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A Guide to Fishsticks

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
hey DB you've touched so many people( myself included) with your incredible generosity & I hope the good karma comes back to you a million times over & U pull through this


A good team of doctors, help and support from your friends and a positive attitude sounds like great plan. Good vibes to you and your family my friend!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

guess i need to learn how to make rso...i'm sure i could get the people at the trim job to donate material to fill out what i can produce on my own...between all of us we should be able to keep dan supplied...

think i'm gonna go do laundry today and grab the stuff i couldn't fit in my pack yesterday...off day from the garden except for maybe getting some cuts into 20oz cups,looks like all the NEM cuts rooted and i have some spare 2.0 cuts i can swap for some new stuff....black garlic....cherrygasm.....mac....peanut butter breath...there's a bunch of stuff around,mainly from seed i think,some are cuts of whatever origin...i should probably sort through what i have in house before i get too many new cuts in...great for the stash to have 25 different cuts but it makes for bulky lbs combining 10 different strains...

plus the cuts would be coming from gardens i haven't ever seen so no telling what critters may come along with them...

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Dansbuds we are thinking of you. You can beat this!

Everyone hoist one for Dan's!

And please anyone let me know if I can help in anyway. I'm not too far away.

I must Google rso as well, don't know what it is other than the name.


YouTube “making cannabis oil with Rick Simpson” by Steven Ronan. 24 minute video the explains the process.

Also, if on FB there is a user group “extracacraft users group” that has lots and lots of info as many of the users make FECO and share methods, etc


Well-known member
Dan you know how much you mean to me.... Me and Smoking Joe are working some things out and getting organised... And prepared for the long road ahead... Here for ya babe.... Keep you chin up and do what you have to do.... I know you have strength .... Just know that a bunch of love is headed your way... Leave the details to us... Going to be weird growing without you... But you have to keep focused on you now babe as hard as that will be for you.... Were here for you.... You got me back in Uncs house so Smile already.... You got this... and we all of us are here for you.... Don't forget how awesome you are...


Well-known member
I can only imagine how dan is feeling right now with this news... He is the first person to ever throw me a bone in the cannabis world.

Been thinking a lot about him the last few days. VP’s household is really pulling for him! My wife doesn’t even hang out here, but knows of dan and his generosity and kindness. He is also one of the ppl who inspired me to go all in and quit my 40 hr a week job. Which turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I have never even met him and i most certainly give him credit for a lot that is going right in my life now.

I hope like hell he beats this quickly and gets back on his feet. :tiphat:

VP.... I hear ya... Dan has moved mountains In my life... And that's the truth... Gave me the courage to leave my job too.... And so much more.... Truly a selfless person... I know he is going to beat this...

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Anyway we can get a fund for Dan ...Im sure we could help a lil with the med bills.

I am sure he needs cash right now. With his grow going down before harvest and now not growing. And I am sure his wife has to cut back her hours at work to help Dans.

I would help out if a fund was started.

Dans is not the type of guy to ask for cash.


Well-known member
I am sure he needs cash right now. With his grow going down before harvest and now not growing. And I am sure his wife has to cut back her hours at work to help Dans.

I would help out if a fund was started.

Dans is not the type of guy to ask for cash.

That would be wonderful... Thanks Itchy.... Set up a go fund me page.... Or something....


So going to try water only again....making this mix based off of mountain organics recipe, think I got it close...plan is straight tap with just foliar spray once a wek.

Spraghum Peat Moss


Compost (I used Maine Lobster Compost)


Pumice/Lava Rock


Glacial Rock Dust, Biochar, and earthworm castings


Two puposes.....organic and time savings every day not having to add nutes to reservoir check and adjust pH. Been having to work more hours so any time saved is a plus.

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