or you can use a soap solution but make sure it its not anti-bacterial LOL. Dr. Bronners soap is good.


Spray the plants either @sunset or when indoor lights are out since the neem oil properties ware out from heat and light and to also not cause any burn. The plants will thank you for it.

Also do this only while in veg. Go as far as MAYBE 2 weeks into flower doing this. Apply every 3 to 7 days depending on infestation but every 7 days as a preventative.


credit goes to some old coot...


Well-known member
Zamaldelica oh yeah!

Zamaldelica oh yeah!

Hi guys for those people giving cobs a go
This is the Zamaldelica I cobbed up a couple of weeks ago in this diary.
It is so trippy its mind altering. Nice one Ace.
Check out the trichs on the cob cured (2 golden close ups) and the trichs on the same buds vac sealed in the same bag as the cobs for the same amount of time.
This is easily the best cob I have made in 30 years.
regards Tangwena


tang nice. obviously the cob method you have changes things a lot brother. I will give this a try when the time comes


Well-known member
Zamaldelica cob after 2 weeks

Zamaldelica cob after 2 weeks

Hi Guys here is a pic of the Zam cob after 2 weeks next to the buds that were sealed in the bag with it. The cob feels twice as strong as the buds, maybe because its compacted but the high is way more trippy. I have been testing the cob for 3 days eating tiny pieces of the raw cob.
Pieces about the size of 3 orange pips, I got so disconnected from reality after 3 days I had to take a day off, and it was not pleasant being straight.
I needed some GT today and let me tell you its hit me way harder than normal.
This cob is right up there with the best I have had 5 stars, visual and audio fluxing a sense of invunerability that wears you out physicaly and mentaly.
It reminds why I am so careful with acid these days.



far beyond driven...
wow these cop and the other piece looking so delicious... you can see the potent of the weed...
The name say it all Zamalaldelica... need to wait until christmas... :-( but in the meantime i have Malawi & GT to enjoy and because of your cob method i can enjoy my Malawi & GT very soon hehe!
These Cob method is so awesome Tang! Many many thx that you shared the experience with us and advice us how it works :)
For Winter time when no fresh maize is available i thing i try to freeze some fresh maize husks in my vacuum bags... should work fine because of vacuum :)
Have a nice trip tang!


Well-known member
Hi Mac yes its really awesome, you will like the Gt I am sure its my favorite bud at the moment, I just have to grow some more real soon as I dont have much left.
The maize husks frozen is a good idea. I will not have to though, as in Australia we have many different climates and maize grows most of the year.
Your big thai pheno Gt with the airy buds will make really good cobs it will compact the buds and they will stick together nicely, I am sure you will be amazed how they turn out.
i am off on a fishing safari for 4 weeks at the end of this week. So i will be able to appreciate the new cob while I drift around on the ocean. The North of Australia is really remote and wild, a good place to be off your head ha ha.
Regards Tangwena


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thank you guys,
Out of 42 plants I have 6 left. Only 2 of the 6 are strong. The balance I culled and hung up to dry enough to pull seeds out of buds. All of this crop will get destroyed in the burn barrel. I am looking forward to cleansing the grow room for next season. I only blame myself for moving plants inside without checking them over thoroughly. I will have Zamaldelica and Golden Tiger in the grow next year. I will keep following along and enjoying this thread. Thank you all again. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey guys, not much going on on this forum recently. I will chime in here. The six plants that survived produced the best seeds yet. Dark, mottled and big. I did an open pollination with the Zamaldelica male and my Boogie chillen male. I can only tell what's what as they start to grow. Mine are pretty stable Indica dominant hybrids. The Zamali should be pretty easy to pick out. I plan on only doing 15 plants this next year. Regular seeds I may end up with 8 or 9 females. If I do any breeding this next grow it will only be a back cross of one of the P1's. My 9' ceilings are not conducive to pure sativa's. I will have to do hybrids until I have a better facility for sativa's. I wish you all the best until later. PEACE


Well-known member
Hi Mate I just popped a fem Panama, fem panama x malawi killer, and a GT from 2013 and one from 2015. I only have about a meter of head room in a 1200 x 1200 box to grow them in!
It will be interesting to see what happens, but I managed a Ace Malawi in there ok so I am hopefull with a bit of topping, lst and pruning all will be ok and fill the box up nicely.
I have never had any Panama before so really looking forward to tasting it.
So far they are looking strong and very energetic ha ha.




Well-known member
Hi flboy yes they sound tasty don,t they Dubi sent them to me as a freebie best ask him if he has any left. I cant wait to try them its a pity I have such little room but I will give them a go with some others in a bush grow next winter in the north of Australia. The winter temps are perfect 15c at night and 25 to 28 in the day plus the chance of rain and feral goats unfortunatly ha ha. I lost my last bush crop to goats.


tangwena i will be getting a hold of dubi to see if this is a new release down the road or if it is just a tester as i will put them girls out as well next time. tang i am willing to bet you can make the best of the space you have to work with my friend. goats are tasty to when they get in the way haha

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