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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I believe that the person closest to Dans should/would make the 'Go Fund Me' page, the monies will be gotten by this person & then turned over to Dans.

Trustworthiness is required here as the money handler.

The GFM account has to be linked to a bank account, so whoever sets it up (Dans closest here) will need to give bank info just to set it up, then when funds are starting to build the bank account could be changed directly over to Dans.

OR Dans can set it up himself, but it really might be better to have someone else do it then turn it over to his account as mentioned above.

I believe there must be some transparency of real names being used by Dans as the recipient, that could be a small issue or a big one. Same with whoever sets it up, real name being used and linking to a bank account, of course those facts would be hidden from the public.

To end most discomfort to begin with it might be a good idea to get Dans permission to use HIS bank account & real name to set it up; eliminating any middleman having to divulge their particulars.

And finally of course as part of the setup process a nice concise story about Dans, his ailments and bills that he/they need help with.

I believe that none of us like Farcebook, but it's the way funds are raised, one by one people reach out to all of their Farcebook friends with a link to the GFM page, then you hope and pray it trends from there.

Or more simply, that same trusted person can be the 'bank' and receive from us stoners any donations to Dans, this can be achieved quite anonymously by using the 'GreenDot' VISA debit cards available @ Wal-Mart. Money can be transferred from one card to another. But probably a zero chance of this to be 'trending' beyond this circle of friends.

I use the GreenDot cards to avoid putting cash into my bank account, I put it on the GreenDot & I use it for Amazon & eBay (linked to my paypal) purchases, or anything else when I have excess cash on the card.



So going to try water only again....making this mix based off of mountain organics recipe, think I got it close...plan is straight tap with just foliar spray once a wek.

Spraghum Peat Moss

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Compost (I used Maine Lobster Compost)

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Pumice/Lava Rock

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Glacial Rock Dust, Biochar, and earthworm castings

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Two puposes.....organic and time savings every day not having to add nutes to reservoir check and adjust pH. Been having to work more hours so any time saved is a plus.

No gypsum being added in?


Good info Stoner :tiphat:

This ball is ready to be decarbed.....a couple more runs and I will fill some syringes and get them out. Teamwork for the win :smoke out: As info, I have to decarb after making my oil as it is done at ~100 deg F...using a rice cooker to make the oil decarbs the material during the process from the higher temp.


From skunkpharmresearch - decarboxylation

Cannabis produces phyto cannabinoids in a carboxylic acid form that are not orally active at least at the CB-1 receptor sites, because they don't readily pass the blood brain barrier in their polar form.
To enable them to pass the blood brain barrier, they must first be decarboxylated, to remove the COOH carboxyl group of atoms, which exits in the form of H20 and CO2.
Decarboxylation occurs naturally with time and temperature, as a function of drying, but we can shorten the amount of time required considerably, by adding more heat. The more heat, the faster it occurs, within reasonable ranges, and in fact occurs spontaneously when the material is burned or vaporized.
There is another mechanism at play however, which suggests that we need to control the decarboxylation temperatures carefully.
When we heat cannabis to convert the THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD, we are also converting THC to CBN at a faster rate. At about 70% decarboxylation, we actually start converting THC to CBN at a faster rate than we are converting THCA to THC, so as you can see by the following graph, after about 70% decarboxylation, the levels of THC actually start to fall sharply.
That of course means that the CBN also begins to rise and the medication is becoming more sedative.


Well-known member
I doubt seriously Dan would do that... Any of that Stoner4life he has A very hard time asking for for himself.... I believe Dan will beat this cancer and at that point he will need his Anomynity intact... Dan has a lot of shit to do... I for one could very well drive 14 hours an be sitting on His doorstep... So can a lot of others here I'm sure... His family know little to nothing about Dan's world of weed outside the fact that he grows... We need to keep it that way... Out of respect... I personally will stick with Smoking Joe... I know that SmokinJoe will see to it that Dan receives every drop of medicin as well as every penny sent Dan's way from me....And will leave it at that... I mean no disrespect... Just my opinion here...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Another good additive is Bu's blend steer manure. Its a bit pricy but I think it affects the flavor in a good way
So going to try water only again....making this mix based off of mountain organics recipe, think I got it close...plan is straight tap with just foliar spray once a wek.

Spraghum Peat Moss

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Compost (I used Maine Lobster Compost)

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Pumice/Lava Rock

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Glacial Rock Dust, Biochar, and earthworm castings

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Two puposes.....organic and time savings every day not having to add nutes to reservoir check and adjust pH. Been having to work more hours so any time saved is a plus.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
No gypsum being added in?

I use Gypsom in my outdoor gardens only. It softens the adobe soil. My pops is a chemist. He said its the sulfur in gypsum that softens the adobe.
In fact, Im tilling in about 20 lbs of gypsum into my large winter vegetable garden right now

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I say bullshit to that.

You had me for a second. Im kind of slow after a bong hit of OGM..
I had heard several years ago about a side by side test of several types of organic ferts like steer, chicken, bat, seabird etc.

The results were a surprise, Its been awhile, but I think you don't want to use much sea bird or bat, especially any time even slightly near to bud, and especially not while in bloom. The flavor and terps were effected. The steer easily took first place for flavor quality.

My son caught my grandson pissing under one of his plants a couple times, and shooed him away. I cant remember which cut it was, but, it had a twin right next to it that didn't get the piss. The piss plant quickly loaded up with almost twice the trichomes as its identical twin right next to it.

So my son pissed under another plant, and sure as shit, it loaded up with trichomes too. He told me to do the same, which I did to one of the Bucksaw plants 2 days ago. Ill take pictures later. Your not gonna believe it. I wouldn't either, before seeing this.

It must be the pH or ammonia? Fuk if I know.
Ill snap a pic of it later, and you can see what you think

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
The Pee Pee Bucksaw

The Pee Pee Bucksaw

is now Sugar Mountain


Here is Watermelon. Wow the terps on this plant are banging! Id like to have the terpene profile tested

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I’m gonna start bottling up my piss and see if I can get some shops to start pushing it. Maybe they can give out some free samples.


Weed Robot
You had me for a second. Im kind of slow after a bong hit of OGM..
I had heard several years ago about a side by side test of several types of organic ferts like steer, chicken, bat, seabird etc.

The results were a surprise, Its been awhile, but I think you don't want to use much sea bird or bat, especially any time even slightly near to bud, and especially not while in bloom. The flavor and terps were effected. The steer easily took first place for flavor quality.

My son caught my grandson pissing under one of his plants a couple times, and shooed him away. I cant remember which cut it was, but, it had a twin right next to it that didn't get the piss. The piss plant quickly loaded up with almost twice the trichomes as its identical twin right next to it.

So my son pissed under another plant, and sure as shit, it loaded up with trichomes too. He told me to do the same, which I did to one of the Bucksaw plants 2 days ago. Ill take pictures later. Your not gonna believe it. I wouldn't either, before seeing this.

It must be the pH or ammonia? Fuk if I know.
Ill snap a pic of it later, and you can see what you think

Funny you say that i piss in my rez last run after a few beers .i did it whole run and it came out great.:friends:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I doubt seriously Dan would do that... Any of that Stoner4life he has A very hard time asking for for himself.... I believe Dan will beat this cancer and at that point he will need his Anomynity intact... Dan has a lot of shit to do... I for one could very well drive 14 hours an be sitting on His doorstep... So can a lot of others here I'm sure... His family know little to nothing about Dan's world of weed outside the fact that he grows... We need to keep it that way... Out of respect... I personally will stick with Smoking Joe... I know that SmokinJoe will see to it that Dan receives every drop of medicin as well as every penny sent Dan's way from me....And will leave it at that... I mean no disrespect... Just my opinion here...

no disrespect but if you read through my post you'd see that I DID mention that it could/should be done amongst ourselves by somehow sending the $$$ to one person. His closest.

and someone else was the one to mention a GFM account first, not me. again, no disrespect intended, just wanna clarify that.......

Or more simply, that same trusted person can be the 'bank' and receive from us stoners any donations to Dans, this can be achieved quite anonymously by using the 'GreenDot' VISA debit cards available @ Wal-Mart. Money can be transferred from one card to another. But probably a zero chance of this to be 'trending' beyond this circle of friends.

I use the GreenDot cards to avoid putting cash into my bank account, I put it on the GreenDot & I use it for Amazon & eBay (linked to my paypal) purchases, or anything else when I have excess cash on the card.



I have tried a bunch of cloning methods....and am convinced one isn't any better or faster than the other, the key is having healthy moms to start off with. This time, just for curiosity I tried 3/1 parts perlite/promix. Cheap hormone from HD. 10 days later :woohoo:, pretty cheap rooting technique


These were practice gals.....I need all three gals this size in about another month or so to catch some pollen if I get a decent male out of my current seed run.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:dunno: cloning is just one of the mysteries of the universe...there doesn't appear to be any one method that works for every grower...i have had cuttings root in a glass of tap water sitting next to a fancy aeroponic cloner root faster than the machine designed for the purpose...

:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

another day of chores...managed to get a bunch done around the house this week...not a lot of riding but that's how it goes for me,just don't seem to be able to ride and get stuff done...that and sleeping in every morning aint helping!

i'm wondering if the cbd salve is having some effect on my sleep cycle...been using it on old injuries,stuff that's been hurting for years like my knees,and my shoulder which i injured a couple years ago in a wreck...my knees are feeling better,normally it takes a few miles to get them to pop and settle down on rides,maybe not exactly painful,but there was discomfort for sure...that seems to be fading nicely...and much better range of motion in my shoulder without the sharp pain from going too far...

best get moving here...time flies when you get up and start doing bong hits first thing in the morning...:)

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