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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:best get moving here,need to water in veg and the 2x4 tent before i head to work...and check the drying plants to see if it's time to get them in the bins...with the recent humidity hopefully slowing that down a bit as i still have a whack of trimming to deal with...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
🕰️ time to get ready for work...plants dealt with,hanging buds still moist so probably tote them tonight after work...and try and get the next bin of plants pre-trimmed and ready for the weekend,i.e. my days off...

air is drying out some,back to almost 100 today so not quite as sweaty and gross...just hot...


Well-known member
Not as hot today but it's a bit soupy out.. I guess it could be about 5% worse...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:another shop sunday done,not too bad...garden dealt with,got some trimming done,hanging plants into totes...pumped for some days off stuck trimming!

humidity it down to levels humans and lizard people can tolerate

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I have so many bruises on my arms shoulders and chest from moving trusses around it looks like I got the shit kicked out of me.

Almost done framing this house and I can go back to easy work. Not this heavy lifting stuff.

Today I had a board with nails in it fall on my hand. Good thing there are bones in your hand to stop nails from going to deep.

Growing is easier but then I just get lazy and fatter.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I always felt that way about labor (still do just not quite as much because it’s harder to accomplish ) keeps you in shape
And one of the reasons I still work hard. I know many people my age who stopped doing hard work and cant do even lite work.

I know some of you wish you could do what I do. You have said so. And that is a big reason I still work hard. Plus there is satisfaction in knowing what I can do. And then having guys half my age call me a beast because of what I can do. Its a nice boost to the ego.