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A Guide to Fishsticks


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
FYI, these Secret Jardin fans are junk. I had 3 of them in my tent. 2 of them no longer work. The last one is making a bad noise. Stay away from these fans. I can't find anyone that makes a quality clip on fan.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This Zurple will come down soon. #20 Yielded the best so far. She got a bit hot that caused some slight foxtails. This is a decent cross by inhouse. There seeds are not cheap and that will keep many away ..


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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: it's almost nice out...so close...5 degrees cooler and it would be prime...

nice to not come home soaked in sweat...that gets old real quick...

can't wait until i can shut the swampy down for the summer,may even get fancy this winter and get the furnace fixed!:)

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
The latest on dan.

small cell lubg cancer in my lung .liver lower abdomen etc ....
Radiation first to shrink as much as they can and then chemo


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
We will never know when its our time. If Cancer doesn't get us the medical bills will. Any serious health issue cost a shit load of money even with medicare. This is why we either die because its to expensive or go bankrupt trying to pay for it.. When I was young this wasn't something I ever thought about, I'm sure most of us didn't. I hope DB isn't in a lot of pain and his fight doesn't take long before beating this.


Damn, not really what one wants to hear. Small Cell is what my FIL had....been two years since diagnosed and they think he is all clear now....still no appetite or energy and will not do oil. Radiation and Chemo. They did a mild one time radiation on the brain as a preventative as it was explained that is usually the 1st place it speads to.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I can only imagine how dan is feeling right now with this news... He is the first person to ever throw me a bone in the cannabis world.

Been thinking a lot about him the last few days. VP’s household is really pulling for him! My wife doesn’t even hang out here, but knows of dan and his generosity and kindness. He is also one of the ppl who inspired me to go all in and quit my 40 hr a week job. Which turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I have never even met him and i most certainly give him credit for a lot that is going right in my life now.

I hope like hell he beats this quickly and gets back on his feet. :tiphat:

Bud Green

I dig dirt
We're really upset here at the Green house, hearing about dan's plight....

Hang tough Brother Dan....
You have a hell of a lot people who care about you, are thinking about you, and are hoping for you to beat the shit outta this crap that's getting you down right now...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
you guys are all making me cry ! And im not an emotional guy �� i will be home in a day or 2 and ill get caught up with everyone here . yeah this shit came outa nowhere and really fucked me up good . lung collapsed. Half filled with fluids the other half packed with cancer thats spread into my other organs and abdomen . dunno what i ever did to deserve this at only 55 years old ....but i aint ready to hive up yet !!! Joes been fanfuckintastic at getting me the RSO and dosing charts and stuff . thank you again a million times brutha !!!!! I only hope i can rrpay the favor someday somehow !!!! Talk at yall more in the next few days